846-8054; 459 9603;
Superior Key Account Management
This course on Superior Key Account Management focuses on building the Account Managers’ skills and competencies with the ability to effectively manage their key accounts. It also aims for the participants to learn and understand the basic processes and competencies behind key account management.
Your key accounts are your “most important” clients. As such, they are the ones that are at most risk of being wooed by your competition. For most companies, reducing prices to compete has become a staple sales strategy. However, this strategy seriously threatens the survival of the organization. This is why managing and developing your key accounts is an essential skill to have, if we want to stay ahead of the competition!
Our “Superior Key Account Management” training program will help you develop strategic key account management processes and methodologies that ensure not only the protection of your existing clients from competitive attack, but, more significantly, build long and sustainable relationships resulting in excellent customer retention, improved sales, increasing margins and ongoing customer loyalty.
In this highly interactive and fun-filled workshop, participants will be armed with dynamic tools that they can tweak and use to help them identify and manage their key accounts, as well as the skills to use them. This course will be a game-changer!
Workshop Objectives
Participants of this program will learn to:
- Recognize KAM concepts being or not being implemented in their workplace
- Determine your Key Accounts using AAR and CSI
- Rank your Key Accounts from the scores determined by the AARs and CSIs of their clients
- Create strategies fit for each Key Account level on the KAM Quadrant
Objectives / Modules / Details
- Recognize KAM concepts being or not being implemented in your workplace
- Key Account Management (KAM) Concepts
- Activity: KAM Word Puzzle
- Discussion: What is KAM?
- Concept: The KAM Lifecycle
- Concept: They KAM Ladder
- Determine your Key Accounts using AAR and CSI
- Determining Your Key Accounts
- Discussion: Who are Your Key Accounts?
- Activity: Assemble the Avengers
- Concept: What Key Account Managers keep doing Wrong
- Concept: The roles and responsibilities of a Key Account Manager
- Concept: The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)
- Concept: The Account Attractiveness Report (AAR)
- Activity: Create your AARs
- Activity: Testing Your AARs
- Rank your Key Accounts from the scores determined by your AARs and CSIs
- Ranking your Key Accounts
- Concept: The KAM Quadrant
- Activity: Using the KAM Quadrant to Rank Key Accounts
- Create strategies fit for each Key Account level on the KAM Quadrant
- Creating Your KAM Strategies
- Activity: The Case of the Zombified Actors
- Discussion: Creating Effective KAM Strategies (and Tactics) using the KAM Quadrant
- Activity: Create your KAM Strategies
- Create strategies and tactics to manage their existing Key Accounts
- Managing Your Key Accounts
- Discussion: Controlling the Input rather than the Output
- Activity: Zombie Outbreak
- Concept: Being Proactive
- Activity: Create a KAM Action Plan
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