Appendix ‘1’


RISK ASSESSMENT: Support Analyst safe systems of work / LOCATION: IT Section
REFERENCE: ICT 2010-04-1
DATE COMPLETED: 1/5/14 REVIEWED DATE: / OTHER RELEVANT RISK ASSESSMENTS: Health & safety inspection monitoring form, Fire safety in the workplace, Health & safety display screen equipment
Work Activity / Risk / In / Further Action Required
No / Description / Hazard / (H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Place / By when / Person responsible
1 / Ionising radiation / Large amount of IT equipment based in rack rooms, server rooms, UPS/Power and generator rooms and workshops that might produce electromagnetic or mircowave rays. Risk of exposure to non-ionising radiation, effecting whole body especially susceptible organs, danger of RF burns etc. Effect to persons with implanted devices i.e. pacemakers etc. / L / Ensure existing staff are aware of dangers and that guidance and warning notices in equipment and training manuals are adhered to. / Y
2 / Noise / Large amount of IT equipment based in rack rooms, server rooms, UPS/Power and generator rooms and workshop that might produce excessive noise during testing or repairing processes. / L / Ensure existing staff are aware of dangers and issue guidance and warning notices. Ensure training manual is adhered to. Report any excessive noise as near miss for reporting purposes. If the risk rises to Medium report matter to Health & Safety dept for a noise assessment. / Y
3 / Storage and transport of equipment / Lifting and carrying of equipment between workshop, server rooms, UPS/Power and generator rooms and rack rooms. Storing equipment on different shelf heights and depths. Risk of personal injury / muscular skeletal problems / slips trips or falls. Risk when visiting places outside normal place of work. Risk when visiting places at night or in darkness. Risk of injury to person and/or damage to equipment from dropping. Carrying of heavy equipment over rough / uneven ground, up /down stairs etc. / M / Specialist manual handling course provided for all CSU Staff.
Two staff to be present when lifting or carrying rack mounted desktops and other heavy equipment.
Lifting equipment and trolleys to be made available.
Personal protective equipment e.g. footwear, clothing and gloves to be made available.
Monitor fitness / risk assess suitability of staff referring any issues to FMO as necessary.
4 / Driving of vehicles, on and off road. / Injury due to RTC. Injury to others. Damage to vehicle or property. Delay or injury in attending site due to inappropriate vehicle being used off-road. / L / Ensure all persons are qualified to drive vehicles. Provide training for situations likely to be encountered. Ensure availability of appropriate vehicles.
5 / Disposal of waste / Risk of personal injury – cuts and bruises when disposing of equipment. Risk of airborne dust or small particles. Injury to person and/or damage to equipment from dropping. / L / Ensure existing staff are aware of dangers and that guidance and warning notices in equipment and training manuals are adhered to.
Personal protective equipment or Eye mask to be provided if necessary.
6 / Work on equipment connected to live mains electricity supply or with voltages ranging from low to EHT. / Danger from electric shock, electrical burns through diagnostic repairs on radios and IT Equipment. / L / Ensure staff are fully aware of associated dangers and provide training of dangers. Ensure all staff have professional qualification in this area. That safe working practices and procedures highlighted in equipment manuals are followed. Monitor fitness / risk assess suitability of staff, referring any issues to FMO as necessary.
7 / Working and moving equipment at low levels / Risk of muscular skeletal injuries through diagnostic repairs and replacement of equipment on low shelves in rack rooms, server rooms, UPS/Power and generator rooms and and vehicles. Risk of personal injury – cuts and bruises when working under desks or floor cabling ducts / L / Ensure staff are fully aware of associated dangers and have been provided with specialist manual handling training. Repetitive tasks to be kept to a minimum and only if absolutely necessary. Ensure safe working practices are followed. Monitor fitness / risk assess suitability of staff, referring any issues to FMO as necessary.
8 / Working in confined spaces / Injury through contact with equipment, fixtures or fittings. Injury through inability to follow safe handling measures due to limited space. Slow escape time in emergency evacuation situation. Risk of personal injury or muscular skeletal problems when working in rack rooms, server rooms, UPS/Power and generator rooms and vehicles. / L / Whenever possible ensure that equipment is installed in suitable sized areas. If not possible make all staff are aware of risks due to limited space, whenever possible avoid single person working. Repetitive tasks to be kept to a minimum and only if absolutely necessary.
Monitor fitness / risk assess suitability of staff, referring any issues to FMO as necessary.
9 / Cleaning and maintaining plant and machinery / Risk of personal injury – cuts and bruises when cleaning or maintaining equipment. Risk of airborne dust or small particles. / L / Ensure existing staff are aware of dangers and that guidance and warning notices in equipment and training manuals is adhered to.
Personal protective equipment or Eye mask to be provided if necessary.
10 / Working outside normal working hours. / Risk of personal injury – slips trips or falls when visiting places outside normal place of work or places in darkness. Risk of personal safety due to reduced security levels. No assistance available if injured. Time delay involved in summoning assistance.
Possible contact with persons intent on causing damage or injury / L / Ensure all staff are issued with communications equipment i.e. radios or mobile phone etc.
Inform office / control room of exact location and arrange frequent check calls etc.
Provide first aid training.
Follow safe working procedure.
11 / Work on remote sites and locations. / No assistance available if injured. Time delay involved in summoning assistance.
Possible contact with persons intent on causing damage or injury / L / Ensure all staff are issued with communications equipment i.e. radios or mobile phone etc.
Inform office / control room of exact location and arrange frequent check calls etc.
Provide first aid training
Follow safe working procedure.
12 / Work at major incidents or major events. / Injury from weapons / explosives. Risk of personal injury from being in unfamiliar surroundings. Stress through pressure of work. / L / Provide appropriate emergency planning training. Ensure all staff are issued with communications equipment i.e. radios or mobile phone etc.
Risk assess suitability of staff, referring any issues to FMO as necessary.
13 / Pressure of work or stress when attempting to rectify faults with force communications system. / Stress due to pressure of work. Errors made due to rushing etc. /


/ Ensure full training for staff in all situations likely to be encountered. Provide good working practice guidelines. Ensure assistance is available at all times. Monitor staff, referring any issues to FMO as necessary.
14 / Use of VDU Equipment / Working position:
(Causing back ache, neck discomfort and longer term musculoskeletal disorders etc.)
Equipment/environment causing eye watering, headaches, tiredness and visual fatigue. / M / ·  Carry out an assessment with each user under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regs 1992 in order to identify and remedy any:
° incorrect seating arrangement
° insufficient work area, worktop or equipment
° incorrectly positioned display screen or key board
° screen glare or flicker.
·  Provide staff with regular breaks and changes in activity
·  Monitor through health surveillance by managers
·  Encourage staff to raise concerns
Repeat assessment whenever staff, equipment or layout change
Ensure "Users" are aware of the entitlement to request an eye and eyesight test and provide those who request one with an appropriate eye and eyesight test and any special corrective spectacles or appliances which may be prescribed for VDU use by the optician
Work Activity / Risk / In / Further Action Required
No / Description / Hazard / (H-M-L) / Control Measures Required / Place / By when / Person responsible
15 / Use of VDU Equipment / Ill health and stress due to working environment, pressures and hours of work / Supervisors to:
° monitor and analyse sickness reports, and
° where necessary liaise with Health Care and Safety Team
16 / Use of Audio Equipment / Noise:
Possibility of hearing damage if operator needs to increase volume to counter surrounding noise levels
Earpieces causing infections / Consider:
° erection of acoustic barrier or other measures to reduce background noise
° audiometric testing of staff on appointment and at regular intervals thereafter
·  Personal issue earpieces
·  Provide information to staff on hygiene and use of earpieces
17 / Office Duties / Fire/smoke
Fire caused through overheating or short circuiting of electrical equipment / ·  Fire certificate in force where appropriate. Current fire risk assessment available at premises
·  All staff to received written information in relation to emergency procedures
·  All staff to receive fire evacuation training
·  Designated fire wardens to receive practical fire safety training
·  Ensure provision of suitable and sufficient notices
·  Annual testing of extinguishing equipment
·  Weekly testing of alarms
·  Monthly check of emergency lighting
·  Procedure for evacuation displayed and a fire drill every six months
·  Prior to purchase assess integrity of all work equipment
·  Ensure that electrical equipment is properly maintained and regularly inspected and tested for safety.
·  Portable Appliance Testing
·  Fixed Wire testing every 5 years
Office Duties
(cont.) / Inadequate lighting / Ensure that lighting is sufficient to allow safe movement and working without eyestrain. (Recommendations on lighting levels for different tasks are published by HSE – see HSG 38 “Lighting at Work”)
Office Duties
(cont.) / Poor ventilation / Ensure that the fresh air supply rate does not normally fall below 5-8 litres per second per occupant
Office duties (cont.) / Excessive heat or cold / Install thermometers and take steps to ensure that the working temperature is reasonably comfortable and does not fall below 16 degrees celsius.
Where the temperature in a room is uncomfortably high, steps should be taken to achieve a reasonably comfortable temperature, for example by:
·  Insulating hot pipes
·  Providing air-cooling plant
·  Shading windows
·  Siting workstations away from heat sources
·  Local cooling
·  Adequate supply of drinking water
·  a system of work (for example, task rotation) to ensure that the length of time for which individual workers is exposed to uncomfortable temperature is limited.
Office duties
(cont.) / Poor standards of hygiene / Inspect regularly to ensure that maintenance of premises and equipment is ongoing and a satisfactory standard of hygiene is maintained.
Office duties
(cont.) / Slips, trips and falls caused by
·  poor cable management due to insufficient power sources
·  unsafe floors / Inspect regularly to ensure
sufficient power sources are provided and
floors are free from holes or uneven surfaces.
Staff to be informed of system for reporting such faults
18 / Dealing with Stationery / Manual Handling / ·  Undertake Manual Handling Assessment.
·  Change the system if significant risk of manual handling injury e.g. store stationery on ground level
·  Provide mechanical assistance such as trolley
·  Provide Manual Handling training, if appropriate
19 / Dealing with colleagues/ telephone/ computer equipment / (Physical and mental fatigue, illness and stress caused by)
·  overcrowding
·  overload / M / Ensure that total volume of room when empty (using 3 metres as a mean height) divided by the number of people working in it, is at least 11 cubic metres.
Limit access to area
·  Provide support at peak periods
·  Ensure adequate rest and meal breaks and suitable cover by a competent person(s) during these periods
·  Develop safe system of work to manage resources
·  Monitor at regular intervals the workload by spot checks and rota system
·  Monitor sickness absences through examination of quarterly reports (as a minimum)
20 / Access/Egress / Slips, trips falls / Keep entrances and corridors clear of obstructions
Inspect areas regularly
Signature of assessor: P Dierden
Name and rank:
Date: 19/11/12 / Signature of head of division/department:
Name and Rank: S Cooper
Date: 19/11/12
Signature of Assistant Chief Constable