SUNY Senate Sustainability Research Conference Callat3PM Feb. 15, 2013

Present on Call: Robert Ewy (SUNY Potsdam), Michael Sperazza (SUNY Stony Brook), Shishir Singh (Empire State College), Michael Hoffman (Cornell), Junaid Zubairi (SUNY Fredonia), Mark Bremer (SUNYIT), Ivar Strand (Research Foundation), Richard Smardon and Sean Nicholson (SUNY/ESF).

After introductions it was announced that 4 out of 10 awards from the SUNY Energy Smart Campus Collaboration Grant Program were awarded to projects stemming from the SUNY Senate May 2012 Workshop. These projects include:

  • Heavy Metals in Soil: New Paltz, Cobleskill and ESF
  • Waste Education: Brockport, Fredonia and SUNY Albany
  • Sustainability Path: SUNY IT
  • Climate Data: Stony Brook and ESF

Deb Howard SUNY Sustainability coordinator is working on a possible next round of funding.

Ivar Strand announced that he and Shadi Shahedipour-Sandik are working on the RFP for the second round of the Research Foundation Collaboration Grants, which should be released, around March 1st, and proposals due by May 1st. The total amount available should be around $700,000. The last round funded 6 projects at $100,000 each and 3 at $54,000 each. These proposals will be peer reviewed as well.

Rick Smardon reported that he and other SUNY faculty/staff presented at a briefing workshop for SUNY sustainability coordinators at the SUNY Global Center on February 8th (lots of travel adventures getting home!). Alternative renewable energy systems were covered as well as implementation issues. Deb Howard is planning future upcoming sessions on use of the STARS sustainability rating system and building sustainability into SUNY curriculums.

Mark Bremer (SUNY IT) reported that he has been working with Julian Dautremont-Smith from Alfred State on a peer review system for improvement of STARS utilization as well as tracking. There will also be an Innovation in Teaching Technology meeting June 6-8 at the Alfred State Campus. SUNY IT and Morrisville are working on virtual and real time teaching tools for developing wind and solar energy systems.

Michael Sperazza of Stony Brook reported that they just completed and off campus program In Costa Rica, which they plan on doing next year. This program included developing renewable sources of energy, reforestation,and marine system restoration.

Rick Smardon reported that he will be leading a panel on Sustainability Research at SUNY Brockport April 20, 2013. This meeting is called “Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach” (we will send out program announcement).

A number of call participants suggested that we needed another meeting of the working groups to rejuvenate activity. We might be able to use the SUNY Brockport meeting for this purpose or explore a separate meeting. R. Smardon will work with Ivar, Deb Howard and Shadi Shahedipour-Sandik to explore this. The next call is scheduled for mid –April.