Supervised Student Teaching in English
EDCI 498F/ SPRING 2005 Dr. Lisa Schade Eckert
Office314 Heavilone-mail lschade @
PhoneCell(269) 806-2794 H: (269) 692-3837 O:496-7493
OfficeHoursTBA by appointment
Location 128 Heavilon Hall Time Selected Thursdays6:00-7:50pm

Course Description

The time has at last arrived for your much anticipated entry into the classroom. This semester, you will be gradually assuming the instructional responsibilities and overall workload of practicing teachers. In addition to the teachers who directly mentor your student teaching in their classrooms, resources include your University Supervisor as well as the 498F seminar itself.

Moreover, the English education student teaching handbook (see URL below) provides an excellent reference with regard to specific expectations for your professionalism and performance, as well as suggesting timelines for the rate at which you might reasonably phase into—and later out of—instructional and other classroom roles. Specific details of your own placement are to be negotiated in an ongoing way directly with your mentor teacher. However, your university supervisor—in addition to observing, documenting, and supporting your teaching performance—can be instrumental as a liaison to your mentor teacher as the need arises.

Above all, we hope that you will approach this classroom "moment of truth" with real commitment and enthusiasm—and strive to achieve your greatest potential as a new teacher!

Meetings Dates

MandatoryEDCI 498F seminar meetings will be held on the following dates:

January 13, January 27, February 10, March 3, April 7, April 28, and May 5

Attendance Policy & Expectations for Participation

Missing more than one seminar meeting may affect your student teaching grade. (If you are forced to miss, please inform me of reasons in advance of your absence.) In addition to completion of student teaching responsibilities per se, seminar requirements include the following: (1) Maintaining consistent and appropriate contact with your university supervisor, (2) Participating during seminar activities and discussions, and (3) Completing and uploading all TaskStream assignments on time.

Important Student Teaching and Seminar Dates

University Supervisor Orientation: January 20 (at 5:15 in Beering 1284)

Student Teaching Orientation: January 19 (register at 5:15 in Beering 2280)

Student Teaching Visitation Day:January 31

Student Teaching Dates: February 21 – May 6

Due Date for uploading to TaskStream May 1

Resources on the Internet

Purdue SOE Office of Field Experience Student Teaching Handbook (9th edition)

Link to English Education Program Student Teaching Handbook

University supervisors for secondary English this semester

Michael Fiscel(574) 722-3482



Lisa Schade (Head University Supervisor)


Mike Van

Gate D Artifact Project.During the seminar, you will complete assignments to upload to the Purdue Electronic Portfolio (PEP) system (parallel to the E-portfolio requirement completed for “Gate C” in EDCI 422). These are ultimately required in order to pass through the last “Gate” of the teacher education assessment system—and, therefore, in accordance with Purdue School of Education policy, to be recommended by SOE for licensure. In sum, fulfilling this assignment is a vital component of successfully completing your student teaching at Purdue. Accordingly, completing this assignment and uploading it to your electronic portfolio (PEP) on time is also required in order to pass student teaching itself. Rest assured that you will receive guidance and support while completing it.

Projected Schedule of Seminar Topics

Meetings Dates: EDCI 498F seminar meetings will be held on the following dates:

January 13, January 27, February 10, March 3, April 7, April 28, and May 5

*Note:Several seminar sessions will be scheduled at alternative locations, such as the Digital Learning Collaboratory (DLC), in the basement of the Undergraduate Library, and a computer lab in Beering Hall.

January 13Orientation

Overview of important dates & issues in student teaching

Discussion of the TaskStream requirement

January 27Taskstream and further discussion of “Gate D” assignment

Introduction and assignment of supervisors (exchange contact info)

February 10Discussion of your first day of student teaching!

Panel of recent student teachers (Please prepare questions in advance)

March 3 *Digital video editing (and "compression")

Tonight you need to bring a finished video of yourself teaching

* Meet in Digital Learning Collaboratory

April 7Area principals discuss hiring practices and what to expect at job interviews. (Please prepare questions in advance)

April 28* Upload PEP artifacts by today's class: open lab time

* Meet in Beering Computer Lab (Third Floor)

May 5Celebrating & Sharing Classroom Narratives:

Our Most "Memorable" Teaching Moments