Bonjour et Bienvenue!

Course Information Sheet/Syllabus:

SUNY French IIUniversity at Albany FRE 222 – Intermediate French 2 (4 credits)

Important Note: The language of instruction for this class is FRENCH! The course will be taught 90% in French and all students are required to respond to their teacher in French.

Location and Meeting Times:

TBD (North Salem High School)

Instructor Contact Information:

Colm O’Callaghan

After-school help: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:15-2:55

Course description, overview and objectives:

For students who have completedA FRE221Y, three semesters of college French, or three to four years of high school French (one year beyond the Regents' sequence). Continuing with a functional and thematic approach to building proficiency and a lively, interactive approach to learning, this course builds on students’ previous knowledge to expand and refine their ability to express themselves, both orally and in writing. Culture continues to play a central role, as does reading. Students read a variety of short texts as well as a work chosen by the instructor. By the end of A FRE 222, students should be able to express themselves and read with reasonable fluency on a variety of topics. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Prerequisite(s): A FRE 221Y or permission of instructor.

Instructional materials, activities, assignments, and assessments are appropriate to this level, and include a variety of authentic audio and video recordings to develop students’ listening abilities. Authentic texts from various sources (Authentik magazines, literary works of all periods, newspapers, and the Internet) will be instrumental in developing the high level of reading skill. Moreover, students are required to improve their speaking skills in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics and registers on a regular basis. Equally important are the regular writing assignments. Students must write one carefully scaffolded “redaction” per unit, in addition to shorter, extemporaneous assignments on a variety of topics, being careful to use precise linking terms which they must master early on in the course. The underlying structure of Intermediate French I ensures that all four skills are improved to a degree that will enable students to not only succeed in Intermediate French II course, but also gain the mastery that is crucial to pursue more advanced levels of French.

AFRE 222 meets the General Education category of Oral Discourse

Students will:

·communicate ideas (creative, expressive, intuitive, intellectual) according to a specific set of criteria

·establish and maintain an appropriate performer/audience relationship in given oral exercise, and actively engage with listeners/audience

·respond to and, where appropriate, incorporate listener’s comments and questions

·critique, orally or in writing, an oral performance

Prerequisites: This is a full-year class of Intermediate French for students who have successfully completed AFRE 221 and passed the Checkpoint B exam for high school French. These prerequisites are enforceable and critical to success in the class.

Expectations and Policies:

Participation in class is essential and it is directly tied to attendance. Not being in class is no excuse for failing to turn in assignments and/or homework. You are expected to be present on time and for the duration of the class.

Attendance Policy: A maximum of 10 absences will be allowed for a year-long course. 2 points will be deducted from your final grade for every absence above 10. This is a SUNY Albany policy which the SUNY UHS instructor must enforce.

Throughout the course students are expected to:

1. Read the assigned grammar before coming to class.

2. Do the corresponding assignments and turn them in to the instructor at the beginning of the class.

3. Arrive and attend class punctually.

4. Do the assigned exercises from Bravo! Workbook.

5. Be ready to participate in all class activities.

6. Take all the examinations on the scheduled dates.

7. Pronounce French with accuracy.

8. Write sentences, phrases, and paragraphs.

9. Make oral presentations.

10. Speak French at an intermediate elementary level as regards pronunciation and stress, grammar, syntax, word order, and vocabulary.

11. Compare and contrast English and French structure, especially as they reflect the culture and society of the peoples who speak each language. Language is both linguistic and cultural.

12. Evaluate, compare, contrast, and analyze French and American culture.

Course Materials:

·Muyskens, Judith, et al. Bravo!: communication, grammaire, culture et littérature. 6th edition.

·Une Fois pour Toutes, 1993, Longman

·Rhinoceros, Eugène Ionesco

·L’Esquive, Abdellatif Kechiche

·Authentik, quarterly magazines and cds. Authentik interactive website including activities developed around daily news items.

·TV5 pedagogical resources and daily news items

Recommended Materials/Resources:

·French/English dictionary (Le Petit Robert or Larousse)

·501 French verbs by Christopher Kendris

·French websites and resources listed on the North Salem World Language Department page

Topics Covered:

·Unit 1: A mon avis...(Chapter 6 Bravo: Current Events, Visual Arts, Architecture)

·Unit 2: Qui vivra verra (Chapter 7 Bravo: Careers, the Economy)

·Unit 3: La vie n’est jamais facile (Chapter 8 Bravo: Daily Life)

·Unit 4: Je prendrais bien celui-ci…(Chapter 9 Bravo: Home, Clothing, Technology, Cooking)

·Unit 5: En somme (Chapter 10 Bravo: Leisure, Sports, Cinema)

·Play: Rhinoceros (Eugène Ionesco)

Approximate Test Dates:

TBD, see calendar

Method by which your final grade will be determined:

35% Exams and Quizzes

20% Compositions

15% Oral Exams and Oral Participation

10% Homework

20% Final exam

Grading Scheme:

Grade Scale / Grade Conversion
93-100 / A
90-92 / A-
87-89 / B+
83-86 / B
80-82 / B
77-79 / C+
73-76 / C
70-72 / C-
67-69 / D+
63-66 / D
60-62 / D-
Grade < 60 / E

Course is graded A-E and there are no S/U (pass/fail) options

Standards of Academic Integrity:

The University of Albany expects all members of its community to conduct themselves in a manner befitting its tradition of honor and integrity. Members are expected to assist the University by reporting suspected violations of academic integrity to its appropriate faculty and/or administrative offices. Behavior that is detrimental to the University’s role as an education institution is unacceptable. Claims of ignorance, of unintentional error, or of academic or personal pressures are not sufficient reasons for violations of academic integrity. The following are examples of the types of behaviors that are defined as academic dishonesty and are therefore unacceptable:

Plagiarism: Presenting as one’s own work the work of another person. Plaigiarism includes paraphrasing or summarizing without acknowledgement, submission of another student’s work as one’s own, the purchase of prepared research or completed papers or projects, and the unacknowledged use of research sources gathered by someone else; Cheating on Examinations: Giving or receiving unauthorized help before, during, or after an examination; Multiple Submission: Submitting substantial portions of the same work for credit more than once; Sabotage: Destroying, damaging, or stealing of another’s work or working materials; Unauthorized Collaboration: Collaborating on projects, papers, or other academic exercises that is regarded as inappropriate by the instructor(s); Falsification: Misrepresenting material or fabricating information in an academic exercise or assignment; and Bribery: Offering or giving any article of value or service to an instructor in an attempt to receive a grade or other benefits not legitimately earned or not available to other students in the class. Circumventing Security: Users are prohibited from attempting to circumvent or subvert any system’s security measures. Uses are prohibited from using any computer program or device to intercept or decode passwords or similar access control information.

The violations listed above should be reported to the UHS Program Office immediately. All parties involved will be directed accordingly.

Curriculum Map / Timeline

1We will spend 3-4 weeks per unit, according to strengths and weaknesses. There will be quizzes/exams after each area of the unit is presented, and pertaining homework and class assignments have been corrected. The assessments are usually smaller and incremental rather than large unit exams, in order to aid in the learning process. Students must write at least two redactions per unit, in class and out. There is a listening component to each test, be it based upon new vocabulary or on a reading. Along with new grammar, these areas are assessed in a variety of manners. Reading matter is presented regularly, and may vary from year to year, contingent upon time. The students read from a variety of sources and styles varying from magazine articles, newspapers, textbook, thematic passages and ranging from excerpts of contemporary francophone as well as classic French literature. Students will be assessed for comprehension and through a variety of means.

2Homework is assigned almost nightly and often over the weekend, according to the strengths, weaknesses and the pace of the class. Exercises from textbooks, invented by teacher, or in the form of handouts, readings or written assignments form the corps of the work. These assignments are graded and weighted evenly with test scores.

3In January, there is a Mid-term exam to assess vocabulary, grammar, and reading, speaking and writing skills, usually covering units 1-3. The exam is spread over a period of several days.

4The final exam is given at the end of June, and is spread over a period of several days. It is cumulative, and constitutes one-fifth of the final grade for the course.

5Students will view 2 to 3 French films per year, according to availability and time.

Mois / Thèmes / Evaluations / Pour étudier
Septembre / Chapitre 6: A mon avis
Thèmes: Les actualités, Les arts
Leçon 1: Comment engager, continuer, et terminer une conversation
Grammaire à réviser: les pronoms objets directs et indirects, la position des pronoms objets.
Expressions typiques pour: Engager une conversation sur un sujet précis, Prendre la parole, Terminer une conversation
Liens culturels: L’art de discuter
La grammaireà apprendre: Les pronoms y et en
Dossier personnel: Exprimer une opinion, Préparation / Interro 1
/ Etudiez les pages 220-221
Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 223-225
Apprenez la grammaire aux pages 227-228
/ Leçon 2: Comment exprimer une opinion
Expressions typiques pour: Demander l’avis de quelqu’un, dire qu’on est/qu’on n’est pas d’accord, exprimer une opinion, exprimer l’indécision/indifférence
Mots et expressions utiles: Les arts, l’architecture
Liens culturels: Trois grands musées
La grammaire à apprendre: La position des pronoms objets multiples, les pronoms disjoints
Dossier personnel: Premier brouillon / Interro 2
/ Etudiez les pages 236-239
Apprenez le vocabulaire à la page 234
Septembre - Octobre / Leçon 3: Comment exprimer la probabilité
Expressions typiques pour: Exprimer la probabilité/l’improbabilité des événements
Mots et expressions utiles: L’immigration et le racisme
Liens culturels: La France et l’Immigration
La grammaire à apprendre: Le verbe devoir
Dossier personnel:Deuxième brouillon, Révision finale / Interro 3
Travail Ecrit 1
Discussion: L’Esquive et L’Immigration
Examen 1 / Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 244-245
Etudiez la page 247
/ Chapitre 7: Qui vivra verra
Thèmes: La carrière, L’économie, Le logement
Leçon 1: Comment parler de ce qu’on va faire
La grammaire à réviser: Le Futur
Expressions typiques pour: dire ou demander ce qu’on va faire, répondre à la question
Mots et expressions utiles: La recherche d’un emploi
Liensculturels: Métiers d’hier et d’aujourd’hui
La grammaire à apprendre: L’usage du futur, le futur antérieur
Dossier personnel: Une lettre d’affaires, Préparation / Interro 4
Présentation Orale: Quelle profession choisiriez-vous? / Etudiez les pages 262-265, 269-270
Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 266-267
Lisez “Un jeune sur trois au chomage dans les quartiers sensibles” de L’Express le 15 décembre 2010.
Lisez www1.les-produits
Octobre - Novembre / Leçon 2: Comment faire une hypothèse, conseiller, suggérer et avertir
Expressions typiques pour: Faire une Hypothèse, Conseiller
Mots et expressions utiles pour: Le logement et la banque
Liens culturels: L’argent
La grammaire à apprendre: Les phrases conditionnelles
Dossier personnel: Lettre d’affaires, premier brouillon / Interro 5
Discussion: Perspectives variés de l’argent en France et aux USA. / Etudiez les pages 275-276
Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 276-277
Lisez “Un jeune sur trois au chomage dans les quartiers sensibles” de L’Express le 15 décembre, 2010. Recherchez www1.les-produits
Novembre / Leçon 3: Comment faire des concessions
Expressions typiques pour: Faire une concession
Mots et expressions utiles pour: L’économie, les conditions de travail
Liens culturels: Savoir-vivre au travail
La grammaire à apprendre: Le Subjonctif après les conventions
Dossier personnel: Lettre d’affaires, Deuxième brouillon, Révision finale / Interro 6
Travail Ecrit 2
Examen 2
Discussion: Au travail / Etudiez les pages 286-288
Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 285
Lisez «Le metier d’avocat» de Le monde des Ados, le 3 février 2010.
Novembre - Décembre / Interlude: L’Union Européene et l’Europe étudiante / Discussion: Les difficultés de l’UE
/ Lisez ‘L’Union européene et L’Europe étudiante’ de L’Express, ‘Helene Constanti, 2003.
Lisez “Mme Merkel, M. Sarkozy, soyez à la hauteur” at
Décembre / Chapitre 8: La vie n’est jamais facile
Thème: Les tribulations de la vie quotidienne
Leçon 1: Comment se plaindre et s’excuser
La grammaire à réviser: L’expression négative de base ne...pas, Les pronoms relatifs: qui et que
Expressions typiques pour: se plaindre auprès de quelqu’un, Répondre à un plainte, S’excuser, Excuser et rassurer, Les tribulations de la vie quotidienne
Liens culturels: L’espirit critique des Français
La grammaire à apprendre: La négation
Dossierpersonnel: La Narration Fictive, Préparation / Interro 7
Discussion: L’esprit critique des Français et des Américains / Etudiez les pages 304-305, 312-314
Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 307-309
Lisez “Un sondage SOFRES montre que les français veulent de l’esprit critique a l’école” à
Décembre / Leçon 2: Comment demander, donner et refuser une permission
Expressions typiques pour: Demander/Donner/Refuser la Permission
Mots et expressions utiles: Les événements imprévus et oubliés, Comment réagir
La grammaire à apprendre: l’adjectif qualitatif, la position des adjectifs
Liens culturels: Fumer ou ne pas fumer?
Dossier personnel: La Narration Fictive, Premier Brouillon / Interro 8
Campagne contre fumer / Etudiez les pages 322-326
Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 318-319
Lisez “Les Français ont du mal a décrocher” à
Janvier / Leçon 3: Comment demander et donner des explications
Expressions typiques pour: Demander une explication, demander des raisons, Expliquer/Donner des raisons
Mots et expressions utiles: Vous êtes déconcerté/irrité/lésé
Liens culturels: La vie n’est jamais facile...
La grammaire à apprendre: Les pronoms relatifs
Dossier personnel: La Narration Fictive, Deuxième brouillon, Révision finale / Interro 9
Travail Ecrit 3
/ Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 330-331
Etudiez les pages 333-334
Janvier / Film: L’Enfant / Discussion:
La vie n’est jamais facile
/ Regardez et analysez le film
Février / Chapitre 9: Je prendrais bien celui-ci...
Thèmes: La maison, les vêtements, la technologie, la cuisine
Leçon 1: Comment dire ce qu’on préfère
La grammaire à réviser: Les adjectifs démonstratifs
Expressions typiques pour:Exprimer ses goûts et ses préférences
Mots et expressions utiles: Les meubles et les vêtements
Liens culturels: La mode
La grammaire à apprendre: Les pronoms démonstratifs, Les adverbes
Dossier Personnel: Directions, Préparation / Interro 10
Discussion: Le Look / Etudiez les pages 350-351, 357-361
Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 353-355
Regardez “La semaine de la mode à Paris” à Authentik
Février / Leçon2: Comment comparer
Expressions typiques pour: Comparer
Mots et expressions utiles: La technologie, les communications
Liens culturels: Les Français et la technologie
La grammaire à apprendre: Le Comparatif et le Superlatif
Dossier Personnel: Directions, Premier Brouillon / Interro 11
Discussion: La vie privée / Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 365-366
Etudiez les pages 368-370
Regardez “Votre vie n’a plus rien de prive” à Authentik
Mars / Leçon 3: Comment donner des instructions, des indications et des ordres
Expressions typiques pour: Donner des indications ou des instructions, S’assurer que l’on comprend, Encourager
Mots et expressions utiles: La cuisine
Liens culturels: Se renseigner
La grammaireà apprendre: Faire causatif et les verbes de perception
Dossier Personnel: Directions, Deuxième Brouillon, Révision Finale / Interro 12
Travail Ecrit 4
Examen 4
Discussion: Les amis
Présentation Orale: Une Recette de Votre Famille / Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 376-377
Etudiez les pages 379-380
Regardez ‘Les amis, c’est la sante’ à
Lisez “Alimentation-Les Habitudes Alimentaires des Français” à
Mars-Avril / Chapitre 10: En somme...
Thèmes: Les loisirs (les sports et le cinéma)
Leçon 1: Comment faire un compliment et féliciter
Expressions typiques pour: Faire un compliment, Accepter un compliment et des remerciements, Féliciter, Accepter des félicitations
Mots et expressions utiles: La compétition
Liens culturels: Ne dites pas merci!
La grammaire à apprendre: Les mots exclamatifs, Le participe présent
/ Interro 13
Projet: Dialogue entre journaliste et athlète / Etudiez les pages 395-397
Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 399-402
Avril / Leçon 2: Comment exprimer le regret et faire des reproches
Expressions typiques pour: Exprimer le regret, Reprocher quelque chose à quelqu’un, Se reprocher quelque chose, Présenter ses condoléances
Mots et expressions utiles: Situations regrettables
Liens culturels: Les Français et les sports
La grammaire à apprendre: Le conditionnel passé, Les phrases conditionnelles / Interro 14
Projet: Dialogue entre journaliste et athlète / Etudiez les pages 409-410
Apprenez le vocabulaire aux pages 407-408
Regardez “Eric Domenech” à
Lisez “Rien ne m’émeut plus qu’une jeune actrice,” Express le 14 mai 2007.
/ Leçon 3: Comment résumer
Expressions typiques pour: Résumer un film/une pièce/un roman
Mots et expressions utiles: Une pièce, un film
Liens culturels: Le septième art
La grammaire à apprendre: La voix passive / Interro 15
Travail Ecrit 5
Examen 5 / Etudiez les pages 203-208
Apprenez le vocabulaire qui se trouve aux pages 203-204
Mai - Juin / Révision du Chapitre 5 à 10 / Examen Final Cumulatif
/ Révisez les chapitres