Supplementary Table 1
Patient No. / Gender / Age / Pathological Diagnosis / Epileptogenic Zone1 / Male / 25 / FCDⅡB / orbitofrontal area
2 / Male / 3 / FCDⅡB / middle frontal gyrus and anterior central gyrus
3 / Male / 12 / FCDⅡB / postcentral sulcus
4 / Male / 4 / FCDⅡB / middle and posterior frontal
5 / Male / 26 / FCDⅡB / inferior frontal gyri
6 / Female / 2 / FCDⅡB / left superior frontal
7 / Female / 17 / FCDⅡB / superior and middle frontal gyri
8 / Male / 14 / FCDⅡB / superior frontal sulcus
9 / Female / 29 / FCDⅡB / right tempo-parieto-occipital
10 / Male / 22 / FCDⅡB / bilateral cingulate
11 / Female / 20 / FCDⅡB / right superior frontal
12 / Male / 23 / FCDⅡB / left paracentral lobule
13 / Female / 20 / FCDⅡB / left frontal operculum and anterior insular lobe
14 / Female / 14 / FCDⅡB / left hemisphere
15 / Female / 12 / FCDⅡB / postcentral gyrus
16 / Male / 12 / FCDⅡB / left occipital lobe
17 / Female / 25 / FCDⅡB / left occipital lobe
18 / Female / 24 / FCDⅡB / left occipital lobe
19 / Male / 3 / FCDⅡB / right frontal lobe
20 / Male / 19 / FCDⅡB / right frontal lobe
21 / Female / 2 / FCDⅡB / frontal pole
22 / Male / 4 / FCDⅡB / left occipital lobe
23 / Male / 28 / FCDⅡB / tempo-frontal lobe
24 / Male / 7 / FCDⅡB / precentral gyrus
25 / Male / 32 / FCDⅡB / precentral gyrus
26 / Female / 18 / FCDⅡB / tempo-frontal lobe and hippocampus
27 / Male / 13 / FCDⅡB / gyrus frontalis medius cingulate gyrus
28 / Male / 37 / FCDⅡB / inferior frontal suleus
29 / Male / 14 / FCDⅡB / undersurface
30 / Male / 22 / FCDⅡB / postcentral sulcus
31 / Female / 14 / FCDⅡB / postcentral gyrus
32 / Male / 10 / FCDⅡB / right frontal lobe
33 / Female / 12 / FCDⅡB / precentral gyrus
34 / Female / 13 / FCDⅡB / left parietal lobe
35 / Male / 14 / FCDⅡB / gyrus frontalis superior gyrus frontalis medius
36 / Male / 9 / FCDⅡB / right occipital lobe
37 / Female / 8 / FCDⅡB / gyrus frontalis superior gyrus frontalis medius
38 / Female / 32 / FCDⅡB / precentral sulcus Precentral gyrus
39 / Male / 7 / FCDⅡB / right frontal lobe
40 / Female / 24 / FCDⅡB / right tempo-occipital
41 / Female / 25 / FCDⅡB / gyrus frontalis superior
42 / Male / 2 / FCDⅡB / right frontal lobe
43 / Male / 8 / FCDⅡB / inferior frontal gyrus gyri orbitales
44 / Female / 19 / FCDⅡB / left parietal lobe
45 / Female / 17 / FCDⅡA / left frontal lobe
46 / Female / 16 / FCDⅡA / left temporal lobe
47 / Male / 11 / FCDⅡA / left occipital lobe
48 / Male / 11 / FCDⅡA / left parietal lobe
49 / Male / 18 / FCDⅡA / tempo-frontal lobe
50 / Female / 14 / FCDⅡA / tempo-frontal lobe
51 / Male / 16 / FCDⅡA / right frontal medialis
52 / Male / 10 / FCDⅡA / left occipital lateralis
53 / Male / 10 / FCDⅡA / right hemisphere
54 / Male / 27 / FCDⅡA / right temporo-parieto-frontal lobe
55 / Male / 15 / FCDⅡA / right temporo-occipital lobe
56 / Female / 19 / FCDⅡA / gyrus frontalis superior gyrus frontalis medius
57 / Male / 22 / FCDⅡA / gyrus frontalis medius
58 / Female / 16 / FCDⅡA / left occipital
59 / Female / 7 / FCDⅡA / right hemisphere
60 / Female / 23 / FCDⅡA / left occipital
61 / Female / 33 / FCDⅡA / tempo-frontal lobe and hippocampus
62 / Female / 8 / FCDⅡA / tempo-frontal lobe and hippocampus
63 / Female / 43 / FCDⅡA / tempo-frontal lobe and hippocampus
64 / Female / 15 / FCDⅡA / left frontal
65 / Male / 12 / FCDⅡA / right postcentral gyrus
66 / Female / 15 / FCDⅡA / left temporo-frontal lobe
67 / Female / 30 / FCDⅡA / postcentral gyrus near midline
68 / Male / 3 / FCDⅡA / right temporo-parieto-occipital lobe
69 / Female / 23 / FCDⅡA / right occipital
70 / Male / 8 / FCDⅡA / right parietal
71 / Male / 32 / FCDⅡA / right parieto-occipital lobe
72 / Male / 37 / FCDⅡA / right temporo-occipital lobe
73 / Male / 23 / FCDⅡA / right temporo-parieto-occipital lobe
74 / Male / 25 / FCDⅡA / tempo-frontal lobe and
75 / Female / 22 / FCDⅡA / right occipital
76 / Male / 13 / FCDⅡA / gyrus frontalis superior
77 / Female / 16 / FCDⅡA / tempo-frontal lobe
78 / Male / 27 / FCDⅡA / right occipital