Supplementary tables for online only publication
Supplementary table 1. Complete information on characteristics of study participants by depression status
Variables / Not Depressed(PHQ-9 < 10)
(n=970) / Depressed
(PHQ-9 ≥ 10)
(n=268) / p
Sociodemographic variables
Age, year / 67.42+/- 8.59 / 65.70 +/-10.46 / .014
Male gender, % (n) / 81.3 (788) / 64.2 (172) / <.001
Living alone, % (n) / 32.5 (313) / 45.1 (121) / <.001
Employed, % (n) / 14.8 (143) / 16.1 (43) / .599
Education level / .002
9yrs, % (n) / 50.8 (491) / 61.8 (165)
10yrs, % (n) / 24.0 (232) / 22.1 (59)
12yrs, % (n) / 25.2 (244) / 16.1 (43)
Clinical characteristics of cardiac disease
LVEF / 54.85 +/- 13.8 / 50.96 +/- 14.3 / <.001
Dyspnea on exertion, % (n) / 70.3 (682) / 88 (235) / <.001
Dyspnea at rest, % (n) / 9.0 (87) / 20.1 (54) / <.001
Angina pectoris, % (n) / 80.1 (771) / 84.5 (224) / .107
Presentation following MI, % (n) / 44.9 (435) / 56.6 (151) / .001
Primary valvular heart disease, % (n) / 22.6 (215) / 26.9 (72) / .108
Cardiac risk factors & comorbidities
Body mass index / 27.88 +/- 4.24 / 28 +/- 4.95 / .702
Current Smoker, % (n) / 19.4 (188) / 22.4 (60) / .28
Diabetes, % (n) / 35.2 (341) / 37.5 (100) / .487
Hypertension, % (n) / 86.2 (836) / 84.3 (226) / .441
Preoperative renal failure, % (n) / 17.5 (170) / 22.8 (61) / .052
Status after syncope, % (n) / 15.9 (154) / 21.6 (58) / .028
COPD, % (n) / 12.9 (125) / 13.9 (37) / .690
Liver cirrhosis, % (n) / 1 (10) / 3.7 (10) / .002
Cerebrovascular disease, % (n) / 10.2 (99) / 13.8 (37) / .099
Primary pulmonary hypertension, % (n) / 2.1 (20) / 4.9 (13) / .012
Malignancy, % (n) / 8.1 (78) / 7.5 (20) / .750
Hepatitis B/C, % (n) / 3.3 (32) / 5.6 (15) / .083
PAOD, % (n) / 22.9 (222) / 26.1 (70) / .277
HIV, % (n) / 0.2 (2) / 0.7 (2) / .207(1)
Number of comorbidities / .001
0, % (n) / 42.6 (411) / 33.6 (89)
1, % (n) / 34.9 (337) / 33.2 (88)
≥2, % (n) / 22.5 (217) / 33.2 (88)
Prior cardiovascular interventions
CABG, % (n) / 4.9 (48) / 6 (16) / .504
PCI, % (n) / 29.7 (288) / 34.3 (92) / .148
Valvular heart surgery, % (n) / 0.7 (7) / 1.9 (5) / .148(1)
Pacemaker, % (n) / 3.1 (30) / 3.4 (9) / .814
Implanted Defibrillator, % (n) / 0.8 (8) / 2.2 (6) / .093(1)
Reanimation, % (n) / 2.1 (20) / 4.1 (11) / .058
Heart transplantation, % (n) / 0.3 (3) / 0.4 (1) / 1.00(1)
Assist devices, % (n) / 0.1 (1) / 0.4 (1) / .386(1)
Cardiovascular medication
ACE inhibitor, % (n) / 68.5 (660) / 72.4 (194) / .218
Angiotensin receptor blockers, % (n) / 12.6 (121) / 12.0 (32) / .791
Betablockers, % (n) / 81.2 (784) / 83.6 (224) / .381
Thiazides, % (n) / 22.8 (220) / 24.3 (65) / .617
Loop diuretics, % (n) / 21.1 (205) / 33.6 (90) / <.001
Aldosterone antagonist, % (n) / 5.8 (56) / 9.0 (24) / .064
Cardiac glycosides, % (n) / 6.7 (65) / 8.2 (22) / .405
Nitrates, % (n) / 29.1 (281) / 33.7 (90) / .148
Calcium-antagonists, % (n) / 16.2 (156) / 14.2 (38) / .443
Antiarrythmics, % (n) / 3.7 (36) / 4.1 (11) / .776
Other medication
Statins, % (n) / 78.1 (754) / 81.0 (217) / .302
Aspirin, % (n) / 80.2 (775) / 78.0 (209) / .419
Antiplatelet agents (other than Aspirin), % (n) / 12.0 (116) / 16.4 (44) / .058
Coumarin derivative, % (n) / 7.9 (76) / 8.6 (23) / .694
Heparin, % (n) / 19.5 (188) / 24.6 (66) / .065
Insulin, % (n) / 14.0 (135) / 17.3 (46) / .174
Oral hypoglycemic agents, % (n) / 16.1 (155) / 16.5 (44) / .870
Antidepressants, % (n) / 2.1 (20) / 5.2 (14) / .005
Tranquilizers, % (n) / 2.4 (23) / 7.5 (20) / <.001
Continuous variables are reported as means +/- SD (=standard deviation)
(1) Fishers exact test (in case of insufficient cell counts)
PHQ-9= depression module of the Patient Health Questionnaire, LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction, MI = myocardial infarction, COPD =chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, PAOD =peripheral artery occlusive disease, HIV =human immuno-deficiency virus, PCI =percutaneous coronary intervention, CABG =coronary artery bypass graft surgery, ACE inhibitor =angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor
Supplementary table 2. Logistic regression of cardiac risk factors and other comorbidities on depression risk adjusted for age, sex, education level and living status
Risk factor model / OR / 95% CI / pBody mass index / 0.99 / 0.96-1.02 / .551
Current smoking / 0.79 / 0.54-1.16 / .221
Diabetes / 1.02 / 0.75-1.38 / .905
Hypertension / 0.71 / 0.47-1.08 / .108
Preoperative renal failure / 1.62 / 1.13-2.32 / .008
Thyroid dysfunction / 1.21 / 0.80-1.85 / .369
Number of comorbidities / .022
No comorbidities / 0.58 / 0.39-0.86 / .006
One comorbidity / 0.70 / 0.49-1.01 / .057
OR=odds ratio, CI= confidence interval
Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic: CHI2=9.619, df=8, p=.293
Nagelkerke R2= .106
Supplementary table 3. Logistic regression of treatments on depression adjusted for age, sex, education level and living status
Treatment model / OR / 95% CI / PCABG / 1.20 / 0.63-2.28 / .582
PCI / 0.98 / 0.71-1.36 / .900
Other previous interventions / 1.16 / 0.67-2.04 / .594
ACE inhibitor / 1.21 / 0.85-1.74 / .289
Angiotensin receptor blockers / 1.06 / 0.64-1.76 / .811
Betablockers / 1.18 / 0.79-1.77 / .415
Thiazides / 1.02 / 0.72-1.44 / .912
Loop diuretics / 1.78 / 1.26-2.50 / .001
Aldosterone antagonists / 1.25 / 0.70-2.24 / .446
Cardiac glycosides / 0.81 / 0.44-1.47 / .490
Nitrates / 1.40 / 1.02-1.92 / .039
Calcium-antagonists / 0.83 / 0.55-1.27 / .400
Antiarrythmics / 1.12 / 0.53-2.37 / .769
Statins / 1.31 / 0.89-1.92 / .174
Aspirin / 0.95 / 0.65-1.37 / .772
Other antiplatelet agents (other than Aspirin) / 1.41 / 0.93-2.13 / .107
Coumarine derivates / 1.08 / 0.63-1.87 / .771
Heparin / 1.29 / 0.90-1.85 / .172
Insulin / 1.02 / 0.68-1.53 / .910
Oral hypoglycemic agents / 1.01 / 0.68-1.50 / .954
Antidepressants / 1.60 / 0.72-3.57 / .249
Tranquilizer / 2.42 / 1.20-4.87 / .013
OR=odds ratio, CI=confidence interval, CABG surgery=coronary artery bypass graft surgery, PCI= percutaneous coronary intervention, ACE inhibitor =angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor
Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic: CHI2=7.0;df=8, p=.537
Nagelkerke R2= .129