TN/PGSC/2012-13/1/Energy Based Exhibits
Head Office:
Pushpa Gujral Science City
SCO 60 – 61, 3rd Floor, Sector 34 – A
Chandigarh 160022
Telephone: 0172 – 5077073 / 2603183
Fax: 0172 – 2612914 /Site:
Pushpa Gujral Science City
Jalandhar – Kapurthala Road,Kapurthala, Punjab
Telephone: 01822 – 501963 / 501964
Pushpa Gujral Science City
Jalandhar – Kapurthala Road, Kapurthala
S. No. / Particulars / Page1. / Introduction / 3
2. / Tender Notice Advertisement / 4
3. / Covering Letter / 5
4. / Particulars of Tender / 6
5. / General Particulars of Tenderer / 7
6. / Experience Relevant Projects by Tenderer / 8
7. / Declaration by the Tenderer / 9
8. / Scope of Work / 10 – 12
9. / Instructions
Bid Instructions
Earnest Money Deposit
Technical Bid
Financial Bid
Section Criteria / 13 – 19
14 – 15
16 –18
10. / General Conditions of contract / 20 – 26
11. / Price Schedule of Work / 27 – 34
12. / Annexure – Details of Exhibits / Games / 35 – 49
A state level Renewable Energy Education and Awareness Park has been set up at the Pushpa Gujral Science City, Kapurthala. The main objective of setting up this work is to create awareness amongst people in general and children in particular about the use and benefits of renewable energy technologies and to spread the message about energy conservation and efficient utilization of energy resources.
The information about the Energy Park and Pushpa Gujral Science City is available on the website
Pushpa Gujral Science City
SCO 60-61, 3rd Floor, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh
Tel. No.: 0172-5077073, 2603183 Fax: 0172-2612914
Tender for
Energy Based Games & Exhibits
Sealed offers are invited from experienced and reputed Agencies, for design, fabrication, supply, installation & commissioning of Energy based Games & Exhibits at Pushpa Gujral Science City (PGSC), Kapurthala, Punjab. Earnest Money : Rs. 25,000/-; Time Period: 03 Months, Tender Document consisting of detailed Scope of Work, Bidding Parameters, Contractual Obligations etc. are available against cash payment or by Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- drawn in favour of PGSC, Kapurthala or can be downloaded from Tender fee for downloaded Tender Document must be submitted alongwith the Earnest Money
Pre-bid meeting at Chandigarh Office:September 26, 2012
(1430 hours)
Last Date for Submission of Completed :October 10, 2012
Tender at PGSC, Chandigarh (1430 hours)
PGSC reserves the right to accept or reject any tender and to annul the process at anytime, without any liability and assigning any reasons thereof.
(Full name and address of the tenderer)
M/S…………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. …….……………………………………………. …………………………………………………..
The Director General,
Pushpa Gujral Science City,
S.C.O. No. 60-61, 3rd Floor Sector 34-A,
Reference:TN/PGSC/2012-13/1/Energy Based Exhibits
Subject:Offer in response to tender on Supply, Installation & Commissioning Of Energy Based Exhibits at Pushpa Gujral Science City, Kapurthala
We hereby submit our offer in full compliance with terms & conditions of the attached tender. The tender is submitted in three separate and sealed envelopes marked Part-I, Part-II & Part-III.
(Signature of tenderer)
With seal
Particulars of Tender
SUPPLY, INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING OF ENERGY BASED EXHIBITS and associated civil, electrical & mechanical work etc required to commission the exhibits at PGSC, Kapurthala.
Pre-Bid Meeting / : / September 26, 2012 (1430 Hours)Place for Pre-Bid Meeting / : / Pushpa Gujral Science City,
SCO 60 –61, 3rd Floor,
Sector 34 – A, Chandigarh
Last Date for submission of Tender / : / October 10, 2012 (1430 Hours)
Place for submission of Tender / : / Pushpa Gujral Science City,
SCO 60 –61, 3rd Floor,
Sector 34 – A, Chandigarh
Validity of the Tender / : / 4 (Four) Months from the last date of submission of Tender
Cost of Tender Document / : / Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One Thousand Only)
(NON-REFUNDABLE) through cash / Demand Draft in favour of Pushpa Gujral Science City, payable at Kapurthala. If downloaded from the Website, separate DD for Rs. 1000/- to be enclosed with the Earnest Money.
Earnest Money Deposit / : / Rs.25,000/- (Rs. Twenty Five Thousand Only)
Through Demand Draft in favour of Pushpa Gujral Science City, payable at Kapurthala.
Time Schedule for completion of work / : / Three (3) months from the award of work.
Use Additional Sheet if necessary
2 / Postal Address
E-mail address
Telephone No.
Fax No
3 / Name and designation of the representative of the tenderer to whom all references shall be made
Mobile No.
4 / Amount and particulars of the earnest money deposited.
Demand Draft No.
Date of Issue
5 / Has the tenderer executed similar nature of work? (attach copies of work orders & references)
6 / Has the contractor/firm been ever debarred / black listed by any Government Department /Undertaking?
7 / Details of the offer. Please mention number of pages and number of drawings attached with the Tender.
(Name & Signature of Tenderer)
With Seal
(Please fill in information about similar major projects undertaken during last 3 years, Please use additional sheets if necessary)
1. Name and address of organization, which awarded the works.
(Please enclose list of organization)
2. Location of the work:
(Please enclose list of installations)
3. Total contract amount during last 3 years:
4. Cost of the Completed Works:
5. Stipulated / Extended Date of Completion of each work:
7. Actual Date of Completion:
8. Details of involvement in work as an :
individual or as a company.
6. Was the work satisfactorily completed:
within stipulated / extended period ?
(Please attach Completion Certificates)
(Signature of tenderer with Seal)
Agencies who have earlier done any job / work for Pushpa Gujral Science City (PGSC) in the past have to compulsorily submit a Certificate of Satisfactory Performance from PGSC otherwise tender will be rejected.
(Hereinafter referred to as the Tenderer) being desirous of tendering for the work, under the above mentioned tender and having fully understood the nature of the work and having carefully noted all the terms and conditions, specifications etc. as mentioned in the tender document, DO HEREBY DECLARE THAT:
- The tenderer is fully aware of all the requirements of the tender document and agrees with all provisions of the tender document.
- The tenderer is capable of executing and completing the work as required in the tender.
- The tenderer accepts all risks and responsibilities directly or indirectly connected with the performance of the tender.
- The tenderer has no collusion with other contractors, any employee of Pushpa Gujral Science City ( PGSC) Kapurthala or with any other person or firm in the preparation of the bid.
- The tenderer has not been influenced by any statement or promises by PGSC Kapurthala or any of its employees but only by the tender document.
- The tenderer is financially solvent and sound to execute the tendered work.
- The tenderer is sufficiently experienced and competent to perform the contract to the satisfaction of PGSC Kapurthala.
- The information and the statements submitted with the tender are true. The tenderer is familiar with all general and special laws, acts, ordinances, rules and regulations of the Municipal, District, State and Central Government that may effect the work, its performance or personnel employed therein.
- The tenderer has never been debarred / black-listed from any type of work by any Government Undertaking /Department.
- This offer shall remain valid for acceptance for 4 (Four) months from the last date of submissionof the tender.
- The tenderer has attached herewith the earnest money as required in the tender document.
- The tenderer accepts that the earnest money may be absolutely forfeited by PGSC Kapurthala if the tenderer fails to undertake the work or sign the contract within the stipulated time or as per terms and conditions.
- Tenderer accepts and agrees to complete the whole work within stipulated time given by the Pushpa Gujral Science City.
- The tenderer gives the assurance to execute the tendered work as per specifications, terms and conditions of the tender.
- Tenderer understands that issue of tender document alone does not mean that tenderer meets the eligibility conditions and technically competent to do the work and is qualified.
(Name & Signature of Tenderer with Seal)
Name of Work:
- Design, Fabrication, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of following exhibits based on energy and associated civil, electrical & mechanical work etc required to commission the exhibits at Pushpa Gujral Science City, Kapurthala, Punjab:
- Generate Electricity while Jogging Exhibit
The details and specifications are enclosed at Annexure: 1.
- Efficient Car Driving Game
The details and specifications are enclosed at Annexure: 2.
- Shoot the Target Game
The details and specifications are enclosed at Annexure: 3.
- Energy Pin Ball Game
The details and specifications are enclosed at Annexure: 4.
- Energy Game (Snake and Ladder)
The details and specifications are enclosed at Annexure: 5.
- Power Generating Merry-Go-Round Exhibit
The details and specifications are enclosed at Annexure: 6.
- Energy Slip
The details and specifications are enclosed at Annexure:7.
- AMC for maintenance and repairing of above mentioned exhibits and games for the next 3 years after the expiry of warranty period of one year from the commissioning of the above mentioned exhibits. The AMC charges to be quoted separately for each exhibit / game.
- Training of the staff of PGSC/ User required for effective operation and Maintenance of the system.
- To provide user's guide, technicians diagnostic guide and O & M instruction manuals in Hindi or English.
- Deviations, if any, can be discussed in Pre-Bid Meeting.
- Tenders with any deviations in specifications after its finalization in the Pre-Bid Meeting will not be accepted.
- The photographs / sketches given in the Annexure are only representative.
- The photograph / sketch / design of each exhibit has to be got approved from PGSC before initiating the work on making models
- If any item, fail to conform to the specifications, the PGSC may reject them and the supplier shall either replace the rejected goods or make all alternations necessary to meet specifications requirements free of cost to the purchaser.
Design, Fabrication, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Energy Based Exhibits at Pushpa Gujral Science City, Kapurthala, Punjab.
Sealed tenders are invited from experienced & reputed Manufacturers / Suppliers for Design, Fabrication, Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Energy Based Exhibits at Pushpa Gujral Science City, Kapurthala.
There are 7 number of exhibits. Rates have to be quoted separately for each Exhibit as per the proforma. Rates quoted by technically qualified tenderers will be evaluated and compared exhibit wise. The orders will be placed exhibit wise to the technically qualified bidders on L-1 basis.
- The offer should be submitted in three separate envelopes.
Part – I(Envelope - I):containing Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) + Tender Fee (In case of Downloaded Tender)
Part – II (Envelope - II): containing Technical Bid
Part – III (Envelope - III): containing Financial Bid
- The procedure for submitting the tender shall be as under: -
ENVELOPE – I: superscribed “EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT” should contain
Earnest Money Deposit in the form of Demand Draft
Tender Fee in the form of separate Demand Draft in case of Downloaded Tender
ENVELOPE - II: superscribed “TECHNICAL BID for Energy Based Exhibits at PGSC, Kapurthala” should contain
Company Profile
Signed and Stamped Tender Document
General Particulars of Tenderer
Experience (Relevant Project(s) completed)
Other related Documents in support of work already done by the company.
The details of the above items for submission are given in the following sections.
ENVELOPE III: superscribed “FINANCIAL BID FOR Energy Based Exhibits at PGSC, Kapurthala”should contain only the price bid. The price bid shall be opened on the date and time as decided by the Committee to be constituted by the PGSC for this purpose.
- The procedure of opening the tender shall be as follows:
Envelope – I shall be opened in first instance. Bids without proper Earnest Money or Tender Fee (in case of Downloaded Tender) shall be out rightly rejected and Envelope – II and III shall not be opened.
Envelope – II shall only be opened with Earnest Money or Tender Fee (in case of Downloaded Tender) in Envelope–I as required and the Technical Bid will be evaluated.
Envelope - III of only those bidders shall be opened who are technically qualified in Part – II (Envelope II).
All the envelopes mentioned above should be submitted in a larger envelope double-sealed cover, super-scribing the Tender for Energy Based Exhibits at PGSC, Kapurthala” within due date in the office of Director General. Pushpa Gujral Science City, SCO 60-61, 3rd Floor, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh 160022.
4.1The Technical Bid shall accompany with the EMD of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand only). The EMD to be paid through a Demand Draft drawn in favour of Pushpa Gujral Science City payable at Chandigarh and issued by any nationalized bank or scheduled bank.
4.2Tender submitted without the Earnest Money will be summarily rejected.
4.3The earnest money deposited with PGSC will be refunded to the unsuccessful tender after finalization and the award of work as per terms & conditions of the contract.
4.4In case of successful Tenderer, the Earnest Money will be retained as part of the Security Deposit/ Retention Money for satisfactory execution of the contract.
4.5A tender once submitted shall not be withdrawn within a period of Four (4) months from the last day of receipt of the tenders. In the event of a Tenderer withdrawing his tender before the expiry of four months from the date fixed for receiving the tender, his tender would be cancelled and the Earnest money deposited with the Pushpa Gujral Science City will be forfeited.
4.6No interest can be claimed for the deposit of earnest or Retention money / security money, which will be lying with Pushpa Gujral Science City.
4.7If after opening the tenders, a Tenderer revokes his tender or increases his earlier quoted rate or after acceptance of his tender does not commence the work in stipulated time and accordance with the instructions of PGSC, the Earnest Money deposited by him will be forfeited.
4.8EMD would be forfeited if the successful Tenderer fails to commence and carry out the work as per terms & conditions of the Tender Document.
Intending Tenderers must have the experience of executing similar type of work. Experience in fabricating work of similar nature for any Government / Government Undertaking Organizations will be given preference.
The following documents must be enclosed along with the offer:
5.1.1Power of Attorney in the name of the person, who has signed the Tender Document.
5.1.2In case, a tender is being submitted by a Firm, it must be signed by a member or members of the Firm having legal authority to do so, and if called for, legal documents in support thereof as also of the fact that the Firm is registered under the Indian Partnership Act be produced. In case of a joint family business, the names, addresses and descriptions of the joint family should be mentioned and satisfactorily established. Signature will indicate acceptance of the contents of those tender papers by the Tenderers.
5.1.3Copies of Testimonials/Certificates/Work Orders etc. regarding past experience of the similar work done by the Tenderer.
5.1.4Agencies who had earlier done any job / work for Pushpa Gujral Science City in the past have to compulsorily submit a Certificate of Satisfactory Performance from PGSC otherwise tender will be rejected.
5.1.5Photographic reference of earlier works carried out by the Tenderer
5.1.6Details of establishment, infrastructure, machines / equipment and human resources of the firm.
5.1.7Copies of audited Balance Sheet for the last 3 years to establish the financial soundness of the Tenderer.
5.1.8Sales, Service Tax and VAT (if applicable) Registration Certificates including latest VAT Clearance Certificate.
5.1.9Income Tax Clearance Certificates from the Income Tax Office concerned along with their tenders.
5.1.10Sales tax registration/clearance certificate of work contract from respective authorities
5.2Tender Document
5.2.1All entries in the tender documents shall be in one ink. Erasing and over writings are not permitted. The concerned tenderer with proper indication of the name, designation and address of the signee should duly sign all pages including cancellations and insertions.
5.2.2Tenderers shall fill in all required particulars in the blank spaces provided for this purpose in the tender documents and also sign each and every page of the tender document including the drawings attached thereto before submitting their tender.
5.2.3Should a tenderer find discrepancies or omissions in the drawings attached to the tender document or in doubt as to their meanings, he should at once address to the authority inviting the tender for clarifications. Every endeavor is made to avoid any error which can materially effect the basis of the tender but the successful tenderer shall take upon himself to provide for the risk of any error which may be subsequently discovered and shall make no subsequent claim on account thereof.
5.2.4In the event of tender being submitted by a firm, the tender be signed separately and legibly by each partner or member of firm or in their absence, by the person holding the power of Attorney on behalf of the firm concerned. In the later case, a copy of the Power of Attorney duly attested by a Gazetted Officer must accompany the tender.
5.2.5Conditional and unsigned tenders, tenders containing absurd rates and amounts, tender which are incomplete or otherwise considered defective, tenders which are not in accordance with the tender conditions laid down by the Accepting Officer and tenders not submitted in the prescribed forms are liable to be rejected.
5.2.6The PGSC reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders received or accepts any tender or part thereof without assigning any reason thereof. In the case of acceptance of a part of tender, the time for completion may also be reduced to the extent considered appropriate by the accepting authority.
5.2.7Before submitting the tenders, the firms are advised to inspect the site of work and its environment and make necessary investigation in regard to communication facilities, source of water connection, power connection and other important points and site conditions etc in carrying out the work in accordance with the specifications, conditions of contract, the actual working and other prevailing conditions, position of material and labour etc. If they feel any difficulty, it may be brought to the notice of PGSC immediately and before the Pre-bid Meeting (if scheduled) or within 10 days of issuing date of the tender. They should be well versed with the PGSC Kapurthala and General conditions of contract.