Supplementary material

Supplementary Appendix 1. Voucher, locality information, and sex of each analyzed specimen in this study.

Dendropsophus marmoratus.— BRAZIL: Pará: Mun. Juruti, Acampamento Barroso, PS 429 (M), 437 (M), 438 (F), 456 (M) ; Platô Capiranga, PS 524 (M), 525 (F); Igarapé Prudêncio, PS 586 (F).

Dendropsophus melanargyreus.— BRAZIL: Pará: Mun. Belém, Ilha de Cotijuba, PS 45 (M), 47-8 (M) ; Dept. Carajás, Serra Sul, PS 763 (F).

Lysapsus laevis.— BRAZIL: Pará: Ilha de Marajo: Mun. Soure: Soure, PS 529 (M), 532 (M), 536 (M), 542-4 (M), 546-50 (M).

Scarthyla goinorum.— BRAZIL: Acre: Mun. Cruzeiro do Sul: Comunidade Praia Grande: PS 892 (M), 895 (F), 898 (M).

Sphaenorhynchus caramaschii.— BRAZIL: São Paulo: Mun. Ribeirão Grande: Fazenda Intermontes, PS 925 (M); 926 (Juv), 927-8 (M).

Sphaenorhynchus carneus.— BRAZIL: Acre: Mun. Cruzeiro do Sul: Comunidade Praia Grande: PS 893 (M), 897 (M).

Sphaenorhynchus dorisae.— BRAZIL: Acre: Mun. Cruzeiro do Sul: Comunidade Praia Grande: PS 891 (M), 894 (M), 896 (M), 899 (M).

Sphaenorhynchus lacteus.— BRAZIL: Pará: Mun. Ananindeua: Conj. Levylândia, PS 753 (M), 868 (M); Mun. Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara, PS 40 (M); Mun. Marabá: Maraba, PS 856 (M), 859 (M).

Xenohyla truncata.— BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Mun. Maricá: Restinga de Maricá: CFBH 23532 (M), 23533 (juv.), 24625 (juv.).

Supplementary Table 1. Synthesis of available cytogenetic information of Dendropsophus: Fundamental numbers (FN), NORs number and location, and C banding pattern.

Species Group / Species / FN / NOR / C Band
D. marmoratus / D. marmoratus / 50(7, 16) / 9q(16) / Centric(16)
D. melanargyreus / 50(16) / 9q(16) / Centric(16)
D. nahdereri / 50(13) / 1p(13) / Centric and C(+) NORs(13)
D. columbianus / D. carnifex / 2n=30(8)
D. labialis / D. labialis / 50(7)
D. parviceps / D. microps / 52(7, 13) / 10p(13) / Centric and C(+) NORs(13)
D. parviceps / 52(1, 6, 7)
D. ruschii / 52(15)
D. subocularis / 52(3)
D. minutes / D. minutus / 60(5, 7, 13) / 13q(13) / Centric and C(+) NORs(13)
D. leucophyllatus / D. elegans / 52(13) / 10p; 14q(13) / Centric and C(+) NORs(13)
D. leucophyllatus / 54(7)
D. anceps / 58(7)
D. ebraccatus / 58(1,11) / 10q; 13q(11) / Centric and C(+) 3q(11)
D. microcephalus / D. nanus† / 50(7), 52(10, 12, 13, 14) / 1p, 5q, 6q, 12q, 13q(12); 13q(13) / Centric(12); Centric and C(+) NORs(13)
D. sanborni† / 50(12, 13), 52(10) / 12q(12) / Centric(12)
D. berthalutzae† / 52(13), 54(10) / 15p(13) / Centric and C(+) NORs(13)
D. branneri / 54(15)
D. cruzi / 54(13) / 14p(13)
D. decipiens / 54(7)
D. elianeae / 54(13) / 11q(13) / Centric and C(+) NORs(13)
D. rubicundulus / 54(5, 7,13) / 7p(13)
D. phlebodes / 56(1, 2, 11) / 13q(11) / Centric and 1q(11)
D. rhodopeplus / 56(7)
D. bipunctatus / 58(7,15)
D. microcephalus / 58(1, 4, 9, 11) / 13q(11) / Centric and 1q(11)
D. werneri / 58(10) / 12q(10)
D. leali / 60(6, 7)

References: (1) Duellman and Cole 1965; (2) Duellman 1967; (3) Duellman 1970; (4) León 1970; (5) Rabello 1970; (6) Bogart and Bogart 1971; (7) Bogart 1973; (8) Duellman and Trueb 1983; (9) Anderson 1991; (10) Skuk and Langone 1992 (these authors used the name D. baileyi for D. werneri) ; (11) Kaiser et al. 1996; (12) Medeiros et al. 2003; (13) Gruber et al. 2005; (14) Medeiros et al. 2006; (15) Nunes 2006; (16) Present work. The taxonomy of Dendropsophus is quite complex. There are several species in this list that might actually be missidentifications or have belong to populations that subsequently to the karyotype description were described as different species. These are the reference to D. leucophyllatus, D. microps, D. minutus, and D. marmoratus by Bogart (1973), which could actually be, respectively, D. triangulum, D. giesleri, D. delarivai, and D. acreanus. The voucher specimens need to be studied. (†) FN discrepancies could be due to erroneous taxonomic determinations or interpopulational variation.

References list of Table 1

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