Nomination Form for ICF Ireland Coaching Awards
Supporting Nomination - Individual Coaching Award 2017
Please read Full Rules, Categories, Eligibility and Process before submitting your nomination.
Rules, Categories, Eligibility and Process includes all information required around timeline and contacts for submissions
Please complete this form if you are nominating another person for this award.
Please note this needs to be supplemented by a Self-Nomination form from the Nominee.
We will accept a maximum of THREEnominations for each entrant for an award.
Nomination DetailsName of Nominee
ICF member / Yes / No / Previous Member –
Please provide your membership number ______
Date joined ICF
(if applicable)
Individual Coach Award Category
Maximum 2 Categories / Business Coaching (business development/start-ups)
Executive Coaching (executive/leadership/mgmt. development)
Career Coaching (career development/change/transition)
Life Coaching
Health / Wellness Coaching
Sports Coaching
Coach Training (ICF aligned training)
Coach Mentoring (and holding an ACC, PCC or MCC credential)
Coaching Supervision (formally qualified)
Other Type of Coaching not listed above ______
Special Award Category / Rising Star Award (completed coach training in 2016)*
President’s Award(individual or organisation)**
Both of these awards are open to non-members
Coach Training Completed (Course Name, College and Year)
Years of coaching experience since training / <1 year 1-3years 4 -6 years
6-10years 10years +
Approximate number of clients coached / <50 50-100 100+
Further professional development relevant post initial training completion
Nominating Party (Person completing form on behalf of Nominee):
Name / Connection to Nominee / Email / Phone Number / ICF Member (Y/N)ICF Core Competencies – Guidance for Narrative Completion
Setting the Foundation for Coaching - areas such as ethics, contracting, process / Co-creating the Relationship - creating trust, intimacy, presence, rapport with clients / Communicating Effectively - listening, questioning / Facilitating Learning and Results - raising awareness, actions, planning, goals, progress
Please add a statement (using the core competency areas as guidance) outlining of why this Nominee should be considered for an ICF Coaching Award (300 words or less)
Other Achievement Areas / Description of Achievement/Contribution
Contributes to Coaching Community (Circles, Events etc.)
Engaged in other work relevant (Coach Training, Mentoring, Supervision, Other)
Voluntary, Social Enterprise Contributions
(President’s Award)
Other relevant contribution/achievement
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