Version 7.3
January 2008
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Hosted Continuity Administration Guide
Web-Based Interface
Supported Formats
Roles in the Hosted Archive Web-Based Interface
My Messages Drawer
Review Your Own E-mail
Toolbar Icons
Compose a New Message
Select and Restore Messages
Search for Messages
Basic Search
Advanced Search Operators
Search Results
Recovery Drawer
Search for Messages in Recovery
Unattached Messages
My Preferences Drawer
Change Password
Change Colors
Set Preferences
Administration Drawer
Company Page
People Page
Directory Synchronization
Distribution Lists Page
Call Tree Page
Mass Restore Page
DR Passwords Page
Announcement Page
Combine Accounts
Event Viewer Page
Inactive Accounts Page
Readiness Test
Reports Drawer
Activity Summary Report
Call Tree Report
Daily Statistics Report
Readiness Test Report
Email Summary Report
Email Detail Report
Privileged Roles Report
System Statistics Report
Top 10 Report
Technical Support and Scheduled Maintenance Window
Technical Support
Scheduled Maintenance Window
RSS Feed
Microsoft® Exchange Hosted Continuity is an “always on” continuity and disaster recovery service designed to protect and guarantee access to e-mail for your business and employees.
Microsoft Exchange Hosted Continuity protects yourorganization’smost critical and valuable communications tool. Itprovides continualaccess to reading, composing, and replying to messages, even during disaster and emergency situations.
Microsoft Exchange Hosted Continuity intercepts and makes copies of inbound, outbound, and internal e-mail messages. It then stores these message copies in a 30-day rolling message store.
Administrators and end users have access to the message store at all times. This access allows administrators and users to recover messages that may have been lost or deleted from the primary e-mail environment.
Figure 1: The Hosted Continuity service workflow
If normal delivery of e-mail is blocked because the primary mail environment is down or the corporate network is unavailable, Hosted Continuity continues to copy messages to the message store. The original messages are queued, and are then delivered once the primary e-mailenvironmentisrestored.
Web-Based Interface
Hosted Continuity is a Web-based mailbox that includes e-mail tools for composing, reading, and replying to messages. Itensures constant access to all e-mail functionality, even when the primary e-mail environment is unavailable or a backup e-mail system is needed. Any messages sent using the Web-based interfacecan be automatically merged into the primary mail system to complete any disaster recovery operations.
To log in to the Web-based interface
- From your Internet browser, go to
Note If you are a Hosted Continuity EMEA customer, log on to
- Enter your e-mail address and password.
- Click Logon.
When you open the Web-based interface, you will see a list of available drawers in the left pane. This guide describes how to use the features and functionality available in each of these drawers:
- My Messages
- Recovery
- My Preferences
- Administration
- Reports
- Log Off
The menu bar located across the top of the page gives you access to the following areas:
- File — Provides access to composing a new message, changing your password, logging on, and logging off.
- Admin — Provides access to administrator tools and functions.
- Reports — Provides access to running and scheduling reports.
- Help — Provides access to the Resource Center where all documentation on is located. This is also where you can submit a request for support.
Supported Formats
Please refer to the document “Support Formats” in the Resource Center of the Web-based interface to understand message and attachment formats supported by the Hosted Continuity service.
Foreign Character Sets
All data that is indexed and searchable within the message store must be in the English language; however, the Web-based interface does support foreign character sets. Data using foreign character sets is captured and viewable within the message store, but it is not indexed nor can it be searched. Therefore, users should be able to view messages containing foreign characters (the hosted continuity service preserves the message encoding).
Please note, however, that the user needs to have the appropriate language pack installed on thecomputer that is to view the foreign language character set.The following article discusses language pack installation:
Envelope journaling is highly recommended when using the hosted continuity service. Envelope journaling enhances stored e-mail data by:
- Capturing internal messages within an organization
- Expanding the distribution list recipients in the body of the copied message
- Identifying and capturing Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) recipients
Please refer to the documents titled “Envelope Journaling Configuration” in the Resource Center of the Web-based interface for instructions on how to setup envelope journaling.
Distribution Lists
The Web-based interface cannot expand distribution lists if these distribution lists reside on your Exchange server. For example, if a message was sent to , thehosted continuity service cannot distinguish the group everyonefrom a single user. Therefore, this message would be stored and appear in the unattached folder, because there was no user called everyone in the contoso domain. Once the message is stored, it is delivered to the customer’s exchange server, and it is there that the message is expanded and delivered to all the real recipients. If it is a local user sending to the distribution list, Exchange will use the local copy address to journal it to the hosted continuity service. However, it will still look like a single message.
If you want your distribution lists to be parsed and the message inserted into the appropriate recipients’ archive mailboxes, then you must either create those distribution lists in the Web-based interface (from the Administration page, click DistributionLists), or set up envelope journaling (see “Journaling” above). Envelope journaling expands the recipients in the body of the copy message. You can set up journaling on the following versions of Exchange Server:
- Exchange Server 2000 Enterprise Edition (Service Pack 3 or later)
- Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (SP1 or later)
- Exchange Server 2007 Enterprise Edition
NoteIf you are running Exchange Server 2000, Exchange Server 2003, or Exchange Server 2007 Standard Edition, then you can set up envelope journaling only if you set up a separate, dedicated journaling server.
Bcc Recipients
The Web-based interfacecannot identifyBcc recipients unless envelope journaling is enabled.
The behavior of Bcc recipient archiving differs, depending upon the type of journaling selected by your organization. The following scenarios illustrate this, using the following types of e-mail as examples:
Internal E-Mail:An e-mail message sent within an organization. ( to )
External Outbound:An e-mail message sent outside of your organization. ( to )
External Inbound:An incoming e-mail message from another organization. ( to )
Internal Bcc Recipient:An individual from within your organization who was Bcc’d on an e-mail message.
(To: Cc: Bcc: )
External Bcc Recipient:An individual external to your organization who was Bcc’d on an e-mail message.
(To: Cc: Bcc: )
BCC Scenarios: Scenario 1
Service Subscribed to
/Type of Journaling
/Type of e-mail
/Bcc Recipient
/Result(Is Bcc captured?)
/Viewable By
Filtering and Continuity / Message Only / Internal / Internal / Not CapturedExternal outbound / Internal / Not Captured
External outbound / External / Is Captured / Sender, DR Manager
External Inbound / Internal / Is Captured / Recipient, DR Manager
External Inbound / External / Sometimes Captured2 / Recipient, DR Manager
BCC Scenarios: Scenario 2
Service Subscribed to
/Type of Journaling
/Type of E-mail
/Bcc Recipient
/Result (Is Bcc captured in the store?)
/Viewable By
Filtering and Continuity / BCC/Envelope Journaling / External Outbound / Internal / Is captured / Sender, DR ManagerInternal / Internal / Is Captured / Sender, DR Manager
External outbound / External / Is Captured / Sender, DR Manager
External Inbound / Internal / Is Captured / DR Manager
External Inbound / External / Sometimes Captured2 / DR Manager
2 If the message comes through the hosted filtering network it will be captured. If the message goes through an external network, it will not be captured.
BCC Scenarios: Scenario 3
Service Subscribed to
/Type of Journaling
/Type of E-mail
/Bcc Recipient
/Result(Is Bcc captured in the store?)
/Viewable By
Continuity Only / Message Only / Internal / Internal / Is not CapturedExternal Outbound / Internal / Is not Captured
External Outbound / External / Is not Captured
External Inbound / Internal / Is not Captured
External Inbound / External / Is not Captured
BCC Scenarios: Scenario 4
Service Subscribed to
/Type of Journaling
/Type of E-mail
/Bcc Recipient
/Result(Is Bcc captured in the store?)
/Viewable By
Continuity Only / Bcc or Envelope Journaling / Internal / Internal / Is Captured / Sender, DR ManagerExternal Outbound / Internal / Is Captured / Sender, DR Manager
External Outbound / External / Is Captured / Sender, DR Manager
External Inbound / Internal / Is Captured / DR Manager
External Inbound / External / Bcc is Not Captured in the Message Store3 / DR Manager
3 If the External organization sending the message subscribes to the hosted outbound filtering service then the service would capture the Bcc.
Encrypted Messages
The following rules describe the behavior of the Hosted Continuity when archiving encrypted messages:
- If an organization that does not use Hosted Encryption sends a Hosted Services customer an encrypted message then that message is stored encrypted.
- If a Hosted Services customer sends an encrypted message that message can either be stored encrypted or unencrypted (clear text).
- If a Hosted Services customer has an inbound decrypt rule and receives an encrypted message then the message is stored unencrypted (clear text).
Roles in the Hosted Archive Web-Based Interface
Access permissions in the Web-based interface are governed by assigned roles. This guide is primarily designed for the person who is assigned the Disaster Recovery Manager role, which has the greatest number of privileges and access permissions.
The following table summarizes the available roles.
Table 1: Roles in Hosted Continuity
Disaster Recovery Manager / A Disaster Recovery Manager has the ability to manage all messages within the organization during and following an outage. This role can view the header information of a message, but not the content or message body.Worker / Default role with the fewest number of privileges. People assigned this role can only view and restore their own e-mail messages.
My Messages Drawer
The My Messages drawer in the left pane of the Web-based interface allows users assigned the Worker role to log on to the Web-based interface to view and act on their e-mail messages at any time. Users can view the last seven days of e-mail messages in My Messages.
Review Your Own E-mail
During an e-mail outage, userscanlog on and use the Web-based interface tocontinue sending and receivinge-mail messages. In addition, users can search for their own messages and can restore them if necessary. The message store contains a rolling 30 days of e-mail messages available for searches and restoring.
View Your Messages
The My Messages drawer containsthe Email folder.
The Email folder provides several sub-folders that categorize messages:
Received — contains all e-mail messages received by the user.
Sent —contains all e-mail messages sent by the user.
All Emails— includes all e-mails both received and sent by the user.
Toolbar Icons
Toolbar icons provide quick and convenient access to frequently performed operations. Most of these icons can also be found by right-clicking any message.
Table 2: Toolbar icons in the Web-based Interface
/ Compose a New Message / Allows you to compose a new message./ Enable Paging and Display Message Count / Allows you to view messages as pages displaying a set number of messages. Message countappears on right side of pane. Number of messages per page can be increased.
/ Refresh Messages / Refreshes page so that you can view any new messages that you have received or sent.
/ Restore / Restores one or more messages by e-mailing them back to your regular mailbox.
/ Notes / Allows you to attach notes or to read a note that is already attached to a message.
/ Search / Searches for messages by date, sender, or recipient, or by one or more keywords in subject, body, or attachments.
/ Open / Opens one or more selected messages, allowing you to read and perform other operations on the messages.
/ Show/Hide Preview Pane / Splits screen so that you can read the body of the message without having to open it.
/ Reset Column Size / Resets the width of the columns.
Right-Click Context Menu
Right-click any e-mail message and a context menu opens that provides additional options:
Copy to Excel— Exports information about a message to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
History— Displays details, including when the action took place, who acted on the message, what action they performed, and any notes added to the message.
Properties — Displays when the message was captured and when it will be electronically destroyed.
[Un] Select All — (All Pages) – Selectsor clears selection of all messages that are currently displayed on the page.
Compose a New Message
To compose a new e-mail message
- Click theCompose a New Email icon.
- Click the Find People icon to select from the list of all users in the organization that are listed in the Web-based interface.A new window appears, allowing you to make your selection.
- To send mail to a recipient outside of your organization, manually enter the e-mail address.
Select and Restore Messages
Following an outage, users assigned the Worker rolecanrestore any e-mail messages sent from the Web-based interfaceto their primary email in-box. It is not necessary to restore any messages received while using the Web-based interface because those messages are automatically restored when your company’s mail server is back online.
To select and restore multiple messages
- Select the first message.
- Pressand hold theCTRL key, and then click one or more additional messages.
- Once the appropriate messages have been selected, click the Restore icon in the taskbar, or right-click in the highlighted area, and then click the Restore icon.
- In the Restore Options dialog box, specify where all messages should be restored.
Note All mail will be restored to the original recipient addresses, in addition to any other addresses supplied
To select and restore a range messages
- Select the first message.
- Pressand hold the SHIFTkey, and then click the last message in the range.
- Once the appropriate messages have been selected, click the Restore icon in the taskbar, or right-click in the highlighted area, and then click the Restore icon.
- In the Restore Options dialog box, choose where all messages should be restored.
Search for Messages
You can search for messages in the My Messages and Recovery drawers of the Web-based interface.In My Messages, you can only search your own individual messages. In Recovery, the Disaster Manager can search for all messages that have been stored by the entire organization.
To perform a search in My Messages, you must first decide where the search should start. You can conduct a search from any folderthat contains messages:
- My Messages E-mail Received
- My Messages E-mail Sent
- My Messages All Messages
These options enable you to perform short and precise searches. For example, you can search My Messages All Messages, and all your sent and received messages will be searched.
When you click the Search icon, you can choose whether you want the search results to appear in your current window or in a new window.
By default, the date range for a search is for the most recent seven (7) days. To search across all 30 days, select the entry in the Date field, and then press the DEL key. This clears the Date field.