Environmental Strategies

Preferential seating/change locations

Vary group size

Vary methods of instruction

Assign a buddy to aid organization

Vary arrangements of room, spacing

Change schedules (AM to PM)

Organizational Strategies

Limit time for activities or set time expectations

Question at end of each sentence or end of command

Provide additional time to complete tasks

Color code materials

Use a timer to complete tasks or increase rate of production

School-Home assignment sheets

Curriculum Strategies

Provide altered or modified materials

Allow copying from books or paper

Reduced assignments

Provide readiness curriculum geared to instructional level

Expand vocabulary (word of the day)

Reduced paper/pencil tasks

Alternative assignments

Written supplementals for oral direction

Presentation Strategies

Vary content (amount to be learned)

Vary mode or type of presentation





Provide immediate correction

Ask student to repeat directions

Use pauses when giving directions to allow time for processing

Model and reinforce correct grammatical and articulation usage

Emphasize critical information

Pre-teach vocabulary

Motivational Strategies

Give positive feedback

Send home daily/weekly reports

Reinforce correct responses immediately

Provide student opportunities to work with peer tutors,

Aides, and/or teacher

Written encouragements

Concrete reinforcements

Parent reinforcements

End of day assignment checks

Behavioral Strategies


Point sheet

Behavior journal notations


Warning of ‘special’ consequences

Provide/withhold rewards or privileges

Vary rules (explicit/implicit)

Parent contact

Contracting with student/parent

Developed by: Velma Gammon