
The Town of Forestburgh Town Board reconvened a recessed Budget Workshop on Monday, October 23, 2017 at the town hall.

Supervisor Hogue called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Present – Daniel S. Hogue, Jr., Supervisor

Katherine Barnhart, Councilwoman

John W. Galligan, Councilman

Susan Parks Landis, Councilwoman

Steve Budofsky, Councilman

Absent – None


Secretary – Joanne K. Nagoda, Town Clerk


Present – None

Supervisor Hogue stated that he made one change to the tentative budget; he just corrected the 5148 line to match the revenue line. The bottom line is the same. On the summary page, under general where is say unexpended balance, my original estimate was $78,000; there was a cushion in there so I increased it to $85,000. This makes our total overall $20,603 increase over last year. That is a 1.67% increase over 2017. We actually have about $50,000 worth of increased spending in the budget but with our cuts we brought it down to about $20,000. General fund is up $104 from last year and highway is up about $21,000 from last year. General revenue is up about $16,000. Highway revenue is down about $186. We are using $40,000 less unexpended funds in general and $25,000 more in highway.

Discussion was held on the tax cap and it not really being 2%. Discussion was held on demolition of buildings and the type of lien that would be honored by the county if the county took the house for tax foreclosure, which lead to a discussion of unallocated funds that the town has that are not ear marked for any specific use. There is $358,505 in the general fund unallocated fund. Highway has $366,243.

MOTION by Councilman Galligan, seconded by Councilman Budofsky to transfer $5,000 from general and $5,000 from highway unallocated fund balances. Vote: 5 ayes – 0 nays. Motion carried.

This reduces our increase from 1.67% to .85% over 2017.

MOTION by Supervisor Hogue, seconded by Councilman Budofsky to introduce this as the 2018 Preliminary Budget. Vote: 5 ayes – 0 nays. Motion carried.

MOTION by Supervisor Hogue, seconded by Councilman Budofsky to hold a public hearing on the 2018 Preliminary Budget on Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 7:05 p.m. in the town hall. Vote: 5 ayes – 0 nays. Motion carried.

ADJOURNMENT – Motion by Supervisor Hogue, seconded by Councilwoman Barnhart to adjourn at 1:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne K. Nagoda,

Town Clerk