Superintendent's Report

CSDB Board of Trustees

September, 2016

Page 5



September, 2016


Education Departments

School for the Deaf/School for the Blind

·  Students have returned full of energy. They have jumped back into school and are enjoying being back in the school routine.

·  All student devices have been distributed for use during the school day. We are collecting the technology fee and working to ensure all contracts are signed. We will then allow students to take these devices home or to the dorm.

·  New math, social studies and English curricula were adopted for 6-12th grade students. Teachers are eager to use the new curricula, along with technology in the classroom.

School for the Deaf

·  The 3rd-8th grade department started the year emphasizing the Olympics and connecting this theme to our daily PRIDE expectations. Students have enjoyed continuing to learn about our American Olympians, as well as showing off their PRIDE skills.

·  High school students are exploring Minecraft and Lego curriculum in their technology class. They are learning how to build things, with literacy and numeracy skills embedded in their learning. Students enjoy and love it!

School for the Blind

·  The elementary and supported secondary class finished up their Olympic unit with a visit to the Olympic Training Center.

·  Secondary students participated in an anti-bullying workshop and signed contracts pledging to participate in acts of kindness and report bullying to staff when observed.

·  Secondary students completed a Common Sense Media training class, before receiving their 1:World devices.

·  We have many new students in the School for the Blind, this year. The elementary and secondary students have been wonderful in taking these students under their wings, by showing them around and making them feel welcome.

Family-Centered Early Education Program (FCEE)

·  Preschool students have been learning all about their school and riding the bus. Classes took a tour of campus and got to see who and what was inside each building. They also took a mini "field trip" to the CSDB bus and were thrilled at the opportunity to open and shut the doors, honk the horn, and learn all about school busses through their experience.

·  K-2nd grade classrooms have adopted a thematic approach to instruction, this year. Our first theme is My Community. Students have been learning about the roles of community helpers, as well as tools they need to do their jobs and requirements for each job. Students are learning about community, in all content areas, and from different perspectives shared by staff members.

·  Pam Parker, Speech and Language, and Amy Bobich, ASL teacher, worked together and created a theme-based bilingual room where students are learning through ASL and English.

Student Services

·  We had 34 new students enrolled so far this school year.

·  Student Health Services provided a medication delegation class for dorm staff and multiple one-on-one medications delegations, for the 31 students with emergency medications.

·  Thirty-one (31) Bridges to Life (BtL) students have successfully completed a CPR/ First Aid training and are now certified.

·  The nursing staff made contact with USA Hockey to coordinate a Hockey Camp for the Deaf (Sept 19) and a Hockey Camp for the Blind Hockey (Sept 7).

·  BtL students have been participating in vocational assessments and training and will be starting off-campus work soon.

Student Life

·  We changed the parents’ drop-off time for the Denver students who bus to CSDB, on Sundays, from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Parents and students are adjusting to the new time slowly and surely.

·  Football and volleyball season has begun! The high school football team had their first scrimmage last Friday, and they are ready to play their first game against Branson High School, September 2. The high school volleyball team’s first game is September 8 against Edison. The goalball team will start practicing, after Labor Day weekend. Due to small number of players, middle school football and volleyball team seasons were cancelled.

·  After school activities: Student Body Government (SBG) kicked off with a “Welcome Back Party” for all CSDB students August 24, and it was a success. SBG had a mini-workshop on August 31, to review SBG and Class expectations and participate in team building activities. Also, SBG continues to prepare for Homecoming Spirit Week!

·  Extra-Curricular activities began on August 22. Special Olympics bowling, fishing, crafts, survival club, and yoga are provided for students who are blind/visually impaired. The homework lab has been set up for both Adams and Gottlieb students. There are several clubs provided for students who are deaf/hard of hearing: Girls on the Run, Boy’s club, Bible club, playground parks, tennis, biking, dance, crafts, intramurals, skateboarding, board games, hiking, and survival club.

·  A few dorm units seized the opportunity to go to Farmers Market, downtown on Wednesdays. They were able to purchase food and then cook in the dorm. Many dorm units went to the State Fair in Pueblo, Colorado August 30, and the students had a blast!


·  CSDB partnered with Colorado Hands & Voices and Natural Wisdom Counseling, to provide the Deaf+Autism community a family day filled with activities and information.The event, at Happy Dog Ranch in Littleton, involved families who have children who are dually diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing. Families enjoyed a picnic lunch, played games, fed alpacas, and watched a demonstration of equine therapy, a popular support for children with ASD.

·  Our Early Education programs are serving 420 families. Our Colorado Home Intervention Program serves 308 children and families who are deaf/hard of hearing or deafblind in 27 counties. In southern Colorado, we are supporting children who are blind/visually impaired and their families.

·  Our Teachers of the deaf and Teachers of the visually impaired are serving 87 students in school districts across the state. We are still receiving requests for services from districts.



·  Programs have received their budgets, for the new school year, and our goal for the year is to keep spending on-track, while providing for the needs of the students.

·  The FY17-18 Decision Item requesting teacher step increases has been submitted to the Office of State Planning and Budget.

·  CSDB accounting has completed all of the year-end entries for Fiscal Year 2015-2016. The State Controller’s Office is currently working on the closing entries, and the final year-end close should be complete by the end of September. CSDB is currently working on the year-end financial exhibits that will be submitted to the State Controller’s Office. We anticipate the audit for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 will begin shortly.


·  To date, a total of twenty-three (23) positions have been filled for the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year. Currently, there are thirty-one (31) vacancies: six (6) vacancies for Non-Classified positions; twenty-five (25) vacancies for Classified positions and one (1) new position funded 7/1/2015 not yet filled (position was filled; candidate accepted, then declined employment; re-release of job announcement pending).

Current Job Postings:

-  Teacher of the Deaf (ASL, Grades 3-12; Elementary; English / Language Arts; Mathematics)

-  Teacher of the Deaf / Outreach Programs

-  Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) – (future vacancies)

·  Feedback relative to New Employee Orientation has been solicited via ‘SurveyMonkey’. Survey response rate was low (38%); however, the feedback received is primarily positive in that respondents felt welcome and supported through New Employee Orientation.

·  The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) approved the utilization of vacancy savings to fund the payout of a one-time, non-base building performance bonus (for the 2015-2016 performance cycle) to eligible employees. As a division / work unit of CDE, CSDB similarly authorized this payout to eligible CSDB employees. This ‘One-Time Bonus Plan’ does not apply to CSDB Non-Classified Employees who are paid in accordance with the School District 11 Salary Schedule (i.e., Teachers / Special Service Providers / Principals).



·  The Jones Hall renovation is moving along. We have found some additional asbestos under the slab which will need to be cleaned up. The demolition work is about 95% complete.


·  The banner system software was upgraded to a new provider.

·  Canvas and Overdrive implementation is complete. We are working on adoption.

·  We are working to meet student needs for technology, as identified by program administrators.


·  The security gates on the east side of campus have been fitted with a lock that works better for our campus.

·  New staff were trained in the CSDB crisis response plan.

Public Relations

·  Comcast TV - To help provide information toour community, CSDBis broadcasting 30-minutesegments on Comcast TV Channel 20,Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. CSDB video segments tell the stories of people who are deaf/hard of hearing and blind/visually impaired, provide American Sign Language lessons to community members, and keep the community informed about CSDB activities. The clips are also on the CSDB YouTube channel/Broadcast Segments.

·  Denver Post Preps printed the CSDB football and volleyball schedules for the 2016 season.
Gazette Upcoming Preps Schedule lists the weekly football schedule.

·  Constant Contact, an email marketing tool, continues to be helpful for message distribution. Recently, Constant Contact was used to send out mass emails for the 2016 Fall Community ASL classes and the 2016 Deaf Resource Fair. This is an effective way to meet our business communication goals.


September 16 Professional Development

October 1 Homecoming

October 13 Board of Trustees Meeting


As of August 30, 2016

Total Number of Students Currently Served Statewide / 611
Total Number of Students Served on Campus since August 2015 / 202
Current Campus 3-21 Enrollment / 202
School for the Deaf / School for the Blind
Preschool / 7 / 3
Elementary / 40 / 19
Middle School / 18 / 13
High School / 50 / 19
Bridges to Life / 23 / 10
Dually Enrolled Students / 0 / 0
TOTAL / 138 / 64
Day Students / 124
Residential Students / 78
Parent Option / 7 + 10 unknown
District Option / 185
Teacher: Student Ratio / 1:5
CHIP (Deaf) / 300
CHIP (Deafblind) / 11
Blind: Birth – 3 / 17
Direct Outreach / 81
ELDI Programs / 89