Supplementary Material 1 – Forest plots
Supplementary Table I–Analysis of IL-6 -174 G>C polymorphism (C vs G) with PCa risk. The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific OR and the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.
Supplementary Table II - Analysis of IL-6 -174 G>C polymorphism (homozygous comparison CC vs GG) with PCa risk. The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific ORand the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.
Supplementary Table III - Analysis of IL-6 -174 G>C polymorphism (heterozygous comparison GC vs GG) with PCa risk.The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific OR and the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.
Supplementary Table IV - Analysis of IL-6 -174 G>C polymorphism (recessive genetic model CC vs GC/GG) with PCa risk. The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific OR and the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.
Supplementary Table V - Analysis of IL-6 -174 G>C polymorphism (dominant genetic model CC/GC vs GG) with PCa risk.The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific OR and the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.
Supplementary Table VI - Analysisof IL-6 -636 G>C polymorphism (C vs G) with PCa risk. The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific OR and the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.
Supplementary Table VII - Analysis of IL-6 -636 G>C polymorphism (homozygous comparison CC vs GG) with PCa risk. The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific OR and the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.
Supplementary Table VIII - Analysis of IL-6 -636 G>C polymorphism (heterozygous comparison GC vs GG) with PCa risk. The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific OR and the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.
Supplementary Table IX - Analysis of IL-6 -636 G>C polymorphism (recessive genetic model CC vs GC/GG) with PCa risk. The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific OR and the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.
Supplementary Table X - Analysis of IL-6 -636 G>C polymorphism (dominant genetic model CC/GC vs GG) with PCa risk. The horizontal lines represent the 95% CIs; the squares (proportional to the weight of each study) correspond to the study specific OR and the diamond shape represents the result of the overall analysis.