Supporting Ministries
Memorandum of Understanding – MOU

The AVS program includes all orgs owned and operated by the SDA Church. We recognize there are supporting orgs that have a valued working relationship with the Church and would like to request vols. Legally, we are not able to work directly with supporting orgs.

However, if the following criteria is met, the div/un and supporting org can work together in requesting vols by using a MOU.

  1. The div/un obtains the following information about the supporting org:
  1. Who owns their property?
  1. Who manages/supervises their program?
  2. Are any of their employees on denominational payroll?

If the answers are “no,” they are considered to be a supporting org to the Church.

  1. The supporting org is then sent a copy of the GC WP R, Guidelines and MOU to consider.
  2. The supporting org agrees to work under the criteria in #2 above.
  3. The div/un decides which church entity (usually the un) will be responsible for all aspects of the vol throughout their term of service.
  4. The vol(s) remains the responsibility of the church entity who assigns the vol(s) to serve at the supporting org.
  5. The responsible church entity and the supporting org must agree and sign a MOU.
  6. The signed copy of the div/un committee action approval and the signed MOU must be sent to the GC AVS office for consideration and approval.
  7. GC AVS office reviews and if approved, gives authorization to proceed.
  8. This responsible church entity will do the following on behalf of the supporting org as they are not able to have access to the AVS DB:
  1. Communicate with the supporting org informing them of all aspects of the SRs and vol(s).
  1. Create SRs for the supporting org.
  2. Indicate in the SR Duties Section that the vol(s) will be assigned to work at the (name) of the supporting org.
  3. Process the vol(s), including providing the supporting org copies of apps to be considered, extensions, reassignments, and early returns.
  4. Supervise the vol(s).
  5. Provide orientation for vol(s).
  6. Arrange for emergencies, such as natural disaster, political unrest and any necessary medical evacuations.

If the supporting org fails to comply with the MOU, AVS Working Policy R, Guidelines and/or ceases to operate in an acceptable manner, the GC AVS office will request the div/un to remove all vol(s) from the supporting org and inactivate any SRs.

Supporting Ministries in the AVS Database

Important:For legal reasons, Supporting Ministry personnel may not have access to the AVS DB, therefore all AVS DB processing will be the responsibility of the (Div/Un/).

The Div/Org will need to take the following steps to adjust the SR:

  1. Go to the SR
  2. Click the Calling Organizationsub-category to reflect the organization responsible for this SR (div/un).
  3. In the “org/institution/entity sub-category, click on “Change Selection”
  4. Enter either the “Organization Abbrev” OR the “Organization Name”
  5. Click “Search”
  6. Click “Select” for the correct organization name – it will take you back to the “Organization” section.
  7. Click the “I have checked and confirm that the above info…” box
  8. Click the “Supervisor sub-category to reflect the vol is responsible to answer to the individual located at the calling org listed in #2 above.
  9. In the “Supervisor” area, click on “Change Selection” DO NOT use “edit person.”
  10. Enter one of the names of the individual
  11. Click “Search”
  12. Click “Select” for the correct person – it will take you back to the “Organization” section.
  13. Click the “I have checked and confirm that the above info…” box.
  14. Click “Save and Continue.”
  15. Click the “Call Description” section.
  16. Go to the “Duties/Responsibilities” sub category.
  17. Enter the following: “The volunteer is assigned by the (put in the name o the div/un responsible for the volunteer) to serve at (put in the name of the Supporting Ministry) to do the following tasks…
  18. Add any other information pertinent to the position.
  19. Click “Save and Continue”
  20. Continue going through each section of the SR and at the bottom of each page click “Save and Continue”
  21. Once completed, “submit” the SR.
  22. Give approval for the SR at the division level.
  23. The GC AVS office will notice the SR in the “Needing GC Activation” section of the home page and will review it and see that it gets activated

Thank you for your attention to this very important matter. We appreciate your assistance!

Using the MOU

  1. Replace all green and red fonts with the name of the SDA Church owned organization (Div/Un) and supporting ministry as indicated.
  2. The numbered items listed on the following form are the minimum requirements that must be agreed upon.
  3. You may add more items or more space for notaries and/or attorney signatures where appropriate.
  4. If the supporting ministry is a separate legal entity, we request a copy of their board action authorizing the organization to enter into this MOU. If it is not a legal entity, we don’t need anything other than to let us know this within the email you send us with the attached signed and dated MOU.
  5. A copy of the SDA Church owned organization (Div/Un) board action authorizing the (Div/Un) to enter into this MOU.
  6. Adapt this sample to fit your territory signature requirements.
  7. The D/U is responsible to annually review and vote to continue with the MOU and will provide the GC AVS office with their voted action.

Memorandum of Understandingbetween

(SDA Div/Un)(applicable organization level) and (Supporting Ministry)

This document represents the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) entered into by the Seventh-day Adventist (Div/Un)(applicable organization level)and (Supporting Ministry Name), a supporting ministry, in the terms and conditions outlined below:


This MOU is to establish a solid working relationship betweenthe Seventh-day Adventist (Div/Un) and (Supporting Ministry), with the specific purpose of providing for the joint ministry goals of (Church Abbreviation) and (Org Abbreviation). This understanding utilizes the General Conference Adventist Volunteer Service (AVS) to help provide volunteer support for said goals.

(Div/Un) Responsibilities

  1. (Church Abrev) will take full responsibility for the AVS volunteers – including processing their service requests, making sure they are supervised and cared for, assisting with any medical emergencies, handling any necessary evacuation, extending, transferring, or returning the volunteers when their time is complete or if things don’t work out. In other words, the volunteers will be totally the responsibility of the union or conference/mission and any liability incurred will belong to the mission, conference, or union that is requesting these volunteers. For legal reasons, Supporting Ministry personnel may not have access to the AVS DB, therefore all AVS DB processing will be the responsibility of the (Div/Un).
  2. (Church Abrev) will post service requests on the AVS website to obtain qualified volunteers for positions agreed upon by (Church Abrev) and (Org Abrev). These volunteers will be (Church Abrev) volunteers assign to serve at (Org Abrev).
  3. (Church Abrev) will arrange with GC AVS and (Div) AVS to screen for qualified volunteers to serve at (Org Abrev).
  4. (Church Abrev) will make sure all AVS volunteers have Accident and Sickness Insurance (ASV) coverage in accordance with the GC Working Policy R and AVS Guidelines.
  5. (Church Abrev) will assume responsibility for AVS volunteers during times of emergencies. All emergency procedures are arranged in consultation with (Div)/GC.
  6. The D/U is responsible to annually review and vote to continue with the MOU and will provide the GC AVS office with their voted action.

(Supporting Ministry) Responsibilities

  1. (Org Abrev) understands that they will be supportive of the (Church Abrev) mission and adhere to Seventh-day Adventist beliefs.
  2. For legal reasons, the (Church Abrev)has the responsibility to create Service Requests for the (Org Abrev) and will assist the org withall AVS DB processing for volunteers.
  3. (Org Abrev) will work with (Church Abrev) to state in the “Duties” section of the SR that the volunteer(s) will be assigned to serve at (Org Abrev).
  4. (Org Abrev) will be responsible for costs related to the use of AVS Volunteers (housing, meals).
  5. (Org Abrev) will be responsible for AVS insurance and minor medical expenses according to GC WP R 15 25.
  6. (Org Abrev) will observe and follow all of the GC Working Policy R and AVS Guidelines.
  7. (Org Abrev) shall ensure that all local and international immigration regulations, relevant laws and rules pertaining to the AVS volunteers are adhered to at all times.

Conflict Resolution

In the event of any dispute arising in relation to any of the clauses, terms, and or conditions of this memorandum, the parties agree to at first instance make all possible endeavors to resolve any such dispute amicably amongst them without resorting to any legal recourse in accordance with the guidelines as set forth to GC Working Policy R 20, Mediation and Conciliation Procedure for Seventh-day Adventist Volunteers.

If at any time the provisions of this MOU change, such must be agreed to by all parties (Church Abrev), (Org Abrev), (DivAbrev), GC AVS).


We the undersigned signatories are in accordance with the content and scope of this memorandum of understanding.

(Div/Un) Representative (Authorized Signature):


Print Name Title Date


Signature Committee/Board Action Number Date

(Supporting Ministry) Representative:


Print Name Title Date


Signature Committee/Board Action Number Date