Table S1. Selected First-Year Pre-Intervention Survey ResultsI feel confident in my ability to . . . / Strongly Disagree
(1) / Disagree
(2) / Neutral
(3) / Agree
(4) / Strongly Agree
(5) / Average Likert Score
(1) generate a differential diagnosis that includes genetic conditions. / 41.5% / 37.3% / 18.6% / 1.7% / 0.9% / 1.83
(2) find accurate information on the clinical presentation, diagnostic testing and management of genetic conditions / 18.6% / 23.7% / 34.7% / 20.4% / 2.6% / 2.64
(3) share information on genetic conditions and other supportive resources with patients and families / 30.7% / 34.2% / 22.7% / 10.6% / 1.8% / 2.18
Increased use of OMIM in the first two years will better prepare students to . . . / Strongly Disagree
(1) / Disagree
(2) / Neutral
(3) / Agree
(4) / Strongly Agree
(5) / Average Likert Score
(1) generate a differential diagnosis that includes genetic conditions. / 0% / 0% / 54.3% / 37.9% / 7.8% / 3.53
(2) find accurate information on the clinical presentation, diagnostic testing and management of genetic conditions / 0% / 0% / 43.9% / 46.6% / 9.5% / 3.65
(3) share information on genetic conditions and other supportive resources with patients and families / 0% / 0.8% / 47.5% / 43.2% / 8.5% / 3.59
Very Dissatisfied
(1) / Dissatisfied (2) / Neutral (3) / Satisfied (4) / Very Satisfied (5) / Average Likert Score
How satisfied are you, thus far, with your education at JHUSOM on the use of medical databases to find information on genetic conditions? / 6.8% / 12.7% / 78.0% / 1.7% / 0.8% / 2.77
Table S2. Selected Aggregate Second, Third, and Fourth-Year Survey Results
I feel confident in my ability to . . . / Strongly Disagree
(1) / Disagree
(2) / Neutral
(3) / Agree
(4) / Strongly Agree
(5) / Average Likert Score
(1) generate a differential diagnosis that includes genetic conditions. / 3.4% / 38.8% / 37.0% / 20.8% / 0% / 2.75
(2) find accurate information on the clinical presentation, diagnostic testing and management of genetic conditions / 0% / 19.8% / 25.0% / 44.0% / 11.2% / 3.47
(3) share information on genetic conditions and other supportive resources with patients and families / 8.6% / 31.0% / 36.2% / 21.5% / 2.7% / 2.78
Increased use of OMIM in the first two years will better prepare students to . . . / Strongly Disagree
(1) / Disagree
(2) / Neutral
(3) / Agree
(4) / Strongly Agree
(5) / Average Likert Score
(1) generate a differential diagnosis that includes genetic conditions. / 0.9% / 9.5% / 46.6% / 37.0% / 6.0% / 3.38
(2) find accurate information on the clinical presentation, diagnostic testing and management of genetic conditions / 0.9% / 3.4% / 42.2% / 44.8% / 8.7% / 3.57
(3) share information on genetic conditions and other supportive resources with patients and families / 0.9% / 3.4% / 42.2% / 45.7% / 7.8% / 3.56
Very Dissatisfied
(1) / Dissatisfied (2) / Neutral (3) / Satisfied (4) / Very Satisfied (5) / Average Likert Score
How satisfied are you, thus far, with your education at JHUSOM on the use of medical databases to find information on genetic conditions? / 5.2% / 32.7% / 46.6% / 15.5% / 0% / 2.72
Table S3. Selected First-Year Post-Intervention Survey Results
I feel confident in my ability to . . . / Strongly Disagree
(1) / Disagree
(2) / Neutral
(3) / Agree
(4) / Strongly Agree
(5) / Average Likert Score
(1) generate a differential diagnosis that includes genetic conditions. / 11.6% / 28.2% / 35.9% / 20.5% / 3.8% / 2.77
(2) find accurate information on the clinical presentation, diagnostic testing and management of genetic conditions / 3.8% / 7.6% / 22.8% / 57.0% / 8.8% / 3.59
(3) share information on genetic conditions and other supportive resources with patients and families / 5.0% / 19.0% / 30.4% / 41.8% / 3.8% / 3.20
Increased use of OMIM in the first two years will better prepare students to . . . / Strongly Disagree
(1) / Disagree
(2) / Neutral
(3) / Agree
(4) / Strongly Agree
(5) / Average Likert Score
(1) generate a differential diagnosis that includes genetic conditions. / 3.8% / 11.4% / 22.8% / 48.1% / 13.9% / 3.57
(2) find accurate information on the clinical presentation, diagnostic testing and management of genetic conditions / 3.8% / 12.5% / 15.0% / 55.0% / 13.7% / 3.63
(3) share information on genetic conditions and other supportive resources with patients and families / 2.5% / 12.7% / 15.2% / 55.7% / 13.9% / 3.66
Very Dissatisfied
(1) / Dissatisfied (2) / Neutral (3) / Satisfied (4) / Very Satisfied (5) / Average Likert Score
How satisfied are you, thus far, with your education at JHUSOM on the use of medical databases to find information on genetic conditions? / 8.8% / 17.5% / 36.2% / 32.5% / 5% / 3.08
Table S4: Percentage of OMIM Users Using OMIM To Find Given Type of Information
Information Type / M1 Post-Intervention / M2/3/4
Clinical features, inheritance and pathogenesis of genetic conditions / 87.7% / 70.3%
Diagnosis, screening and management of genetic conditions / 54.3% / 35.1%
External links to information on clinical trials, orphan drugs, and support groups / 56.1% / 8.1%
Finding available genetic tests / 36.8% / 16.2%
Finding the cost of available genetic tests / 12.3% / 5.4%
Gene structure, function, location or allelic variants / 61.4% / 51.4%
Generation of differential diagnoses for a set of clinical findings / 31.6% / 5.4%
Other / 3.5% / 5.4%