Water, Air, & Soil Pollution

Supplementary Materials

Mechanisms and factors influencing adsorption of microcystin-LR on biochars

Liang Li1, Yuping Qiu1, *, Jiexun Huang2, Feili Li2, G. Daniel Sheng1

1 State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2 College of Biological Chen et al. 2008

Number of Pages: 12

Number of Figures: 5

Number of Tables: 6


Fig. 1S. Structure of MCLR and MCRR


Fig. 2S. Kinetics of removal of MCLR from water by BC-700 and BC-300 at 298 K

Fig. 3S. Calculation of adsorption thermodynamics of MCLR on BC-700 and BC-300

Fig. 4S. Effect of cosolutes (NaNO3 and Na3PO4) on the adsorption of MCLR to BC-700 at pH 7.9 at 298 K

Fig. 5S. Structure of bis(2-(2-hydroxyethyl)guanidine)sulfate (a) and guanidinium π-group (b)


Table 1S. Selected physicochemical parameters of sediments

Organic carbon
(%) / Cation-exchange capacity (cmolc/kg)
THL / 4.66 / 45.4
BHC / 2.37 / 52.2

Table 2S. The MC-LR recoveries of the SPE methods

Added MC-LR (μg) / Recovered MC-LR (μg) / Recovery (%) / Average Recovery (%)
1 / 0.93 / 93.0 / 95.0
0.97 / 97.0
6 / 5.41 / 90.2 / 89.8
5.37 / 89.5
10 / 9.05 / 90.5 / 90.6

Table 3S. Elemental compositions and atomic ratios of BC-700 and BC-300

C (%) / H (%) / N (%) / O (%) / O/C / (O+N)/C / H/C
BC-700 / 80.4 / 1.21 / 0.78 / 17.61 / 0.164 / 0.173 / 0.179
BC-300 / 70.1 / 3.63 / 0.89 / 25.38 / 0.272 / 0.283 / 0.617

H/C: atomic ratio of hydrogen to carbon

O/C: atomic ratio of oxygen to carbon

(O+N)/C: atomic ratio of sum of nitrogen and oxygen to carbon


Table 4S. BET specific surface area (SBET), pore volume (V), micropore volume (Vmicro), average pore size (D), surface acidity, surface basicity and the points of zero charge (pHPZC) of BC-700 and BC-300

(m2 g-1) / V
(cm3 g-1) / Vmicro
(cm3 g-1) / D
(nm) / Surface acidity
(mmol g-1) / Surface basicity
(mmol g-1) / pHPZC
BC-700 / 392.1 / 0.238 / 0.136 / 2.43 / 0* / 1.27 / 9.7
BC-300 / 4.094 / 0.028 / 0 / 27.7 / 0.23 / 0.46 / 8.5

* The actual measured results are all slightly less than 0, indicating the absence of the surface acidity on BC-700.

Table 5S. Langmuir and Freundlich parameters for adsorption of MCLR on BC-700 and BC-300 at equilibrium pH 7.5 at 283, 298 and 313 K

Adsorbents / Temperature / Langmuir model / Freundlich model
(K) / KL
(l g-1) / qm
(μg g-1) / R2 / KF
[(μg g-1)/(μg l-1)n] / N / R2
BC-700 / 283 K / 0.547±0.100 / 2898±134 / 0.9668 / 1221±176 / 0.232±0.049 / 0.8573
298 K / 0.787±0.123 / 3719±158 / 0.9755 / 1567±143 / 0.263±0.033 / 0.9331
313 K / 0.816±0.090 / 4197±147 / 0.9855 / 1753±184 / 0.278±0.043 / 0.8939
BC-300 / 283 K / 0.006±0.002 / 926±147 / 0.9791 / 17.3±5.6 / 0.653±0.068 / 0.9687
298 K / 0.017±0.004 / 737±79 / 0.9641 / 52.4±11.2 / 0.465±0.047 / 0.9742
313 K / 0.039±0.007 / 686±37 / 0.9783 / 120.4±28.1 / 0.322±0.052 / 0.9486


Table 6S. Langmuir parameters for the adsorption of MCLR on BC-700 influenced by DOMs at equilibrium pH 7.5 at 298 K

DOM / Langmuir model
(l g-1) / qm
(μg g-1) / R2
Control / 0.787±0.123 / 3719±158 / 0.9755
GA / 0.287±0.032 / 3511±140 / 0.9865
FA / 0.287±0.031 / 2864±99 / 0.9878
TA / 0.012±0.009 / 301±60 / 0.9652