Supplementary Table 3: Studies using subregional or atlas-based analysis of articular cartilage in the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)

Authors Analysis Type n = Knees / Key Results


Tameem et al.S35 MRI 20/20 healthy Creation of morphological atlas of cartilage in healthy knees

sag DESS 6/6 OA for classification of cartilage thickness in OA knees

Wirth et al.S38 MRI 156/156 Measurement of cartilage thickness change over 1 year

cor FLASH in 16 femorotibial subregions, as described inS37; greatest

(sensitivity) to change (SRM) in the central areas of the

medial tibia and medial (weight-bearing) femoral condyle

Wirth et al.S36 MRI 160/80 Measurement of cartilage thickness change over 1 year

sag DESS along the anterior-posterior (and medial-lateral) extension of

the medial femoral condyle: Greatest change and sensitivity

to change (SRM) 30-75° posterior to the trochlear notch

Carballido-Gamio et al.S32 MRI 16/16 Creation of a gray-level atlas of patellar cartilage

sag DESS (thickness and T2): mean distance of 0.63 mm between

atlas and validation subjects

Iranpour-BoroujeniS33 MRI 24/24 Measurement of cartilage thickness change over 2 years

sag DESS in a local indexed region (of local cartilage thinning) marked

a priori by a reader, using semi-automated segmentation:

sensitivity to change (SRM) greater within 10mm of the

indexed point than in the total cartilage plate (medial femur)

Tameem et al.S34 MRI 60/60 Creation of sex-specific atlas of (regional) cartilage thickness

sagDESS from 30 men and 30 women; sex-based regional differences

in cartilage are localized using tensor based morphometry

MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; OA = osteoarthritic knees; cor = coronal, FLASH = fast low angle shot sequence (= SPGR = spoiled gradient recalled); SRM = standardized response mean = mean change divided by the standard deviation of the change; DESS = double echo at steady state sequence with water excitation; T2 = transverse relaxation time; MESE = multi echo spin echo acquisition; JSN = radiographic joint space narrowing; IW TSE = intermediately weighted turbo spin echo sequence; T1w SE = T1 weighed spin echo sequence

Supplementary Reference List

S32. J. Carballido-Gamio and S. Majumdar, "Atlas-based knee cartilage assessment," Magn Reson. Med. 66(2), 574 (2011).

S33. T. Iranpour-Boroujeni, et al., "Quantification of cartilage loss in local regions of knee joints using semi-automated segmentation software: analysis of longitudinal data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)," Osteoarthritis. Cartilage. 19(3), 309 (2011).

S34. H. Z. Tameem, et al., "Initial results on development and application of statistical atlas of femoral cartilage in osteoarthritis to determine sex differences in structure: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative," J. Magn Reson. Imaging 34(2), 372 (2011).

S35. H. Z. Tameem, L. E. Selva, and U. S. Sinha, "Morphological atlases of knee cartilage: shape indices to analyze cartilage degradation in osteoarthritic and non-osteoarthritic population," Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng Med. Biol. Soc. 2007, 1310 (2007).

S36. W. Wirth, et al., "Spatial patterns of cartilage loss in the medial femoral condyle in osteoarthritic knees: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative," Magn Reson. Med. 63(3), 574 (2010).

S37. W. Wirth and F. Eckstein, "A technique for regional analysis of femorotibial cartilage thickness based on quantitative magnetic resonance imaging," IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging. 27(6), 737 (2008).

S38. W. Wirth, et al., "Regional analysis of femorotibial cartilage loss in a subsample from the Osteoarthritis Initiative progression subcohort," Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 17(3), 291 (2009).