Supreme Council and Chapters of the Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity,

When the UC Irvine colony of Alpha Chi Sigma was officially started in April 2014, the charter class wanted to create group on campus where people in the chemical sciences could come together and form lifelong ties, in short, a brotherhood. Over the last three years, the UC Irvine colony has consistently strived to maintain this brotherhood through many avenues including yearly retreats, weekly food outings, and even biweekly social events. In addition to bonding with people within the colony, members have also participated in events and initiations with established chapters in their area such as the Beta Gamma, Beta Mu, Gamma Zeta, and the Sigma chapters, and have been to the biennial conclaves to create ties of true and lasting friendship with brothers from around the country. After being a part of the charter class of the colony and watching it flourish over the last three years, it is my pleasure to write this letter in support of conferring permanent Collegiate Chapter status to the UC Irvine colony of the Beta Gamma chapter.

In addition to creating a true brotherhood for its members, the UC Irvine colony has demonstrated a strong desire to further chemistry not only for its members but the community in which it belongs to. Since the beginning of the colony, its members have participated in many outreach events in the community including helping boy scouts earn their chemistry merit badge and participating in demonstrations for local elementary and high schools. Furthermore, the colony has organized talks at UC Irvine for students at the collegiate level, bringing in professors or chemists who work in industry to share their work and experiences. This commitment to inspiring generations of future scientists I believe truly encompasses the professional aspect of what the fraternity aims to do and ultimately benefits the community the Irvine community at every educational level.

The UC Irvine colony of the Beta Gamma chapters has been nothing short of a family for me, and the current group of active members has embodied the three objects of the fraternity more than the charter class could have hoped for. Since its founding, the colony has initiated 36 brothers and every one of them has been there for one another in times of need, especially when looking towards the future and applying for graduate schools or careers. The current members have sustained the colony recruiting new members every pledge class and have worked almost autonomously from our parent chapter when executing initiations and the pledging process. As we are approaching the final step to becoming a permanent part of the UC Irvine community and a true chapter of the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity, we would be grateful if you gave us your consideration. This colony since its founding has strived to further the three objects of the fraternity and I hope this letter can demonstrate some of the ways we have thus far. The journey that this colony has been through and the memories forged will always hold a special place in my heart. If we are fortunate enough to become a chapter of the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity it would provide us the means to continue creating opportunities for new brothers and serving our local community.

Yours in the double bond,

Michael Yamano PhDc

(714) 782-2399