Integral Business Coach 4505 44th Ave. SW, Seattle WA 98116 (425) 466-4842


Name: ______Date of Birth: ______


NameDate of BirthCurrently lives with:

Mother Father Both






Years Married ______Date of marriage ______

Reason you married ______

Currently separated? Yes/NoDate of separation ______

Filed for divorce?Yes/NoDate of filing ______

Who filed? ______Attorneys engaged? Yes/No

Wife’s attorney ______Husband’s attorney ______

Did you expect this separation?Did you want this separation/divorce?

___ Yes, for a long time___ Not at all

___ Yes, but only recently___ Have mixed feelings

___ Unexpected___ Want it very much

___ No, but am resigned to it

___ Feel it is for the best

If previously married, list the date(s) of previous marriages and divorces:


Factors contributing to the decision to separation/divorce (please check all that apply):

Recently had difficulty communicating______

Always had difficulty communicating ______

Differences in interests______

Differences in education level______

Differences in ethnic or racial background______

Differences in expectations about marriage______

Differences in expectations about family life______

Changes in lifestyle, values______

Lack love for one another ______

Verbal abuse______


Sexual difficulties______

In love with another person______

Financial problems______

Unfaithful, infidelity______

Abuse or neglect of children______

Job or school commitment______

Suspiciousness, jealousy______

Neglect of home______

Trouble with in-law relationships______


Drug use______

Physical abuse______


Sexual Abuse______

Other (explain) ______

Major life events and/or changes occurring within the last twelve months (check all that apply):

Started school or training program______

Graduated from school or training program______

Entered job market______

Changed job______

Lost job______

Moved residence______

Financial troubles______

Increase in financial responsibilities______

Legal problems______

Arrested and/or jailed______

Separation or divorce of friend or relative______

Health problems (self, spouse, children)______

Drinking or drug problems______

Began treatment for drinking or drug problems______

Began psychotherapy______

Began new medications______

Significant weight gain or loss______

Nanny, au pair or aging parent joined the household______

Nanny, au pair or aging parent left the household______

Death of a household pet______




Fertility problems______

Changes in childcare______

Children had trouble in school______

Onset of menopause______

Mid-life crisis______

Victim of a crime______

Auto accident______

Undertaken major new expenses______

Natural disaster______

Other (explain) ______


On a scale of one to ten, rate the level of conflict and anger during times/episodes of conflict in your marriage prior to the decision to divorce. One being low and ten being high.

Level of conflict in marriage1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Level of your anger1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Level of other’s anger1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rate your level of anger now:

Level of conflict 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Level of your anger1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Level of other’s anger1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

At this time, regarding major change in our family:

I worry I will ______


I am concerned my children will ______


It’s important to me that the separation/divorce process ______


I think my spouse will ______


With regard to the future:

I worry I will ______


I am concerned my children will ______


It’s important to me that ______


I think my spouse will ______


CURRENT SOURCES OF EMOTIONAL SUPPORT (please check all that apply):





Religion or spiritual practice_____



Other: ______


What is your occupation?______

Are you currently employed?Yes/No

If yes, where are you employed? ______

How long have you held your current position?______

How satisfied are you with your current job/work situation?

___ Very satisfied___ Moderately satisfied

___ Moderately unhappy___ Extremely unhappy


Have you ever had any physical or mental illness, significant health problems or serious accidents that affect you for an extended period of time? If so, please list:


Your health in early childhood was generally:

___ Good___ Fair___ Poor

At present, your health is generally:

___ Good___ Fair___ Poor

How long ago was your last physical?______

Are you concerned about your own drug/alcohol use or that of your partner? Yes/no

If yes, please explain: ______


List all drugs/medications you are taking (including aspirin, vitamins, sleeping pills, etc.):


Are you currently in couple’s, family or individual counseling?Yes/no

If yes, what type of counseling is it?______

For how long?______

With whom?______

Do you have any concerns about your physical or emotional safety in your primary/intimate/spousal relationship? Yes/no

Has your spouse or intimate partner ever hurt you, your child, or a pet; or threatened to destroy something important to you? Yes/no

Has he/she ever (please check all that apply):

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Integral Business Coach 4505 44th Ave. SW, Seattle WA 98116 (425) 466-4842

___ Hit you

___ Smacked you

___ Bit you

___ Verbally degraded you

___ Pushed you

___ Kicked you

___ Chocked you

___ Called you names/put you down

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Integral Business Coach 4505 44th Ave. SW, Seattle WA 98116 (425) 466-4842

___ Forced you to have sex or perform sexual acts you didn’t want to do?

___ Threatened to use a weapon against you

___ Prevented you from leaving the house, seeing friends, getting a job or finishing school

___ Been excessively jealous, accused you of having affairs, or repeatedly checked up on you

Anything else you would like to mention or would like me to know?



What current monthly income is available for you to live on? ______

Describe changes, if any, in your income since your separation: ______



How did you hear about Collaborative Divorce? ______


What do you hope to accomplish by choosing Collaborative Divorce? ______


What do you consider to be the main issues? ______


What are your hopes for the future? ______


Beyond the information you have listed here, what else do you feel is important for us to know about you and your current situation:


Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire

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