Supplemental Materials
Race and Leadership Development Among College Students: The Additive Value of Collective Racial Esteem
Appendix A: Coding, means, and standard deviations for all variables
White / African American/ Black / Asian Pacific American / Latino / Multiracial / CodingM / SD / M / SD / M / SD / M / SD / M / SD
Gender / 1.37 / .48 / 1.30 / .46 / 1.41 / .49 / 1.36 / .48 / 1.34 / .48 / 1=female; 2=male
Age / 21.21 / 4.63 / 23.84 / 8.39 / 20.51 / 2.80 / 21.88 / 5.42 / 21.45 / 5.06
Dependent variable
pretest / 3.92 / .50 / 4.02 / .49 / 3.89 / .51 / 3.94 / .55 / 3.93 / .50 / 7-item composite measure; 1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neutral; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree
Class Standing
Freshman / .22 / .41 / .21 / .41 / .23 / .42 / .23 / .42 / .25 / .43 / 0=no; 1=yes
Sophomores / .23 / .42 / .21 / .41 / .24 / .43 / .21 / .41 / .20 / .40 / 0=no; 1=yes
Juniors / .24 / .43 / .27 / .44 / .28 / .45 / .26 / .44 / .26 / .44 / 0=no; 1=yes
Institutional characteristics
Size (small) / .22 / .42 / .17 / .38 / .07 / .26 / .11 / .32 / .17 / .38 / 0=no; 1=yes
Size (medium) / .44 / .50 / .45 / .50 / .48 / .50 / .47 / .50 / .48 / .50 / 0=no; 1=yes
Control / .44 / .50 / .58 / .49 / .45 / .50 / .49 / .50 / .46 / .50 / 0=private; 1=public
Baccalaureate / .22 / .41 / .14 / .35 / .08 / .27 / .10 / .29 / .17 / .37 / 0=no; 1=yes
Masters / .36 / .48 / .41 / .49 / .27 / .45 / .42 / .49 / .39 / .49 / 0=no; 1=yes
Research Intensive / .09 / .29 / .07 / .25 / .09 / .29 / .13 / .34 / .11 / .31 / 0=no; 1=yes
Environmental experiences
Member in student orgs / 3.27 / 1.42 / 3.09 / 1.45 / 3.25 / 1.36 / 2.93 / 1.49 / 3.12 / 1.46 / 1=never; 2=once; 3=sometimes; 4=many times; 5=much of the time
Leadership positions in
student orgs / 2.19 / 1.50 / 2.13 / 1.53 / 2.31 / 1.53 / 2.06 / 1.51 / 2.15 / 1.50
Member in off-campus
orgs / 1.88 / 1.28 / 2.40 / 1.51 / 1.87 / 1.28 / 1.98 / 1.35 / 2.04 / 1.40
Leadership positions in
off-campus orgs / 1.45 / 1.01 / 1.85 / 1.36 / 1.53 / 1.06 / 1.61 / 1.16 / 1.63 / 1.21
Community service / .42 / .49 / .50 / .50 / .42 / .49 / .43 / .50 / .44 / .50 / 0=no; 1=yes
Internship experience / .41 / .49 / .40 / .49 / .39 / .49 / .35 / .48 / .38 / .49 / 0=no; 1=yes
Mentoring- faculty / 2.69 / 1.18 / 2.44 / 1.24 / 2.40 / 1.19 / 2.60 / 1.19 / 2.59 / 1.19 / 1=never; 2=once; 3=sometimes; 4=often
Mentoring- student
Affairs / 1.60 / .97 / 1.88 / 1.15 / 1.74 / 1.05 / 1.82 / 1.13 / 1.71 / 1.06
Mentoring- community
member / 1.51 / .97 / 1.73 / 1.14 / 1.48 / .94 / 1.53 / 1.00 / 1.56 / 1.02
Mentoring- other
students / 2.55 / 1.28 / 2.45 / 1.27 / 2.54 / 1.25 / 2.42 / 1.28 / 2.49 / 1.29
Formal leadership
programs / .27 / .45 / .33 / .47 / .28 / .45 / .32 / .47 / .27 / .45 / 0=no; 1=yes
conversations / 2.68 / .73 / 2.75 / .82 / 2.64 / .77 / 2.74 / .80 / 2.85 / .76 / 6-item composite measure; 1=never; 2=sometimes; 3=often; 4=very often
Collective racial esteem
Private CRE / 5.46 / 1.08 / 6.08 / 1.02 / 5.56 / 1.12 / 5.97 / 1.04 / 5.58 / 1.11 / 4-item composite measure; 1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=disagree somewhat; 4=neutral; 5=agree somewhat; 6=agree; 7=strongly agree
Public CRE / 5.28 / 1.02 / 3.87 / 1.21 / 5.15 / 1.03 / 4.13 / 1.18 / 4.63 / 1.21
ID salience / 3.18 / 1.25 / 4.67 / 1.32 / 4.57 / 1.28 / 4.63 / 1.43 / 3.79 / 1.47
Membership affiliation / 5.04 / .98 / 5.83 / 1.02 / 5.05 / 1.13 / 5.34 / 1.17 / 4.86 / 1.16
Intermediate outcome
Leadership efficacy / 3.10 / .63 / 3.17 / .63 / 2.89 / .66 / 3.09 / .67 / 3.12 / .66 / 4-item composite measure; 1=not at all confident; 2=somewhat confident; 3=confident; 4=very confident
Outcome measure
Socially responsible
leadership / 3.96 / .39 / 4.04 / .42 / 3.88 / .44 / 3.98 / .42 / 4.00 / .38 / 71-item composite measure; 1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neutral; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree
Appendix B: Reliabilities and factor loadings for composite measures
White / African American/ Black / Asian Pacific American / Latino / MultiracialFactor Loading / α / Factor Loading / α / Factor Loading / α / Factor Loading / α / Factor Loading / α
Socially responsible leadership pretest / .73 / .73 / .76 / .77 / .72
Hearing differences in opinions enriched my
thinking / .425 / .531 / .543 / .543 / .445
I had low self esteem / .402 / .274 / .326 / .369 / .423
I worked well in changing environments / .532 / .564 / .566 / .578 / .522
I enjoyed working with others toward common
goals / .694 / .719 / .729 / .721 / .712
I held myself accountable to responsibilities I
agreed to / .640 / .676 / .732 / .722 / .640
I worked well when I knew the collective values of
a group / .759 / .725 / .764 / .781 / .738
My behaviors reflected my beliefs / .637 / .608 / .652 / .641 / .586
I valued the opportunities that allowed me to
contribute to my community / .686 / .702 / .700 / .708 / .683
Socio-cultural conversations with peers / .89 / .91 / .91 / .91 / .90
About different lifestyles/ customs / .784 / .819 / .807 / .797 / .784
With those with values different than own / .838 / .860 / .850 / .863 / .844
About major social issues / .834 / .850 / .836 / .842 / .847
With those with different religious beliefs / .807 / .832 / .823 / .818 / .815
About views regarding multiculturalism / .800 / .846 / .860 / .841 / .835
With those with different political views / .765 / .817 / .783 / .812 / .782
Leadership efficacy / .86 / .87 / .88 / .88 / .88
Leading others / .868 / .868 / .861 / .872 / .875
Organize group tasks to accomplish goal / .896 / .897 / .899 / .906 / .906
Taking initiative to improve something / .861 / .864 / .881 / .878 / .865
Working with team on group project / .734 / .772 / .767 / .780 / .762
Private CRE / .82 / .79 / .83 / .83 / .83
I often regret that I belong to my racial group / .770 / .739 / .799 / .769 / .786
I’m glad to be a member of my racial group / .857 / .830 / .862 / .864 / .863
I often feel that my racial group is not worthwhile / .756 / .748 / .762 / .773 / .763
I feel good about the racial group I belong to / .866 / .840 / .857 / .855 / .863
Public CRE / .79 / .72 / .79 / .78 / .82
My racial group is considered good by others / .789 / .796 / .730 / .719 / .810
Most people consider my racial group to be more
ineffective than other groups / .681 / .664 / .769 / .799 / .783
In general, others respect my race / .824 / .770 / .806 / .797 / .789
Others think that my racial group is unworthy / .839 / .719 / .835 / .776 / .838
Identity salience / .77 / .71 / .79 / .81 / .83
My race has very little to do with how I feel about
myself / .670 / .618 / .690 / .724 / .755
The racial group I belong to is an important
reflection of who I am / .802 / .804 / .822 / .845 / .835
My race is unimportant to my sense of what kind
of a person I am / .751 / .718 / .781 / .760 / .807
Belonging to my racial group is an important part
of my self image / .848 / .812 / .847 / .862 / .862
Membership affiliation / .70 / .71 / .78 / .78 / .76
I am a worthy member of my racial group / .768 / .745 / .803 / .804 / .801
I feel I don’t have much to offer to my racial
group / .809 / .794 / .843 / .830 / .838
I am a cooperative participant in the activities of
my racial group / .570 / .630 / .679 / .786 / .616
I often feel I am a useless member of my racial
group / .763 / .771 / .802 / .690 / .801
Socially responsible leadership * / .96 / .97 / .97 / .97 / .96
* Factor loadings are not provided, but available upon request from the first author given the scale is comprised of 71 items.