Cadmium accumulation kinetics in Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 and potential effects of brominated flame retardants

Shen Xu, Zhong-Bo Wei, Lian-Hong Wang, Rong Ji*, Liu-Yan Yang, Ai-Jun Miao*

State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210023, China

8 pages, 2 Tables, and 5 Figures

*Corresponding authors:

R. Ji, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Mail box 24, Xianlin Road 163, Nanjing 210046, Jiangsu Province, China PRC (mailing address), 86-25-89680581 (phone), 86-25-89680569 (fax), (email)

A. J. Miao, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Mail box 24, Xianlin Road 163, Nanjing 210046, Jiangsu Province, China PRC (mailing address), 86-25-89680255 (phone), 86-25-89680569 (fax), (email)

Table S1. Chemical components and their concentrations in mineral medium (MM).

Components / Concentration (M) / Components / Concentration (M)
NaNO3 / 1.2×10-2 / C6H12O6 / 2×10-2
K2SO4 / 9.8×10-4 / ZnSO4·7H2O / 2×10-6
CaSO4 / 5×10-5 / MnSO4·7H2O / 2×10-6
MgSO4·7H2O / 1.5×10-4 / CuSO4·5H2O / 2×10-6
KH2PO4 / 3.9×10-3 / CoSO4·7H2O / 4×10-6
K2HPO4·3H2O / 6.1×10-3 / NaMoO4·H2O / 4×10-6
H3BO3 / 2×10-6 / FeSO4·7H2O / 8×10-5
C12H10 / 1×10-2

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Table S2. Total dissolved ([Cd]T, M) and free Cd ion ([Cd2+]F, M) concentration in Treatments A-H of the short-term experiment of Cd uptake at different ambient levels as well as in the short-term experiment of Cd uptake without (control) and with the presence of 1 μM EDTA, 1 μM NTA, or 100 μM citrate.

Cd uptake at different ambient levels / Cd uptake without and with the presence of EDTA, NTA, or citrate
Treatments / [Cd]T / [Cd2+]F / Ligands / [Cd]T / [Cd2+]F / Ligands / [Cd]T / [Cd2+]F
A / 8.90×10-10 / 8.20×10-10 / control / 1.09×10-9 / 1.00×10-9 / NTA / 1.75×10-8 / 1.00×10-9
B / 8.90×10-9 / 8.20×10-9 / 1.09×10-8 / 1.00×10-8 / 1.54×10-7 / 1.00×10-8
C / 2.70×10-8 / 2.50×10-8 / 1.09×10-7 / 1.00×10-7 / 7.34×10-7 / 1.00×10-7
D / 8.90×10-8 / 8.20×10-8 / 1.09×10-6 / 1.00×10-6 / 2.03×10-6 / 1.00×10-6
E / 2.70×10-7 / 2.50×10-7 / EDTA / 9.87×10-7 / 1.00×10-9 / citrate / 1.73×10-9 / 1.00×10-9
F / 8.90×10-7 / 8.20×10-7 / 1.10×10-6 / 1.00×10-8 / 1.73×10-8 / 1.00×10-8
G / 2.70×10-6 / 2.50×10-6 / 1.11×10-6 / 1.00×10-7 / 1.73×10-7 / 1.00×10-7
H / 8.90×10-6 / 5.60×10-6 / 2.09×10-6 / 1.00×10-6 / 1.72×10-6 / 1.00×10-6

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Fig. S1. The growth curve of Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 in LB and mineral medium (MM).

Fig. S2. (a) Relative change of the cell-specific growth rate (m) of Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 with different concentrations of free Cd ion ([Cd2+]F); (b) m of Rhodococcus jostii RHA1 with the addition of 0, 100, 300, and 1000 μg/L TBBPA or BDE-3. Data are mean ± standard deviation (n = 2).

Fig. S3. Increase of [Cd]intra with exposure time in treatments A-H of the short-term experiment of Cd uptake at different ambient levels. Cd concentrations of treatments A-H are listed in SI, Table S2. Data are mean ± standard deviation (n = 2).

Fig. S4. Increase of [Cd]intra with exposure time in the short-term experiment of Cd uptake without (control) and with the addition of 1 μM EDTA, 1 μM NTA, or 100 μM citrate with [Cd2+]F of (a) 1, (b) 10, (c) 100, and (d) 1000 nM, respectively. Data are mean ± standard deviation (n = 2).

Fig. S5. Free cadmium concentration ([Cd2+]F, nM) measured by voltammetry in the presence of 0, 30, 100, 300, and 1000 mg/L TBBPA or BDE-3. Data are mean ± standard deviation (n = 2).

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