Supervision Guidelines for McKay

Supervision Style, Expectationsand Communication

  • Teaching style:I strive to implement clinical teaching techniques that meet the needs of individual students. Some students may be earlier in their experience or abilities and will benefit from more direct modeling and instruction while others may be able to work independently. It is a judgement call. The expectation is that everyone will improve over the course of the term, and that I will be able to lessen the amount of supervision. It may be that by the end of the term you will not need feedback on SOAPS or sessions if the format stays the same and you have mastered it. Please let me know if you are feeling you need more or less feedback.
  • Your learning style and goals: I will ask you how you learn best and what you want to focus on in this clinical experience. Please be prepared to share this with me. My hope is that you will review any past IPPEs and use my supervision as a chance to reinforce and further growth. Think about your goals and how I can best help you meet them.
  • Documentation due dates: Your SOAPS will be due to me within 24 hours of seeing the client unless we have worked out a different arrangement. Due dates for ITP and Consultations will be set based on when client was seen in the term. I will try to give feedback on SOAPS, sessions and ITPs within 24-48 hours. Feedback on Consults will be given within three days. If you have an urgent question and need a quicker turn around time, do not hesitate to let me know. Always email me if you do not hear from me within 48 hours.
  • Documentation feedback: I find that students’ clinical writing improves when they see models. I tend to provide extensive writing edits on track changes with comments. In order to learn, it is important to that you not just “accept” changes and instead review them carefully and keep a list of your own writing reminders. For ITPs, Consultations and for SOAPS that have a lot of edits, please email me a summary of the “type” of edits and what you think you learned or want to work on. It can be a couple sentences or may be more extensive if this is an area we are tackling. In the chart below, you will see that your summary/reflection on my edits is due at the time you incorporate the edits.
  • Session feedback and your self reflection: I use email to give session feedback and provide clinical teaching. Most often I will give feedback immediately after a session I have observed. I will email specific reflection questions for you with my session feedback and ask that you respond to these in order to guide your self evaluation and enhance learning. These will comprise your session reflection. I ask that you read and consider these teaching emails carefully. Sometimes quick verbal conversations are not remembered and the written record can be helpful. I would suggest you make a folder for our client and put in my emails so that you can refer back to them. I am always happy to meet and prefer to meet when there are complicated clinical issues or personal issues to discuss. However, for general feedback and learning, please be prepared to read and study emails. If I did not observe a session, please email me a session reflection that focuses on YOUR clinicianship and answers the questions: (a) What did you do that made the session go well and how did you know that this had a positive effect? And (b) What would you like t o do differently in hindsight and how will you know if this works?
  • Preparedness: I expect students to utilize resources on EBP, and if they have had my class, to go back and look at relevant slides and readings. Show off to me and refer to what you are finding. Independent resourcefulness will serve you well and increase your clinicianship. If we are meeting, be sure to be prepared with your questions and what you know about the topic.
  • Communication: Please let me know if there is something you feel I could do to enhance your clinical learning. I value open, professional dialogue and will also commit to making sure I communicate clearly with you. I recognize that this is not your only school demand and that at times you may need more support or modifications. It is important to let me know your needs prior. Late paperwork or poor preparation without communication with me will be considered a critical concern.


Established Clients

CLIENT / LP / SOAP v1/Reflection / McKay
Feedback / Writing
Reminder / ITP
Background/Goals / McKay
Feedback / Final ITP
v.1 / McKay

Consults Clients

Plan / Template
To Consult / Consult
v.1 / McKay
Feedback / Consult
Writing Reminders / McKay