Supporting Your Management Needs


We offer support in two main areas of activity:

  • Supporting your Governing Body – the Governor Support Portfolio of services seeks to help governing bodies to fulfil their responsibilities and to provide appropriate support and training for governors and headteachers as they work together to create the best possible learning opportunities for pupils in their schools, see page 1.
  • Maintaining your Property – access to a full range of professional skills, either directly through the County Council or through its property management consultants, to deal with improvement, refurbishment and maintenance of your school buildings and various associated services (this service is partially centrally funded), see page 3.


DescriptionWe offer the following Portfolio of services through a

of the servicesubscription:

  • a comprehensive programme of training seminars for governors, headteachers and clerks to governing bodies (a copy of the Governor Support Portfolio of Services is sent each year to every governor and headteacher)
  • guidance booklets on a variety of relevant topics
  • a termly newsletter – the ‘Wiltshire Governor’ – which aims to keep governors up-to-date with new initiatives and encourages communication between governing bodies
  • a helpline providing advice and direction of specific enquiries to colleagues with appropriate expertise (a voice mail service operates out of office hours)
  • a resources library of books, videos and information sheets on a wide range of issues
  • distance learning packs:

-“What you need to know to get started” (booklet and audio tape for new governors)

-D.I.Y. training packs on 10 topics:

-Governors and the Ofsted inspection

-Governors and school self-evaluation

-Governors and planning: strategy and development

-Governors’ roles and responsibilities

-Governors and the curriculum

-Governors and structure: managing the workload effectively

-Governors and their clerk

-Governors and the chair

-New Governors

-Governors and Best Value

  • whole governing body development. Your governing body may wish to invite us to work with them as a group, on site, on a topic of their choice
  • briefings on relevant topics as required throughout the year

Paying for the ServiceStandards Fund allocations to schools include an amount which should be used for support and training for governors (see price list).

Price of the serviceSee Price List (green pages)

Schools will be invoiced along with other services.

Governing Bodies are invited to subscribe to the Wiltshire Association of Governors. The School Improvement and Support Branch has agreed to collect subscriptions on its behalf using the systems already in place. We must emphasise that WAG is a completely separate organisation, independent of the LEA and the Governor Support Team.

ProviderThis service is planned and delivered by staff of the Governor Support team, part of the Schools' Branch of the Department for Children, Education & Libraries.

Terms and ConditionsSee white pages iv-vi.

Statutory servicesAdvice on/support for school governor appointments and

available free of chargerelated legal and operational issues

to all Wiltshire schools

The Governors’ Forum. A twice yearly event:

  • to inform and consult about changes
  • exchange information and opinions
  • debate educational issues and their impact on the County

A termly checklist for governing bodies

A weekly mailing to clerks to governors from County Hall

Contact for furtherPaula Smith 01225 713821


If you wish to comment on the quality of this service please contact David Marriott (Head of Governor Support) Tel: 01225 713819

Fax: 01225 713869 email:


NOTE: Best ValueProperty Best Value Review and its Effect on Services to Schools

Property Services were subject to a full Best Value review in 2000/01; the result of which was the outsourcing of Building Services to Parkman Property Management in February 2002.

The full range of property related services previously offered through "The right choice …" is still available. The maintenance pooling scheme, the contract support information and the supply of road salt are still available through the Environmental Services Department (ESD). All other services are available from Parkman. Schools should, however, be aware that they are free to procure these services from any other suitable provider they may prefer.

Repairs and Maintenance Services

The 'Pooling Scheme' for Primary and Special School Repairs

Description of the serviceProfessional services for the design and management of repair and maintenance works in primary and special schools. The operation of a pooling scheme to fund and manage the range of works for which these schools became responsible as a result of Fair Funding, and the new LMS Scheme of 1 April 1999.

  • Funds are delegated to each school by formula to pay for both the cost of the works and a percentage to cover professional fees.
  • Environmental Services Department (ESD) operates a pooling scheme whereby schools can hand back their delegated sum (i.e. both for works and fees). ESD remains the custodian of the pooled funds, but engages the services of Parkman Property Management for programming, design, management and monitoring of all planned and unplanned works, according to priority, exactly as it does for non-delegated works.
  • The continued viability of the scheme relies upon a sufficiently large majority of primary and special schools buying into it to create a pool of adequate size. Although the pool is inadequate to meet the full maintenance needs of all member schools, it allows us to address urgent priorities and to protect schools from large unexpected expenses.

The scope and restrictions of the pooling scheme:

  • Schools which have not participated in the scheme from its inception in 1999 or who leave it in subsequent years, will not be permitted to rejoin it, except by repayment in full of all subscriptions for the years when they have not participated.
  • With effect from 1 April 2000, the responsibility and funding for repairs and maintenance of school kitchen buildings became delegated to each school, to the same extent as the repairs delegation in the rest of the school. Schools which buy into the pooling scheme have their repairs and maintenance needs in the kitchen buildings covered to the same extent as in all other buildings. This does not include the servicing of kitchen equipment, which should be covered by the catering contract arrangements.
  • This scheme is not available to VA schools.
  • There is no pooling scheme of this nature available to middle and secondary schools due to the low volume of works and number of schools being too small to establish a viable pool. Alternative services may be available from Parkman to suit individual needs.
  • This scheme does not cover repair and maintenance responsibility in respect of which funds were delegated under LMS schemes prior to 1 April 1999.

Price of the serviceThis has been calculated individually for each school and the subscription for 2003/4 will be shown on the order form.

Contact for furtherArthur Williams 01225 713252


Asset Management Plans:

Advice on Maintenance Priorities

Description of the serviceThis service is available directly from Parkman Property Management and can include:-

  • Assistance with interpretation of the technical data contained in Building Condition Surveys and the extent of schools' responsibilities.
  • Advice on the priorities of maintenance needs identified by the Surveys.
  • Assistance with matching your school's available budget to the highest priority needs for current and future years and formulation of maintenance plans.

Contact for furtherRobert Brind 01225 756681


Servicing Contracts for Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) Plant and Equipment

The money for this work has been delegated to schools. It is essential work to meet statutory regulations and schools must not neglect it.

This work is covered by the Repairs and Maintenance Pooling Scheme for primary and special schools. Only those schools who either do not participate or are not eligible, need to consider purchasing this service. VA schools who purchase the M&E Management Service are also covered for the management of these contracts.

Description of the serviceSchools not covered by the above provisions are able to purchase a range of services to assist with their procurement of servicing facilities for M&E plant and equipment.

This service is available directly from Parkman Property Management and can include:

  • Contract letting service.
  • Contract monitoring and management service.
  • Technical advice.

Contact for furtherRobert Brind 0225 756681


Energy Management Services

Energy Purchase and Monitoring

Description of the ServiceThis service is available directly from Parkman Property Management and includes:-

  • Energy monitoring, production of annual energy reports, comparison of present with past usages, comparison with national benchmarks and administration of the DfES requirements for schools' energy returns.
  • Water management, monitoring of accounts, identification of high usage (possible leaks) and reclamation of leakage allowances where applicable.
  • Telephone helpline for advice on any energy related matters.
  • In years when the WCC bulk energy supply contracts are retendered (not again until 2003/4) it includes membership of the WCC group schemes.

Contact for furtherRobert Brind 01225 756681


Energy Efficiency and Advice

Description of the ServiceThis service is available directly from Parkman Property Management and can include:

  • Building Surveys for energy efficiency.
  • Energy conservation recommendations.
  • Optimising energy budgets.
  • Water leak detection and advice on rectification and bye-law compliance.

Contact for furtherRobert Brind 01225 756681


Contract Support Services

Grounds, Cleaning and Catering

Information ServiceWith effect from 1 April 2001, ESD was no longer able to provide contract support services in these areas. The Department is able to provide lists of organisations who may be able to assist schools with these services.

Contact for furtherAndrew Manning 01225 713263

information(Principal Contracts and Enforcement Officer)

Servicing Contracts for Kitchen Equipment

Information ServiceESD is no longer able to provide contract support services in respect of:

  • Servicing and repair of catering equipment.
  • Portable electric appliance testing.
  • Specialist cleaning of air extract systems and ducting.

These services may be available through schools' own catering contracts. ESD can provide lists of contractors to schools seeking alternative providers of these specialist services.

Contact for furtherTom Brewster 01225 713257



It must be clearly understood that all of the lists quoted above are provided without any recommendation, approval, endorsement or guarantee of any kind and schools would need to make their own enquiries as to the suitability of any particular supplier.

Salt for Paths and Roads

Description of the ServiceThe supply of rock salt for use on car parks and footpaths in icy and snowy weather.

  • The supply of salt/grit storage bins.

Price of the serviceA range of prices for quantities of materials and storage bins will be quoted on request. This service may be purchased at any time throughout the year and need not be ordered through 'The right choice …'

Contact for furtherTo order materials:-

informationCLARENCE (the highways helpline) 0800 232323

If you wish to comment on the quality of this service please contact Paul Smith 01225 713271

Section 3: Management (2003/04) January 20031