Supporting Transition to University for Students with Asperger’s Syndrome

This leaflet tells you about the extra social support you can access if you are on the autistic spectrum and have a communication issue such as Asperger’s Syndrome. You will be invited to the Moving on Up pre- arrival event designed to help disabled students move more confidently in to university life.

You will meet support staff at the Moving on Up event so that you can get to know who will be supporting you.

Staffordshire ASSIST will use your individual learning plan which you will complete during the event to match you to a Social Buddy who will help you make all of the connections you need across campus and support you with, for example:

·  Finding your way around the campus and locating teaching rooms and lecture theatres during the first weeks

·  Going to the library

·  Visiting the chapel or other faith buildings if you wish

·  Visiting Keele University Student’s Union and the Fresher’s Fair

·  Finding leisure activities

·  Finding somewhere to eat and drink in an environment that suits you

All of the buddies are current students who can share their experiences of university life with you and help you to become a confident and self-sufficient student during your time at Keele. They will talk to you about aspects of student life on campus and reassure if you are feeling anxious or tell you who can help

You will receive a Connect@Keele Hand Book to help guide you through orientation and your first weeks at Keele when you are matched with a buddy.

Group Support

You may want to meet other students on the autistic spectrum or those with Asperger’s Syndrome, so we will also be running sessions where you can meet and develop some strategies for:

·  Overcoming Shyness

·  How to Stop Worrying

·  Developing Self-Esteem

·  Managing Your Emotions

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