CV - Paul DeVries, August 1, 2014

CV - Paul DeVries

August 1, 2014

For positions in the development assistance projects in the geoscience, mining sector development or environmental fields, IT/GIS project implementation in developing countries, project management of development projects in challenging environments.

Norrhultsvägen 74, 36071 Norrhult, Sweden
+46 704233952, , skype: paul_devries

1.  Project position: -

2.  Name of Firm: White Pine Consulting (registered in Sweden)

3.  Name of Expert: Paul DeVries

4.  Date of Birth: December 12, 1956 Nationality: Swedish, American

5.  Education:

Name of institution / Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: / Date
Yale University / B.A., Humanities / 1981
Stockholm University / 2 years, Chinese language / 1985
Stockholm University / M.Sc. (Geology, Remote Sensing, Database, GIS) / 1994

6.  Membership of Professional Associations: Geological Society of Sweden

7.  Other Training:

8.  Countries of Work Experience: Bolivia, Botswana, Chile, China, DR Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mongolia, Peru, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Mongolia, Mozambique, Vietnam, Uganda, Zambia

9.  Languages:

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
English / Native / Native / Native
Swedish / Fluent / Fluent / Fluent
Spanish / Good / Fair / Poor
French / Good / Fair / Poor
Chinese / Fair / Fair / Poor

10.  Employment Record:

From: 2004 / To: Present
Employer: / Private consultant, contracted to among others Sweco, Sweden, Swedish Geological AB, Sweden; Spatial Dimension, South Africa; Hifab, Sweden; White architects, Sweden; Adam Smith International, UK
Positions held: / Development assistance project management, Mining cadastre specialist, GIS support to environmental and social impact of mining projects in Sweden, Hydrogeological and environmental database management specialist, Lab Info. Mgt. System (LIMS) development
From: 2000 / To: 2003
Employers: / EssNet AB, Sweden; Micronic AB, Sweden
Positions held: / Senior Technical Writer, Documentation programmer, Software and database documentation
From: 1995 / To: 2000
Employer: / Swedish Geological AB, Sweden
Positions held: / Environmental database management specialist, GIS specialist
11. Detailed Tasks Assigned / -
12.  Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capacity to Handle the Tasks Assigned
Name of assignment or project: Kenya Extractive Industries Development Programme (KEIDP); Flexicadastre implementation
Year: 2014
Location: Ethiopia
Client: Kenya Ministry of Mining. Funding: Dfid. Consultant: Adam Smith International
Main project features: Implementation of Flexicadastre at the Ministry of Mining
Positions held: Cadastre and systems specialist
Activities performed: Support to all aspects of the Flexicadastre implementation. Liaison between ASI and Spatial Dimension (Flexicadastre developer). Interaction with Ministry, ASI and Spatial Dimension in three-way coordinating role. Analysis of cadastre solution needs, including staff, infrastructure, workflows, regulations, training, implementation scheduling, documentation, interaction with public, website portal design and communication issues.
Name of assignment or project: Strategic Assessment of the Mining Sector in Ethiopia
Year: 2013
Location: Ethiopia
Client: World Bank. Funding: World Bank. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB
Main project features: Assessment growth scenarios for the mining sector in Ethiopia, including geological capacity, global demand for Ethiopian minerals, capacity, infrastructure constraints, mining law aspects, economic prognoses, etc.
Positions held: Project manager, Geo-data specialist
Activities performed: Project management, Evaluation of geo-data availability and coverage, Evaluation of geo-data capacity at Ministry of Mining and Geological Survey, Integration of project components to recommendations in Final Report
Name of assignment or project: GIS and Cartography to support sustainability
Year: 2011-2014
Location: Sweden
Client: White architects, Swedish Geological AB, Hifab.
Main project features: GIS and Cartography in support of various Sustainability components of projects in urban design, wind power, and mining in Sweden
Positions held: GIS and cartography consultant
Activities performed: Acquisition and processing of GIS data, Cartography
Name of assignment or project: Hydrological Support to the Sudanese Dams Implementation Unit
Year: 2013
Location: Sudan
Client: Dams Implementation Unit, Sudan, through Sweco
Main project features: Analysis of hydrological database and software solutions and needs at the Dams Implementation Unit (DIU), which has operational control of Sudanese Nile hydrology. This analysis was part of Sweco support to the DIU comprising monitoring equipment purchase, refurbishment and hydrological data management.
Positions held: Hydrological database and software consultant
Activities performed: Analysis of existing DIU database solutions, comparative evaluation of commercial hydrological packages to upgrade DIU systems (HECDSS-Vue, Aquarius, WISKI, Hydata).
Name of assignment or project: Communications Strategy and Capacity Development of MMRE
Year: 2012-2013
Location: Mongolia
Client: Mongolia Ministry of Mining. Funding: World Bank. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB
Main project features: Stakeholder analysis, communication strategy formulation, media campaign, consultation guidelines, capacity building.
Positions held: Project manager
Activities performed: Project management, Research on stakeholders, Report editing
Name of assignment or project: Establishment and Restoration of Modern Laboratory Facilities and Preparations for the Extension of the National Seismological Network Coverage
Year: 2011 – 2012
Location: Uganda
Client: Uganda Dept. of Geological Survey and Mines. Funding: NDF, AfDB. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB
Main project features: Support to refurbishment of the geochemical, assay and petrology laboratories, and seismological network.
Positions held: Project manager, lab information management system (LIMS) designer and programmer
Activities performed: Project management, supervision of construction of seismological vaults, design and programming of comprehensive lab information management system (LIMS).
Name of assignment or project: Establishment of an Environmental and Social Management Framework for the Mineral Sector of Uganda
Year: 2009 – 2011
Location: Uganda
Client: Uganda Dept. of Geological Survey and Mines. Funding: NDF, AfDB. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB
Main project features: Design, programming and training for a Mining Environmental and Social Database Application for the Social and Environmental Unit of the Department of Mines. Database adopted a river basin approach to managing mining environmental data and the project established links to national GIS.
Positions held: Database developer, programmer, trainer
Activities performed: DB design, interface, usability, map interface, data selection, QA and workflow programming; training for a Mining Environmental Database Application in MS Access using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), with VBA Excel import and export.
Name of assignment or project: SADC Hydrogeological Mapping Project
Year: 2009 – 2010
Location: Botswana and SADC countries
Client: SADC. Funding: EU, GTZ. Consultant: Sweco
Main project features: Production of a SADC Hydrogeological Map. The project was structured to support national database and GIS efforts.
Positions held: Database developer, database and VBA trainer, data management trainer
Activities performed: Groundwater data processing and database development for SADC Hydrogeological Mapping Project, in MS Access using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), with VBA Excel import and export, Google Earth mapping, statistical and graphic analysis of data.
Name of assignment or project: Implementation Flexicadastre for Barrick Gold
Year: 2007
Location: Peru, Chile
Client: Spatial Dimension Ltd.
Main project features: Implementation of Flexicadastre, a mining cadastre system.
Positions held: Mining cadastre analyst
Activities performed: Analysis of mining registry workflows for implementation in Flexicadastre.
Name of assignment or project: Implementation of a Computerized Cadastre Management System
Year: 2005 – 2007
Location: Zambia
Client: Ministry of Mines, Zambia. Funding: EU. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB.
Main project features: Implementation of Flexicadastre, a mining cadastre system.
Positions held: Project manager
Activities performed: Project management, mining cadastre data evaluation.
Name of assignment or project: Mining Sector Information System
Year: 2005 – 2007
Location: Tanzania
Client: Ministry of Mines, Tanzania. Funding: NDF. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB.
Main project features: Implementation of Flexicadastre, a mining cadastre system.
Positions held: Technical coordinator
Activities performed: Project management, mining cadastre data evaluation, cadastre system documentation.
Name of assignment or project: National EIA and SEA Project
Year: 2006 – 2007
Location: Ghana
Client: Minerals Commission of Ghana Funding: EU. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB
Main project features: Design, programming and training for a Mining Environmental and Social Database Application for the EU-financed National EIA and SEA Project
Positions held: Database developer, database and VBA trainer, data management trainer
Activities performed: DB design, interface, usability, map interface, data selection, QA and workflow programming; training for a Mining Environmental Database Application, in MS Access using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), with VBA Excel import and export.
Name of assignment or project: CEMP project
Year: 2004-2005
Location: Zambia
Client: Zambian Mining Ministry, CEMP. Funding: World Bank. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB
Main project features: Monitoring of mining waste impacts
Positions held: Database developer, database and VBA trainer, data management trainer
Activities performed: Developed a mining environmental sampling database to store, present and analyse the sampling data automatic import, maintenance and export functions, including export of charts to Excel, in MS Access using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Name of assignment or project: Santa Cruz Industrial Pollution Monitoring
Year: 1999-2000
Location: Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Client: Ministry of Sustainable Development. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB
Main project features: Monitoring of industrial pollution and data collection, Santa Cruz urban area.
Positions held: Database developer
Activities performed Designed and programmed an Industrial environmental data management system, using Visual Basic for Applications in Word, with data input via forms
Name of assignment or project: Support to Environmental Management in the Mining Sector
Year: 1995-1998
Location: Ecuador
Client: DAM, the mining environmental authority of Ecuador. Funding: World Bank. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB
Main project features: Support to development environmental protection in the mining sector .
Positions held: Geo- and environmental data specialist. Database developer
Activities performed Evaluation of resources of various Ecuadorian institutions in the area of remote sensing and GIS (the Geological Survey, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Military Geographical Institute, including its department of remote sensing, various universities in Quito, Ecuador, National Environmental Institute.) The evaluation included capacity of hardware and software installations, level of training of staff and degree of activity in this area. Design and programming of a mining environmental database. Preparation of A1 format atlas of mining districts and environmental situation.
Name of assignment or project: Proyecto Piloto Oruro
Year: 1995-1998
Location: Bolivia
Client: Ministry of Mines, Bolivia. Funding: World Bank. Consultant: Swedish Geological AB
Main project features: The PPO was a multidisciplinary study of the mining contamination on a regional scale, including an extensive compilation of environmental analysis data.
Positions held: Geo- and environmental data specialist. Database developer
Activities performed: Design of a mining environmental database and development of a program for data management.