/ Charter School
Support Provider Selection Process
2011 - 2012 /
/ Application Process
Candidate submits application to Administrative Designee at school site. This includes:
  • Application Form
  • Resume
  • Teacher Support Letter

If all requirements are met, the Site Selection Committee informs the candidate of eligibility to move to Phase 2. / If minimum requirements are not met, the Site Selection Committee informs candidate that s/he is ineligible to move to Phase 2.
2 / Classroom Observation
The Site Selection Committee observes the candidate delivering a classroom lesson and scores the response using The Teaching and Learning Framework (pages 38–40 in the Site Selection Committee Handbook). If the teacher is a non-school employee (such as a retiree) this requirement may be altered or waived.
*If necessary, sub-release time is provided for the Site Selection Committee.
If all requirements are met, the Site Selection Committee informs candidate of eligibility to move to Phase 3. / If minimum requirements are not met, Site Selection Committee informs candidate that s/he is ineligible to move to Phase 3.
3 / Candidate Interview
The Site Selection Committee interviews the candidate using the New Teacher Support Provider Interview Questions and scores the response using the The Teaching and Learning Framework Rubric (pages 43–50 the in Site Selection Committee Handbook).
If all requirements are met, the Site Selection Committee informs candidate of eligibility to move to Phase 4. / If minimum requirements are not met, the Site Selection Committee informs candidate that s/he is ineligible to move to Phase 4.
4 / Selection
If the candidate passes all phases of the selection process, the Site Selection Committee notifies the Support Provider that s/he is considered eligible to become a Support Provider.
Assignment– Charter School
The School Site Committee completes the Match-Up Form, the Signature Page, and the Composite Application Scoring Sheet and submits them to the Central Office.
Each Support Provider can be matched up with 1 – 2 Participating Teachers. Full time release or retired teachers acting as Support Providers may take up to 15 Participating Teachers. If a LAUSD National Board Certified Teacher is contracted as a Support Provider then they must be paid the expected stipend of $500/teacher/semester in lieu of NBC hours.
The Site Selection Committee informs both the Participating Teacher and the newly approved Support Provider of the match-up.

* For additional information, please reference the Memorandum (MEM-5601.0)

entitled “New Teacher Support Provider Selection Process” issued on September 14, 2011.