Supplemental Material for “Evidence-Based Interpretation of Liver Biopsies” by J.M. Crawford
150 Top Publications in Hepatopathology
RANK / Authors / Title / JOURNAL / Times Cited / Year / Issue / / End page
1 / McHutchison, JG Gordon, SC Schiff, ER Shiffman, ML Lee, WM Rustgi, VK Goodman, ZD Ling, MH Cort, S Albrecht, JK / Interferon alfa-2b alone or in combination with ribavirin as initial treatment for chronic hepatitis C / New England Journal of Medicine / 1602 / 1998 / 21 / 1485 / 1492
2 / Poynard, T Marcellin, P Lee, SS Niederau, C Minuk, GS Ideo, G Bain, V Heathcote, J Zeuzem, S Trepo, C Albrecht, J / Randomised trial of interferon alpha 2b plus ribavirin for 48 weeks or for 24 weeks versus interferon alpha 2b plus placebo for 48 weeks for treatment of chronic infection with hepatitis C virus / Lancet / 1219 / 1998 / 9138 / 1426 / 1432
3 / Desmet, VJGerber, M Hoofnagle, JHManns, M Scheuer, PJ / Classification of chronic hepatitis - diagnosis, grading and staging / Hepatology / 1200 / 1994 / 6 / 1513 / 1520
4 / Manns, MP McHutchinson, JG Gordon, SC Rustgi, VK Shiffman, M Reindollar, R Goodman, ZD Koury, K Ling, MH Albrecht, JK / Peginterferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin compared with interferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin for initial treatment of chronic hepatitis C: a randomised trial / Lancet / 1047 / 2001 / 9286 / 958 / 965
5 / Poynard, T Bedossa, P Opolon, P / Natural history of liver fibrosis progression in patients with chronic hepatitis C / Lancet / 908 / 1997 / 9055 / 825 / 832
6 / Degroote, J Gedigk, P Popper, H Scheuer, PJ Thaler, H Desmet, VJ Korb, G Poulsen, H Schmid, M Uehlinge.E Wepler, W / A classification of chronic hepatitis / Lancet / 883 / 1968 / 7568 / 626 / 628
7 / Ishak, K Baptista, A Bianchi, L Callea, F Degroote, J Gudat, F Denk, H Desmet, V Korb, G Macsween, RNM Phillips, MJ Portmann, BG Poulsen, H Scheuer, PJ Schmid, M Thaler, H / Histological grading and staging of chronic hepatitis / Journal of Hepatology / 782 / 1995 / 6 / 696 / 699
8 / Lai, CL Chien, RN Leung, NWY Chang, TT Guan, R Tai, DI Ng, KY Wu, PC Dent, JC Barber, J Stephenson, SL Gray, DF / A one-year trial of lamivudine for chronic hepatitis B / New England Journal of Medicine / 768 / 1998 / 2 / 61 / 68
9 / Davis, GL Esteban-Mur, R Rustgi, V Hoefs, J Gordon, SC Trepo, C Shiffman, ML Zeuzem, S Craxi, A Ling, MH Albrecht, J / Interferon alfa-2b alone or in combination with ribavirin for the treatment of relapse of chronic hepatitis C / New England Journal of Medicine / 762 / 1998 / 21 / 1493 / 1499
10 / Fried, MW Shiffman, ML Reddy, KR Smith, C Marinos, G Goncales, FL Haussinger, D Diago, M Carosi, G Dhumeaux, D Craxi, A Lin, A Hoffman, J Yu, J / Peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C virus infection. / New England Journal of Medicine / 755 / 2002 / 13 / 975 / 982
11 / Mazzaferro, V Regalia, E Doci, R Andreola, S Pulvirenti, A Bozzetti, F Montalto, F Ammatuna, M Morabito, A Gennari, L / Liver transplantation for the treatment of small hepatocellular carcinomas in patients with cirrhosis / New England Journal of Medicine / 718 / 1996 / 11 / 693 / 699
12 / Poynard, T Leroy, V Cohard, M Thevenot, T Mathurin, P Opolon, P Zarski, JP / Meta-analysis of interferon randomized trials in the treatment of viral hepatitis C: Effects of dose and duration / Hepatology / 522 / 1996 / 4 / 778 / 789
13 / Johnson, PJ McFarlane, IG Alvarez, F Bianchi, FB Bianchi, L Burroughs, A Chapman, RW Czaja, AJ Desmet, V Eddleston, ALWF Gerber, MA Hoffnagle, JH Kakumu, S MacSween, RNM Maddrey, WC Manns, MP Zumbuschenfelde, KHM MieliverGani, G Portmann, BC Reed, WD Schalm, SW Scheuer, PJ Ty, G Tsuji, T Ty, N Vergani, D Zeniya, M / Meeting report - international-autoimmune-hepatitis-group / Hepatology / 511 / 1993 / 4 / 998 / 1005
14 / Nalesnik, MA Jaffe, R Starzl, TE Demetris, AJPorter, K Burnham, JAMakowka, L Ho, M Locker, J / The pathology of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders occurring in the setting of cyclosporine A-prednisone immunosuppression / American Journal of Pathology / 510 / 1988 / 1 / 173 / 192
15 / Nishiguchi, S Kuroki, T Nakatani, S Morimoto, H Takeda, T Nakajima, S Shiomi, S Seki, S Kobayashi, K Otani, S / Randomized trial of effects of interferon-alpha on incidence of hepatocellular-carcinoma in chronic active hepatitis-C with cirrhosis / Lancet / 481 / 1995 / 8982 / 1051 / 1055
16 / Theise, ND Nimmakayalu, M Gardner, R Illei, PBMorgan, G Teperman, L Henegariu, O Kruse, DS / Liver from bone marrow in humans / Hepatology / 442 / 2000 / 1 / 11 / 16
17 / Dibisceglie, AM Goodman, ZDIshak, KGHoofnagle, JHMelpolder, JJAlter, HJ / Long-term clinical and histopathological follow-up of chronic posttransfusion hepatitis / Hepatology / 440 / 1991 / 6 / 969 / 974
18 / Scheuer, PJ / Classification of chronic viral-hepatitis - a need for reassessment / Journal of Hepatology / 422 / 1991 / 3 / 372 / 374
19 / Scheuer, PJAshrafzadeh, P Sherlock, S Brown, D Dusheiko, GM / The pathology of hepatitis-C / Hepatology / 387 / 1992 / 4 / 567 / 571
20 / Matteoni, CA Younossi, ZMGramlich, T Boparai, N Liu, YCMcCullough, AJ / Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A spectrum of clinical and pathological severity / Gastroenterology / 374 / 1999 / 6 / 1413 / 1419
21 / Ishak, KGGlunz, PR / Hepatoblastoma and hepatocarcinoma in infancy and childhood - report of 47 cases / Cancer / 337 / 1967 / 3 / 396 / 422
22 / Mitchell, JRZimmerman, HJIshak, KGThorgeirsson, UP Timbrell, JA Snodgrass, WR Nelson, SD / Isoniazid liver-injury - clinical spectrum, pathology, and probablepathogenesis / Annals of Internal Medicine / 303 / 1976 / 2 / 181 / 192
23 / Bach N, Thung SN, Schaffner F / The histological features of chronic hepatitis-C and autoimmune chronic hepatitis - a comparative-analysis / Hepatology / 302 / 1992 / 4 / 572 / 577
24 / Nordlinger, B Guiguet, M Vaillant, JC Balladur, P Boudjema, K Bachellier, P Jaeck, D / Surgical resection of colorectal carcinoma metastases to the liver - A prognostic scoring system to improve case selection, based on 1568 patients / Cancer / 301 / 1996 / 7 / 1254 / 1262
25 / Sulkowski, MS Thomas, DLChaisson, RE Moore, RD / Hepatotoxicity associated with antiretroviral therapy in adults infected with human immunodeficiency virus and the role of hepatitis C or B virus infection / JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association / 297 / 2000 / 1 / 74 / 80
26 / Tahara, H Nakanishi, T Kitamoto, M Nakashio, R Shay, JWTahara, E Kajiyama, G Ide, T / Telomerase activity in human liver-tissues - comparison between chronic liver-disease and hepatocellular carcinomas / Cancer Research / 286 / 1995 / 13 / 2734 / 2736
27 / Alvarez, E Berg, PA Bianchi, FB Bianchi, L Burroughs, AK Cancado, EL Chapman, RW Cooksley, WGE Czaja, AJ Desmet, VJ Donaldson, RT Eddleston, ALWF Fainboim, L Heathcote, J Homberg, JC Hoofnagle, JH Kakumu, S Krawitt, EL Mackay, IR MacSween, RNM Maddrey, WC Manns, MP McFarlane, IG zum Buschenfelde, KHM Mieli-Vergani, G Nakanuma, Y Nishioka, M Penner, E Porta, G Portmann, BC Reed, WD Rodes, J Schalm, SW Scheuer, PJ Schrumpf, E Seki, T Toda, G Tsuji, T Tygstrup, N Vergani, D Zeniya, M / International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group Report: review of criteria for diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis / Journal of Hepatology / 285 / 1999 / 5 / 929 / 938
28 / Lewis, JH Zimmerman, HJ Benson, GD Ishak, KG / Hepatic-injury associated with ketoconazole therapy - analysis of 33 cases / Gastroenterology / 284 / 1984 / 3 / 503 / 513
29 / Christensen, E Neuberger, J Crowe, J Altman, DG Popper, H Portmann, B Doniach, D Ranek, L Tygstrup, N Williams, R / Beneficial effect of azathioprine and prediction of prognosis in primary biliary-cirrhosis - final results of an international trial / Gastroenterology / 282 / 1985 / 5 / 1084 / 1091
30 / Yano, M Kumada, H Kage, M Ikeda, K Shimamatsu, K Inoue, O Hashimoto, E Lefkowitch, JH Ludwig, J Okuda, K / The long-term pathological evolution of chronic hepatitis C / Hepatology / 281 / 1996 / 6 / 1334 / 1340
31 / Benhamou, Y Bochet, M Di Martino, V Charlotte, F Azria, F Coutellier, A Vidaud, M Bricaire, F Opolon, P Katlama, C Poynard, T / Liver fibrosis progression in human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus coinfected patients / Hepatology / 279 / 1999 / 4 / 1054 / 1058
32 / Wanless, IRLentz, JS / Fatty liver hepatitis (steatohepatitis) and obesity - an autopsy study with analysis of risk-factors / Hepatology / 267 / 1990 / 5 / 1106 / 1110
33 / Berman, M Alter, HJIshak, KGPurcell, RHJones, EA / Chronic sequelae of non-A-hepatitis, non-B-hepatitis / Annals of Internal Medicine / 263 / 1979 / 1 / 1 / 6
34 / Angulo, P Keach, JC Batts, KP Lindor, KD / Independent predictors of liver fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis / Hepatology / 258 / 1999 / 6 / 1356 / 1362
35 / Marcellin, P Boyer, N Gervais, A Martinot, M Pouteau, M Castelnau, C Kilani, A Areias, J Auperin, A Benhamou, JP Degott, C Erlinger, S / Long-term histologic improvement and loss of detectable intrahepatic HCV RNA in patients with chronic hepatitis C and sustained response to interferon-alpha therapy / Annals of Internal Medicine / 246 / 1997 / 10 / 875 / 881
36 / Teli, MRJames, OFW Burt, ADBennett, MKDay, CP / The natural history of nonalcoholic fatty liver: A follow-up study / Hepatology / 226 / 1995 / 6 / 1714 / 1719
37 / Stromeyer, FWIshak, KG / Nodular transformation (nodular regenerative hyperplasia) of the liver - a clinicopathologic study of 30 cases / Human Pathology / 225 / 1981 / 1 / 60 / 71
38 / Lindsay, KL Trepo, C Heintges, T Shiffman, ML Gordon, SC Hoefs, JC Schiff, ER Goodman, ZD Laughlin, M Yao, RJ Albrecht, JK / A randomized, double-blind trial comparing pegylated interferon alfa-2b to interferon alfa-2b as initial treatment for chronic hepatitis C / Hepatology / 223 / 2001 / 2 / 395 / 403
39 / Demetris, AJ Batts, KP Dhillon, AP Ferrell, L Fung, J Geller, SA Hart, J Hayry, P Hofmann, WJ Hubscher, S Kemnitz, J Koukoulis, G Lee, RG Lewin, KJ Ludwig, J Markin, RS Petrovic, LM Phillips, MJ Portmann, B Rakela, J Randhawa, P Reinholt, FP Reynes, M Robert, M Schlitt, H Solez, K Snover, D Taskinen, E Thung, SN Tillery, GW Wiesner, RH Wight, DGD Williams, JW Yamabe, H / Banff schema for grading liver allograft rejection: An international consensus document / Hepatology / 223 / 1997 / 3 / 658 / 663
40 / Demetris, AJLasky, S Vanthiel, DH Starzl, TE Dekker, A / Pathology of hepatic transplantation - a review of 62 adult allograft recipients immunosuppressed with a cyclosporine steroid regimen / American Journal of Pathology / 222 / 1985 / 1 / 151 / 161
41 / Hoofnagle, JHShafritz, DA Popper, H / Chronic type-b hepatitis and the healthy hbsag carrier state / Hepatology / 214 / 1987 / 4 / 758 / 763
42 / Wanless, IRMawdsley, C Adams, R / On the pathogenesis of focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver / Hepatology / 212 / PD / 6 / 1194 / 1200
43 / Hourigan, LFMacDonald, GA Purdie, D Whitehall, VLJ Shorthouse, C Clouston, A Powell, EE / Fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C correlates significantly with body mass index and steatosis / Hepatology / 209 / 1999 / 4 / 1215 / 1219
44 / Niederau, C Lange, S Heintges, T Erhardt, A Buschkamp, M Hurter, D Nawrocki, M Kruska, L Hensel, F Petry, W Haussinger, D / Prognosis of chronic hepatitis C: Results of a large, prospective cohort study / Hepatology / 201 / 1998 / 6 / 1687 / 1695
45 / Rooks, JB Ory, HW Ishak, KG Strss, LT Greenspan, JR Hill, AP Tyler, CW / Epidemiology of hepatocellular adenoma - role of oral-contraceptive use / JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association / 199 / 1979 / 7 / 644 / 648
46 / Anthony, PPIshak, KG Nayak, NCPoulsen, HEScheuer, PJ Sobin, LH / Morphology of cirrhosis / Journal of Clinical Pathology / 197 / 1978 / 5 / 395 / 414
47 / Charlton, M Seaberg, E Wiesner, R Everhart, J Zetterman, R Lake, J Detre, K Hoofnagle, J / Predictors of patient and graft survival following liver transplantation for hepatitis C / Hepatology / 192 / 1998 / 3 / 823 / 830
48 / Diehl, AM Goodman, Z Ishak, KG / Alcohol-like liver-disease in nonalcoholics - a clinical and histologic comparison with alcohol-induced liver-injury / Gastroenterology / 190 / 1988 / 4 / 1056 / 1062
49 / Ratziu, V Giral, P Charlotte, F Bruckert, E Thibault, V Theodorou, I Khalil, L Turpin, G Opolon, P Poynard, T / Liver fibrosis in overweight patients / Gastroenterology / 184 / 2000 / 6 / 1117 / 1123
50 / Perkocha, LA Geaghan, SM Yen, TSB Nishimura, SL Chan, SP Garcia-Kennedy, R Honda, G Stoloff, AC Klein, HZ Goldman, RL Vanmeter, S Ferrell, LD Leboit, PE / Clinical and pathological features of bacillary peliosis hepatis in association with human-immunodeficiency-virus infection / New England Journal of Medicine / 184 / 1990 / 23 / 1581 / 1586
51 / Wanless, IRGodwin, TAAllen, F Feder, A / Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver in hematologic disorders - a possible response to obliterative portal venopathy - a morphometric study of 9 cases with an hypothesis on the pathogenesis / Medicine / 184 / 1980 / 5 / 367 / 379
52 / Imbert-Bismut, F Ratziu, V Pieroni, L Charlotte, F Benhamou, Y Poynard, T / Biochemical markers of liver fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C virus infection: a prospective study / Lancet / 178 / 2001 / 9262 / 1069 / 1075
53 / Batts, KP Ludwig, J / Chronic hepatitis - an update on terminology and reporting / American Journal of Surgical Pathology / 174 / 1995 / 12 / 1409 / 1417
54 / Dixon, JBBhathal, PS O'Brien, PE / Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Predictors of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis in the severely obese / Gastroenterology / 173 / 2001 / 1 / 91 / 100
55 / Dienes, HPPopper, H Arnold, W Lobeck, H / Histologic observations in human hepatitis non-A, non-B / Hepatology / 171 / 1982 / 5 / 562 / 571
56 / Goodman, ZDIshak, KGLangloss, JM Sesterhenn, IARabin, L / Combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma - a histologic and immmunohistochemical study / Cancer / 167 / 1985 / 1 / 124 / 135
57 / Wiley, TE McCarthy, M Breidi, L McCarthy, M Layden, TJ / Impact of alcohol on the histological and clinical progression of hepatitis C infection / Hepatology / 166 / 1998 / 3 / 805 / 809
58 / Adinolfi, LE Gambardella, M Andreana, A Tripodi, MFUtili, R Ruggiero, G / Steatosis accelerates the progression of liver damage of chronic hepatitis C patients and correlates with specific HCV genotype and visceral obesity / Hepatology / 165 / 2001 / 6 / 1358 / 1364
59 / Dahl, MGC Gregory, MMScheuer, PJ / Liver damage due to methotrexate in patients with psoriasis / British Medical Journal / 163 / 1971 / 5750 / 625 / 630
60 / Berenguer, M Ferrell, L Watson, J Prieto, M Kim, M Rayon, M Cordoba, J Herola, A Ascher, N Mir, J Berenguer, J Wright, TL / HCV-related fibrosis progression following liver transplantation: increase in recent years / Journal of Hepatology / 162 / 2000 / 4 / 673 / 684
61 / Shiratori, Y Imazeki, F Moriyama, M Yano, M Arakawa, Y Yokosuka, O Kuroki, T Nishiguchi, S Sata, M Yamada, G Fujiyama, S Yoshida, H Omata, M / Histologic improvement of fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C who have sustained response to interferon therapy / Annals of Internal Medicine / 159 / 2000 / 7 / 517 / 524
62 / Dehner, LP Ishak, KG / Vascular tumors of liver in infants and children - 30 cases and review of literature / Archives of Pathology / 157 / 1971 / 2 / 101 / 111
63 / Neuberger, J Portmann, B MacDougall, BRD Calne, RYWilliams, R / Recurrence of primary biliary-cirrhosis after liver-transplantation / New England Journal of Medicine / 155 / 1982 / 1 / 1 / 4
64 / Davis, M Portmann, B Searle, M Wright, R Williams, R / Histological evidence of carcinoma in a hepatic tumor associated with oral-contraceptives / British Medical Journal / 150 / 1975 / 5995 / 496 / 498
65 / Theise, ND Saxena, R Portmann, BC Thung, SNYee, H Chiriboga, L Kumar, A Crawford, JM / The canals of Hering and hepatic stem cells in humans / Hepatology / 149 / 1999 / 6 / 1425 / 1433
66 / Klion, FM Schaffner, F Popper, H / Hepatitis after exposure to halothane / Annals of Internal Medicine / 147 / 1969 / 3 / 467 / 477
67 / Wanless, IR / Micronodular transformation (nodular regenerative hyperplasia) of the liver - a report of 64 cases among 2,500 autopsies and a new classification of benign hepatocellular nodules / Hepatology / 145 / 1990 / 5 / 787 / 797
68 / Nakanuma, Y Ohta, G / Histometric and serial section observations of the intra-hepatic bile-ducts in primary biliary-cirrhosis / Gastroenterology / 143 / 1979 / 6 / 1326 / 1332
69 / Ludwig, J Wiesner, RH Batts, KP Perkins, JDKrom, RAF / The acute vanishing bile-duct syndrome (acute irreversible rejection) after orthotopic liver-transplantation / Hepatology / 141 / 1987 / 3 / 476 / 483
70 / Becker, MDScheuer, PJBaptista, A Sherlock, S / Prognosis of chronic persistent hepatitis / Lancet / 137 / 1970 / 7637 / 53 / 57
71 / Popper, H Schaffner, F / Vocabulary of chronic hepatitis / New England Journal of Medicine / 134 / 1971 / 20 / 1154 / 1156
72 / Aledort, LM Levine, ph hilgartner, M Blatt, P Spero, JA Goldberg, JD Bianchi, L Desmet, V Scheuer, P Popper, H Berk, PD / A study of liver biopsies and liver-disease among hemophiliacs / Blood / 131 / 1985 / 2 / 367 / 372
73 / Neuberger, J Nunnerley, HBDavis, M Portmann, B Laws, JWWilliams, R / Oral-contraceptive associated liver-tumors - occurrence of malignancy and difficulties in diagnosis / Lancet / 130 / 1980 / 8163 / 273 / 276
74 / Popper, H Rubin, E Gardiol, D Schaffner, F Paronett, F / Drug-induced liver disease - a penalty for progress / Archives of Internal Medicine / 129 / 1965 / 2 / 128 / 136
75 / Anthony, PPIshak, KG Nayak, NCPoulsen, HEScheuer, PJ Sobin, LH / Morphology of cirrhosis - definition, nomenclature, and classification / Bulletin of the World Health Organization / 123 / 1977 / 4 / 521 / 540
76 / Falk, H Thomas, LBPopper, H Ishak, KG / Hepatic angiosarcoma associated with androgenic-anabolic steroids / Lancet / 120 / 1979 / 8152 / 1120 / 1123
77 / Goodman, ZDIshak, KG / Histopathology of hepatitis-C virus-infection / Seminars in Liver Disease / 119 / 1995 / 1 / 70 / 81
78 / Stocker, JTIshak, KG / Undifferentiated (embryonal) sarcoma of liver - report of 31 cases / Cancer / 118 / 1978 / 1 / 336 / 348
79 / Goodman, ZDIshak, KG / Angiomyolipomas of the liver / American Journal of Surgical Pathology / 117 / 1984 / 10 / 745 / 750
80 / Gimson, AES OGrady, J Ede, RJPortmann, B Williams, R / Late onset hepatic-failure - clinical, serological and histological features / Hepatology / 114 / 1986 / 2 / 288 / 294
81 / Goodman, ZDMcNally, PRDavis, DRIshak, KG / Autoimmune cholangitis - a variant of primary biliary-cirrhosis - clinicopathological and serologic correlations in 200 cases / Digestive Diseases and Sciences / 111 / 1995 / 6 / 1232 / 1242
82 / Williams, R Scheuer, PJSherlock, S / Inheritance of idiopathic haemochromatosis - clinical and liver biopsy study of 16 families / Quarterly Journal of Medicine / 108 / 1962 / 123 / 249 / 265
83 / Brunt, PW Kew, MC Scheuer, PJSherlock, S / Studies in alcoholic liver-disease in britain .1. Clinical and pathological patterns related to natural-history / Gut / 107 / 1974 / 1 / 52 / 58
84 / Oguma, S Belle, S Starzl, TE Demetris, AJ / A histometric analysis of chronically rejected human-liver allografts - insights into the mechanisms of bile-duct loss - direct immunological and ischemic factors / Hepatology / 104 / 1989 / 2 / 204 / 209
85 / Rolfes, DBIshak, KG / Acute fatty liver of pregnancy - a clinicopathologic study of 35-cases / Hepatology / 97 / 1985 / 6 / 1149 / 1158
86 / Ferrell, LDCrawford, JMDhillon, APScheuer, PJNakanuma, Y / Proposal for standardized criteria for the diagnosis of benign, borderline, and malignant hepatocellular lesions arising in chronic advanced liver-disease / American Journal of Surgical Pathology / 94 / 1993 / 11 / 1113 / 1123
87 / Demetris, AJ Qian, S Sun, H Fung, JJ / Liver allograft-rejection - an overview of morphologic findings / American Journal of Surgical Pathology / 94 / 1990 / 49 / 63
88 / Portmann, B Popper, H Neuberger, J Williams, R / Sequential and diagnostic features in primary biliary-cirrhosis based on serial histologic-study in 209 patients / Gastroenterology / 93 / 1985 / 6 / 1777 / 1790
89 / Berk, PDPopper, H Krueger, GRF Decter, J Herzig, G Graw, RG / Veno-occlusive disease of the liver after allogeneic bone-marrow transplantation - possible association with graft versus host disease / Annals of Internal Medicine / 93 / 1979 / 2 / 158 / 164
90 / Scheuer, PJSummerfield, JALal, S Sherlock, S / Rifampicin hepatitis - clinical and histological study / Lancet / 89 / 1974 / 7855 / 421 / 425
91 / Ishak, KGZimmerman, HJ / Hepatotoxic effects of the anabolic androgenic steroids / Seminars in Liver Disease / 85 / 1987 / 3 / 230 / 236
92 / Goodman, ZDIshak, KG / Occlusive venous lesions in alcoholic liver-disease - a study of 200 cases / Gastroenterology / 85 / 1982 / 4 / 786 / 796
93 / Polson, RJPortmann, B Neuberger, J Calne, RYWilliams, R / Evidence for disease recurrence after liver-transplantation for primary biliary-cirrhosis - clinical and histologic follow-up studies / Gastroenterology / 82 / 1989 / 3 / 715 / 725
94 / Devaney, K Goodman, ZDIshak, KG / Hepatobiliary cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma - a light-microscopic and immunohistochemical study of 70 patients / American Journal of Surgical Pathology / 80 / 1994 / 11 / 1078 / 1091
95 / Deodhar, KP Tapp, E Scheuer, PJ / Orcein staining of hepatitis-B antigen in paraffin sections of liver biopsies / Journal of Clinical Pathology / 79 / 1975 / 1 / 66 / 70
96 / Kakizoe, S Yanaga, K Starzl, TE Demetris, AJ / Evaluation of protocol before transplantation and after reperfusion biopsies from human orthotopic liver allografts - considerations of preservation and early immunological injury / Hepatology / 78 / 1990 / 6 / 932 / 941
97 / Barka, T Schaffner, F Popper, H Scheuer, PJ / Structural changes of liver cells in copper intoxication / Archives of Pathology / 75 / 1964 / 4 / 331 / 349
98 / Nzeako, UCGoodman, ZDIshak, KG / Hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic and noncirrhotic livers - A clinico-histapathologic study of 804 North American patients / American Journal of Clinical Pathology / 74 / 1996 / 1 / 65 / 75
99 / Wanless, IRSolt, LCKortan, P Deck, JHN Gardiner, GWProkipchuk, EJ / Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver associated with macroglobulinemia - a clue to the pathogenesis / American Journal of Medicine / 73 / 1981 / 6 / 1203 / 1209
100 / Ishak, KGWillis, GW Cummins, SD Bullock, AA / Biliary cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma - report of 14 cases and review of literature / Cancer / 71 / 1977 / 1 / 322 / 338
101 / Portmann, B Talbot, ICDay, DW Davidson, AR Murraylyon, IMWilliams, R / Histopathological changes in liver following a paracetamol overdose - correlation with clinical and biochemical parameters / Journal of Pathology / 70 / 1975 / 3 / 169 / 181
102 / Morris, JS Gallo, GAScheuer, PJSherlock, S / Percutaneous liver-biopsy in patients with large bile-duct obstruction / Gastroenterology / 70 / 1975 / 4 / 750 / 754
103 / Stocker, JTIshak, KG / Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver - a study of 21 pediatric cases / Cancer / 69 / 1981 / 2 / 336 / 345
104 / Balan, V Batts, KP Porayko, MKKrom, RAF Ludwig, J Wiesner, RH / Histological evidence for recurrence of primary biliary-cirrhosis after liver-transplantation / Hepatology / 68 / 1993 / 6 / 1392 / 1398
105 / Devaney, K Goodman, ZDEpstein, MS Zimmerman, HJIshak, KG / Hepatic sarcoidosis - clinicopathological features in 100 patients / American Journal of Surgical Pathology / 68 / 1993 / 12 / 1272 / 1280
106 / Batts, KP Moore, SBPerkins, JD Wiesner, RHGrambsch, PM Krom, RAF / Influence of positive lymphocyte crossmatch and HLA mismatching on vanishing bile-duct syndrome in human-liver allografts / Transplantation / 68 / 1988 / 2 / 376 / 379
107 / Nakanuma, Y Ohta, G / Immunohistochemical study on bile ductular proliferation in various hepatobiliary diseases / Liver / 67 / 1986 / 4 / 205 / 211
108 / Demetris, AJJaffe, R Starzl, TE / A review of adult and pediatric post-transplant liver pathology / Pathology Annual / 66 / 1987 / 22 / 347 / 386
109 / Ishak, KGJenis, EH Battisito.GC Bolton, BH Marshall, ML / Cirrhosis of liver associated with alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency / Archives of Pathology / 66 / 1972 / 5 / 445 / 455
110 / Kerkar, N Hadzic, N Davies, ET Portmann, B Donaldson, PT Rela, M Heaton, ND Vergani, D Mieli-Vergani, G / De-novo autoimmune hepatitis after liver transplantation / Lancet / 65 / 1998 / 9100 / 409 / 413
111 / Popper, H Szanto, PB Elias, H / Transition of fatty liver into cirrhosis / Gastroenterology / 65 / 1955 / 2 / 183 / 192
112 / Marsman, WA Wiesner, RH Rodriguez, L Batts, KP Porayko, MK Hay, JE Gores, GJ Krom, RAF / Use of fatty donor liver is associated with diminished early patient and graft survival / Transplantation / 63 / 1996 / 9 / 1246 / 1251
113 / Portmann, B OGrady, J Williams, R / Disease recurrence following orthotopic liver-transplantation / Transplantation Proceedings / 63 / 1986 / 5 / 136 / 143
114 / Ishak, KG / Light microscopic morphology of viral-hepatitis / American Journal of Clinical Pathology / 63 / 1976 / 5 / 787 / 827
115 / Demetris, AJ Markus, BH Esquivel, C Vanthiel, DH Saidman, S Gordon, R Makowka, L Sysyn, GD Starzl, TE / Pathologic analysis of liver-transplantation for primary biliary-cirrhosis / Hepatology / 62 / 1988 / 4 / 939 / 947
116 / Stromeyer, FWIshak, KG / Histology of the liver in wilsons-disease - study of 34 cases / American Journal of Clinical Pathology / 60 / 1980 / 1 / 12 / 24
117 / Lindor, KD Bru, C Jorgensen, RA Rakela, J Bordas, JM Gross, JB Rodes, J McGill, DB Reading, CC James, EM Charboneau, JW Ludwig, J Batts, KP Zinsmeister, AR / The role of ultrasonography and automatic-needle biopsy in outpatient percutaneous liver biopsy / Hepatology / 58 / 1996 / 5 / 1079 / 1083
118 / Donaldson, BW Gopinath, R Wanless, IR Phillips, MJ Cameron, R Roberts, EA Greig, PD Levy, G Blendis, LM / The role of transjugular liver-biopsy in fulminant liver-failure - relation to other prognostic indicators / Hepatology / 57 / 1993 / 6 / 1370 / 1374
119 / Rolfes, DBIshak, KG / Liver-disease in toxemia of pregnancy / American Journal of Gastroenterology / 57 / 1986 / 12 / 1138 / 1144
120 / Scheuer, PJ / Liver biopsy in diagnosis of cirrhosis / Gut / 56 / 1970 / 3 / 275 / 278
121 / Popper, H / Liver disease - morphologic considerations / American Journal of Medicine / 56 / 1954 / 1 / 98 / 117
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