Learning Menu Rubric: The Progressive Era (Chapter 22)
You will use this learning menu to explore the Progressive Era. You will have the option of choosing different tasks within the menu to guide your learning. This assignment will require that you strive for a total of 100 points. It is due on January 29 (A day) or February 1 (B day), 2016. Along the way, there will be quizzes on each section assessing your knowledge. You will need to successfully pass the quiz for each section. You will be responsible for keeping the materials requested in your journal notebook, which is located in the basket for your class, as well as this rubric, which must be checked off as you complete a task.
Appetizers: Must choose one for each section! (30pts) You can only use each task once! For example, if you make flash cards for section 1, you can’t make flash cards for section 2 or 3. / Possible Points / Points Earned / Section (1,2,or 3)Reading Check Questions: You can answer the main idea questions within a section in complete sentences. Be sure to restate the question in your response. / 10
Flash Cards: Create “flash cards” using the highlighted key terms within the chapter. Draw two 3 1/2 x 5 inch boxes side by side in your journal. On the left, write the term and on the right, a paraphrased definition and a visual representation of the key term. / 10
Outline: Create an outline (in bullet form) summarizing the main themes within the section. The outline must contain all important facts from the section. / 10
Summary: Write a two paragraph summary of the section. Your summaries should be well constructed, free of grammatical errors and include all important facts from the section.. / 10
Entrée (Main Dish) You have to choose one task from each section to complete. Each task corresponds to a section that is listed at the end of the description. (60pts) / Possible Points / Points Earned / Section (1,2 or 3)
Drawing Conclusions Graphic Organizer: Create any type of graphic organizer using the information in section 1 to illustrate the Progressives’ influence under Teddy Roosevelt (Section 1) / 20
Postcards: Create 9 postcards, each one having one of the following headings on the right side: income taxes, sales taxes, estate taxes, property taxes, Sixteenth Amendment, Seventeenth Amendment, Eighteenth Amendment, Election of 1912 and Wilson Presidency. On the left side, write a description of the significance of the term and draw a small picture that depicts the term in the place on the right for the stamp. (Section 2) / 20
Justifying the Progressives Speech: Imagine that you are a leader in the Progressive Movement. Write a speech (at least 3 paragraphs) explaining why the Progressive Presidents did little to advance civil rights for African Americans. In preparing your written speech, think about the goals of Progressivism and the groups of people that Progressivism aimed to help. This speech should contain specific reasons and should be persuasive. (Section 2) / 20
Time Line: Create a time line of suffrage for women. The time line should include at least six key dates and entries for events from 1860 to 1920 CE. Be sure to include a title, annotations and illustrations to enhance your time line. (Section 3) / 20
Women’s Suffrage Diary Entry: Pretend you are supporting the women’s suffrage movement. Write a diary entry describing the new rights of women. Your diary entry must be descriptive and include information on the events leading to the passage of the 19th Amendment. By the end of this diary entry, the reader should have a very clear picture of what life was like getting the 19th Amendment passed. (Section 3) / 20
Dessert: You must choose one! (10pts)
Heads: Using the information from the tasks you have completed, design your own head on The Progressive Era. To create heads, you must design and decorate a large head on a separate page in your journal. The next step is to scatter as much information (dates, key terms, names, events) from chapter 22 as you can on the inside of the head. Lastly, choose the 5 most relevant facts from the inside of the head to scatter on the outside of the head. Include one paragraph on the bottom right hand side of your sheet of paper explaining why your five choices are the most relevant. / 10
Mini Comic Book: Create a comic book, summarizing at least 6 themes found within chapter 22. Make sure your comic book is in chronological order. / 10
Possible Points / Points Earned
Total / 100
Student Self Evaluation: ______
Teacher Evaluation: ______