Eye Work Too

Supporting people with sight loss to gain employment, or return to work

Case study

“Having had a very successful time with us last year, Thomas is now back with us for a second placement. Thomas uses skills learned in past employment as well as gaining new skills and experience in our DIY and Hardware Shop. Thomas shows great enthusiasm and has been a great asset to our team.

RNIB provide excellent guidance and support ensuring the placement is a positive experience for everyone involved. We are now in the process of facilitating another partially sighted person in work experience in the area of business and marketing. We would certainly recommend other employers to get involved in this scheme.”

Joanna McCall, J&W McCall Supplies

There are many questions, concerns and misconceptions when considering employing someone with sight loss:

“How could a blind person do this job?”

“What help would they need?”

“How much will it cost?”

Through our Eye Work Too pre-employment project, we work with employers from all sectors to increase their confidence in employing someone with sight loss via a programme of work experience placements, supported by staff training and expert advice, all at little to no extra cost.

We are already working successfully with a diverse range of local companies including Boots, Marks and Spencer and Bombardier, who have all offered placements and gone on to recruit people with sight loss into their workforce.

Two thirds of blind and partially sighted people of working age are out of work.

What’s involved?

Saying yes to offering a work experience placement should cause minimal disruption to your everyday operations thanks to the support you will receive prior to and during the length of the placement.

The length of each placement will vary. Placements can last anywhere between two and twelve weeks, for a maximum of two days per week, based on your available opportunities and each individual’s needs. Placements can last anywhere between two and twelve weeks (maximum of two days per week).

No costs are likely to be incurred as a result of providing a placement. Instead, your organisation will gain valuable experience and receive specialist support throughout.

“In Lloyds Banking Group, RNIB’s Eye Work Too programme gives us a great chance to fulfil one of our key objectives in supporting our local community and increases staff awareness of diversity in the workplace, by giving someone with sight loss the opportunity to gain some office experience. Who knows, they may end up coming to work for us one day.”

Ciaran Moore, Senior Team Manager Lloyds Banking Group NI

How we will support your company

Prior to placement

Our team will carry out a site visit and advise on any reasonable adjustments required – such as computer software or assistive technologies, which can be loaned for the length of the placement.

We can also provide accredited training in visual awareness for managers, supervisors and colleagues to:

• Dispel myths and stereotypes about sight loss

• Give simple advice on how to support an employee with sight loss, e.g greeting and guiding techniques

• Advise on making information accessible

• Increase awareness of how technology can help people who are blind or partially sighted

• Increase awareness of other services available to people who are blind or partially sighted.

During placement

A dedicated member of staff will stay in touch with you throughout the placement providing support for both participant and organisation.

Get in touch

For more information or to discuss providing a placement opportunity for our Eye Work Too project please contact us on 028 9032 9373 or email

Visit rnib.org.uk/eye-work-too-project




Eye Work Too is part financed by the European Social Fund and the Department for Employment and Learning, under the Northern Ireland ESF Programme 2014–2020.

© 2016 Action for Blind People

Registered charity number 205913 (England and Wales) and SC040050 (Scotland)

RNIB registered charity 226227 and SC039316