IF MAGGIE CAN, ANY DOG CAN : Fireworks, Melatonin, Surprise!
This article was originally written in ~1998by Helix Fairweather
Every year the Rainier Agility Team in Washington state holds a fabulous
3-day agility trial over the Fourth of July weekend. Almost everyone camps
on the grounds. It's a shared ASCA trial accompanied by herding events,
conformation (for Aussies) and obedience trials. I have always wanted to
go to these trials but could never dare risk it – I have a Beardie
(Maggie) who is terrified of loud noises, particularly thunderstorms and
fireworks and fireworks are legal in the state of Washington. Maggie is
also panicked by much of normal life and her typical reaction is to run
off in fear. Fireworks, camping, agility trial, out of town – a
recipe for potential disaster. I've always chosen to stay home that
Linda Aronson, a gracious Beardie owner who is also a veterinarian and
behaviorist, suggested using melatonin for Maggie's noise sensitivity and
kindly sent me a paper she had written for a veterinary medical journal
on a case study she did regarding a fearful, spayed female mixed breed and
how melatonin helped her. (July 1, 1999, Journal of the AVMA) Knowing how
terrified of loud noises Maggie is, I was suspicious – I just couldn't
bear to think of her slipping out through fright and getting killed on
the highway. An agility friend offered to have Maggie, Brady and I stay in
her motel room on the night of the 4th so Maggie would be indoors; we would
turn the TV and the fan on and close out the world – at least I had a Plan
B! During the deliberations about entering this trial, a Beardie friend
had an opportunity, quite unexpectedly, to field test the melatonin with
her noise sensitive Beardie and she reported very successful results.
Fully prepared to turn right around and head for home if Maggie were in
trouble, I entered the trial .
I live on a rural lane where there are no kids, no teens, no neighborhood
fireworks. The previous year, 1998, on July 3, I went to a movie in the
afternoon and, without thinking about it being close to the 4th, I left
Maggie uncrated. I came home to find the carpet ripped up in front of the
back door, the molding on the door chewed, the wall paneling scarred with
deep tooth marks. Yes, the damage is something, but what gripped my heart
was reading the intensity of her fear in the depth of those tooth marks. I
called my landlady and sure enough, there had been some fireworks down the
road. So I had plenty to worry about for this agility trial!
The trial is held in a wonderful woodsy setting, a small county
fairgrounds. The park closes as dusk, no one is in the park hanging out,
only those connected with the event who are staying there. The park is
well patrolled and no fireworks are allowed. However, in Washington state,
there are all kinds of things that are legal that are not legal in other
states. I couldn't begin to tell you what they are as I despise fireworks
myself. So no fireworks in the park, but there were plenty in the
surrounding fields and neighborhoods. We were there for 3 nights, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday (the 4th). And here's the story of what took place:
Friday, Night #1
A few poppers started going off in the distance, not much, occasional
stuff. I gave Maggie a melatonin and put her in her hard crate in the
tent. I quickly realized that Maggie, through her lifetime of fearful
responses to even non- threatening situations, knows how to deal with
things like this, curl up in a ball, facing the back of the crate and shut
out the world. The noises escalated, with bigger booms, Maggie remained
quiet and calm in her crate, yet facing the back, which was just fine with
me. If she does only this, we're in great shape! Given Maggie's history, I
am an incredible fanatic about observing every nuance of her behavior and,
in this highly experimental situation, I was very vigilant.
But she was calm enough, given the circumstances, so I laid on my bed to
read my science fiction novel. So far so good. What I failed to notice was
Brady's (my other Beardie's) behavior!!! Brady's pretty normal, takes
things in stride, doesn't get too upset. With all the thunderstorms when
we lived in New Mexico, once in a while, she'd come to me with a 'Mom, can
you make it stop?' kind of look but not real high anxiety – so I never
expected Brady would have a problem, nor was I watching for any. When I
finally tuned in, she'd been unable to settle, pacing, pawing at my
shoulder, getting more and more agitated. Boy! Did I feel like a big
dummy! So I gave her a melatonin. This did not seem to kick in, or the
fireworks had been going too strongly by that time, as her agitation got
worse and worse. (Checking later with Linda Aronson, she confirmed that
Brady's fear was probably too well established by that time for the
melatonin to help). I only had one hard crate with me so I put Brady in
the cab of the pickup (evening and quite cold actually so that was fine).
I checked on her after a few minutes and she was settled and fairly
What an odd evening for me! I'm used to not having the companionship of
Maggie from time to time but I'm definitely NOT used to having NO DOGS! I
had no idea I could miss Brady that much. It was very empty in my tent.
After about an hour I tried to get Brady out of the truck, NO WAY! she
would not budge. She also would not take treats!!! (This is a first for
this girl.) So there she stayed. Later I brought her food to her and she
ate in the truck but would not come out. I could have forced her out or
lifted her out but I really didn't want to add to her stress. She was
fairly calm in the truck and I left her there (no post-dinner potty or
poop!). During the middle of the night, I got up and brought her into the
tent and she came willingly from the truck.
Saturday Night #2
Brady and Maggie both had melatonin early on as there were even more
fireworks than the previous night I finally got the picture that I have
TWO stressed Beardies to deal with. Our Grand Experiment loses a little
bit in continuity here due to an unforeseen event. A club member tore her
calf muscle and had to be taken to Urgent Care. I took on the task of
feeding and caring for three dogs I barely knew who were already quite
worried about their mum, three dogs I had no clue as to their fireworks
behavior - two Corgis and a Border Collie. So the Beardies had their
melatonin, Maggie in her crate, Brady back to the truck (still cool
weather). After feeding and walking the other dogs, I returned to the
tent, tethered my dogs on lines within the tent with the door open (a
brave move on my part) and settled down to read. And lo and behold! I had
two settled, relaxed Beardies just lounging on the floor!! Fireworks were
popping from all directions, firecrackers, cherry bombs, some M80's I'm
sure. This was surely a miracle to behold! And I was very, very pleased.
[NOTE TO SELF AND OTHER TRIALLERS: Have someone else feed and walk your
dogs occasionally. Just in case you do get injured - that way they are
prepared that it might happen and it's just one of those things.]
Sunday Night #3 (The Fourth of July)
The fireworks activity was really rockin' and rollin' by now. There was a
constant barrage of heavy artillery from all directions. It really sounded
like a war zone. There was never a moment of quiet. Previous nights there
had been lulls between things. Not so on the Fourth! And the girls? They
spent the evening snoozing on the floor of the tent – BOTH OF THEM!! Not
one jump, twitch, flinch, pace, drool, paw-clawing, not shut down faced
into a corner. They just hung out like their normal selves. I really
wish I had the way to convey what a miracle this was! (It brings tears
every time I think about how beautiful that was – seeing them fully
relaxed in the presence of that awful barrage of fireworks.)
Being of the experimental nature, I thought I'd try a few more things.
Maggie's traveling mode is to not eat for the first day (some times two)
when we are out of town. I will usually put her bowl in her crate with her
and I'll hear her eating in the middle of the night by the second or third
night. She ate the first night! but she had to wait until the middle of
the night. On this, the third night, I fed her early during this huge
barrage of slammers (I think there were professional fireworks in there
too). I placed her bowl on the floor of the tent, released her to eat and
she ATE IT!!! Maggie ate her food while the whole world outside was full
of incredibly loud boomers. That scene is forever etched on my brain. No
one could have ever convinced me I would ever see that happen!
Well, I just had to take this one step farther. So, with both girls on
leash, we walked the whole fairgrounds. Two totally relaxed, heads-up,
checking-things-out Beardie girls taking a walk in the middle of this
intense barrage of popping, booming, cracking, whistling, etc. I'm sure
everyone thought I was a nutcase – I stopped everyone I ran into to show
off my girls – look at these dogs!! They would normally be basket cases but
melatonin has done wonders. Look at this! These dogs couldn't handle this
normally but look what melatonin does!! I was just bursting I was so
thrilled to see this transformation.
I think the biggest reason I had such incredibly good results is that I
had the good fortune to have the 'horror' repeated three days in a row and
that the girls had a great opportunity to habituate. Who would have ever
thought that this would be such a wonderful success!! Even now as I write
this, I'm so touched by how they did. Sure they had help, but with that
help, they did a great job of learning how to cope. I'd like to offer
our experiment and it's results to help any other dogs with fear-based
From Dr. Aronson:
For adult Beardies the dose is one 3mg tablet. Give it when the
dog first appears agitated, or if you have to go out and there is a
forecast of thunderstorms or fireworks might be expected. It also works
for wind storms. The dog in the article Helix referred to was afraid of
songbirds (so badly the owners had thought about putting her down as her
quality of life was awful) and thunderstorms. Dogs do not seem sleepy,
just relaxed, they hear the noises and they don't bother them. You can
repeat up to three times a day as needed. I have used melatonin with
immune compromised (autoimmune) dogs and there have been no problems. The
packaging states that you shouldn't use with MAO-inhibitors, again I've
not had a problem with drug interactions. To date the only side-effect
has been an obedience dog who lay down between exercises in class, but he
may just have been more relaxed than his usual hypercharged self - he was
a cocker. So far I think all the Beardies we have used melatonin with
have responded although they may not be 100% worry-free they are a lot
better. There have been few failures with other breeds too and melatonin
seems to work better than it does in people. I don't think puppies should
need melatonin. If you have a dog of less than 25 lbs I'd use 1/2 the
dose (1.5mg). For dogs over 100 lbs, the 3mg dose is usually sufficient,
but we have used 6mg safely in some of these who seemed to need a little
more. Use the tablets not the capsules, dog's shorter gastro-intestinal
tracts may not dissolve them quickly enough. Check the dose of each
tablet on the bottle. There's been a move to lower human doses. However,
this dose is very safe - the LD 50 (dose that kills 50% of a group of
rats) was >700 mg/kg!! Melatonin is available over the counter in health
food stores and drug stores in the US, but it is not available in Canada,
continental Europe nor the UK.
Since I first shared the story of Maggie's fireworks miracle, I have been
deluged with people asking me if melatonin will work with light
sensitivity, crowded conditions and over-stimulus, car and motorcycle
frenzy. I'm not a vet – I have no idea. I'm veryinterested in what you try and
what results you have (my interestis curiosity). Dr. Aronson has a more
scientific interest in your results. You may write her at .
Helix Fairweather,