Femoral Artery
Corresponds to upper two thirds of a line joining following two points.
(a)Midinguinal point:
- a point midway between anterior superior iliac spine and pubic symphysis.
(b)Adductor tuberecle:
- it lies at lower end of cord-like tendon of Adductor Magnus.
- Tendon can be felt in a shallow groove just behind prominence of vastus medialis when thigh is semiflexed,abducted and laterally rotated.
Surface Anatomy Of Femoral Artery
- Upper one third of line represents upper half of artery lying in femoral triangle.
- Middle third of line represents lower half of artery lying in adductor canal.
- Lower one third of line represents descending genicular and saphenous branches of artery.
Profunda Femoris Artery
- First mark femoral artery.
- Profunda artery is then marked by joining following two points
on femoral artery:
(a) A point 3.5cm below mid inguinal point.
(b)A second point 10cm below mid inguinal point.
Artery is slightly convex laterally in upper part.
Popliteal Artery
It is marked by joining following points:
•A point at junction of middle and lower thirds of thigh,2.5cm
medial to midline on back of limb.
•A second point on midline of back of knee.
•A third point on midline of back of leg at level of tibial tuberosity.
Anterior Tibial Artery
It is marked by joining following two points:
1)First point:
- 2.5cm below medial side of head of fibula.
2)Second point:
- midway between two malleoli.
- The artery passes downwards and slightly medially.
Posterior Tibial Artery
It is marked by following two points:
1)First point:
- Midline of back of calf at level of tibial tuberosity.
2)Second point:
- midway between medial malleolus and tendo calcaneus.
Dorsalis Pedis Artery
It is marked by joining following two points
1)First point:
- Midway between two malleoli.
2)Second point:
- At proximal end of first intermetatarsal space.
Femoral Vein
Its marking is same as that of femoral artery, except:
Upper point is taken 1cm medial to mid inguinal point.
Lower point 1cm lateral to adductor tubercle.
Vein is medial to artery at upper end.
Posterior to it in middle.
Lateral to it at lower end.
Great saphenous Vein
Marked by joining following points
1)First point:
- Dorsum of foot at medial end of dorsal venous arch.
2)Second point:
- Anterior surface of medial malleolus.
3)Third point:
- Medial border of tibia at junction of upper two third and lower one third of leg.
4)Fourth point:
- Adductor tuberecle.
5)Fifth point:
- Just below centre of saphenous opening.