SunshineValley Child Care Society

Little People’s Centre



Learn Play Create

978 – 72nd Avenue

PO Box 435

Grand Forks, BC

V0H 1H0

Ph: 250-442-3314 Daycare or Preschool

Ph: 250-442-5314 Administration

Fax: 250-442-5781


SUNSHINE VALLEY CHILD CARE SOCIETY is a non-profit, registered society. It began in May 1977 in the Wildlife Hall. In March 1978 it moved into its present location. The Board of Directors, comprised of members from all facets of the community, is elected at the Society’s Annual General Meeting. Any individual who subscribes to the purposes of the Society may become a member by paying the annual membership fee.

We, the Staff Members and Board of Directors, are very pleased that you have chosen the Little People’s Centre to be responsible for the care of your child. May your association with us be a long and happy one.

This handbook has been put together as a reference for you regarding philosophies, policies and routines at the Daycare. It is meant to clarify questions you may have upon registering your child. Please see our Centre Staff Members or Executive Directorif you have further questions or concerns


We, SUNSHINE VALLEY CHILD CARE SOCIETY, recognize and respond to the changing childcare needs for children and families by providing and encouraging, relevant programs and support services within the Boundary Region.


To facilitate and promote healthy growth of children and families.

To recognize and respect the uniqueness of the individual and the family.

To offer developmentally appropriate programs and support services to all children and families in our community.

To provide a safe, nurturing environment that is multicultural and non-sexist.

To educate, by providing relevant programs, information, training events, resources, and professional development.

To work in partnership with other service providers by encouraging communication, awareness and networking.

To engage in funding partnerships with other groups and organizations when appropriate.

To promote and maintain an ongoing commitment to a team model approach.

Parental and community support is imperative for the Centre’s operation. We welcome and encourage active participation and support for all of its activities.


We feel the primary function of a good Daycare is to provide high quality child care that will compliment the care provided by the family. We endeavor to provide a secure and inviting environment that will nurture the emotional, physical, intellectual and social development of all the children in our care.

We strive to create an environment where children feel supported at all times and are encouraged to express their emotions, be they positive or negative, without ridicule or chastisement. Through play, children have the opportunity to develop their own unique potential and an increased awareness of self worth.

It is each Staff Members responsibility to ensure close supervision of the children in our care and keep them safe at all times. Each educator will assure a clean, well organized and inviting play space as well as a consistent program with opportunities for both small and large muscle/motor development.

We operate on the principle of organized free choice. The Daycare program is set up in such a way that allows our educators to provide quality learning experiences in both individual and group activities. Children participate freely to the degree in which they are able and comfortable, thus allowing them to grow as individuals. In being able to make their own choices, children develop independence and self-reliance.

Our goal at Little People’s Centre is to recognize and attend to the needs of each child in a group setting. The programs are inclusive to all children in the community, and we will guide and support the children in all of their endeavors in order to provide them with the skills necessary to effectively participate in society.


The Little People’s Centre is licensed in accordance with regulations specified by the Community Care Facilities Licensing Branch of the Ministry of Health. We also work co-operatively with the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Ministry of Human Resources, Community Care Facilities Licensing Officer, Boundary Child Care Resource and Referral, Boundary Family and Individual Services Society, School District #51 and SelkirkCollege.

Staff at the Centre are trained Early Childhood Educators and subject to Provincial Legislation. The result is a program that is developmentally appropriate for all the children in our care. Educators are able to monitor each child’s progress and provide an environment that is clean, safe and fun to play and learn in.


Provincial regulations do not allow children to remain at the Centre for more than 13 hours per day. Hours of operation are 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday. If these hours do not meet your needs, please speak to the Daycare Staff or Executive Director. Earlier openings may be available upon request.

The Daycare will close for weekends and all Statutory Holidays, including:

Labour DayGood Friday

Thanksgiving DayEaster Monday

Remembrance DayVictoria Day

Christmas DayCanada Day

Boxing DayBC Day

New Year’s DayFamily Day(February)

If the Statutory Holiday falls on a weekend, the day of rest will be observed on the following Monday and Tuesday, if need be.


The Daycare is licensed to accept a maximum of 24 children, at any one time, between the ages of 30 months –to school age. Licensing regulations allow one educator for each group of 8 children or less.

Registration is ongoing and arrangements may be made through the Daycare Supervisor. Parents are asked to make a commitment of specific days and hours of attendance for your child, thus ensuring that a space will always be available and staffing will be more consistent. Please indicate in the space provided on the registration forms the specific days and times. If this information is not provided we cannot guarantee a space for your child.

There is no refund for missed days, however, once in a while, you may wish to switch one of your child’s regularly scheduled days for a different day. This switch must take place within the same calendar month and only if the Licensing Regulations permit. On occasion it may also be necessary to add a day to your child’s regular schedule. Again, accommodation of your needs in this case will depend on staff/child ratios at the time of inquiry. In the case of any changes to your child’s regular attendance we require a minimum of48 hours notice. If this notice is not provided then emergency care drop in rates will apply.

You will be charged for the times that were stated at the time of booking, not what is specified on the sign in sheet. For example: If you book your child from 8-5 and arrive to pick them up earlier than the booked time, you will still be charged for a full day.

If we are unable to accommodate your specific child care needs at the time of initial inquiry you will be placed on a waiting list. When your requested space becomes available you will be contacted by telephone. If you are still interested in the space the regular registration procedure will begin. If you are no longer in need of the spot it will be given to the next family on the waiting list.

PLEASE NOTE: Registration and subsidy authorization forms must be completed and on file at the Centre prior to your child attending the Daycare program.

Any changes to your mailing address must be promptly reported to the Staff or Executive Director.

As of February 1 2016

Full Day (over 4 hours)$35.00

Half Day (up to 4 hours)$20.00

Drop-In Full Day$40.00

Drop-In Half Day$25.00

Drop-In Hourly$ 10.00

Emergency drop – in care will be available as long as the Staff/child ratio is not


SUNSHINE VALLEY CHILD CARE SOCIETY does provide financial assistance to those families with more than one child in care. There will be a 5% discount for the second child and each subsequent child requiring care.

The Board of Directors sets fees in accordance with the annual operating budget.

If a child is not picked up by closing and alternate arrangements have not been made, every attempt will be made to contact the parent/guardian, or emergency contact indicated on the registration forms. If unsuccessful, within the hour, the Ministry of Children & Family Development will be contacted to arrange for the child’s care. We appreciate your co-operation in picking your child up on time, and we are sure you can appreciate that we have our own families who also need us at home. Please remember a LATE FEE of $7.00 per 15 minutes (or part there of) will be charged.

SUBSIDY is available from the Ministry of Children and Family Development for families requiring extra financial support. Eligibility is based on income. Families with children who require extra support (Special Needs) may contact the Ministry of Children and Family Development to apply for individualized financial support.

Please note that these Ministry subsidies may not cover the full cost of childcare at our Centre. Parents are obligated to make up this difference in fees, if any. You will be billed accordingly.


As one of the programs of a NON-PROFIT Society, the Little People’s Centre relies on parent fees to cover their operational expenses. We would like to acknowledge the Phoenix Foundation for their generous grants, which enable the Centre to provide new resources for the children, the Variety Club for their donations, and the Community for their support in our fundraising events.

Parents will be billed at the end of each month based on the number of days their child was in attendance. Payment is due by the 15th of the month in which the invoice is received, otherwise a late fee of 2% will be charged. Drop-in fees must be paid upon arrival. NSF cheques are due payable within 5 days of notification by the Executive Director. Failure to do so will result in a $30.00 administration charge.

If no reasonable attempt has been made to make payment for child care services by the end of the month in which your invoice is received, it will be necessary to suspend your child(ren) from attending Little People’s Centre. Your child will be placed on the waiting list and may return pending the payment, in full, of all outstanding Daycare costs. This is subject to availability of space for your child. If payment has not been made in two consecutive months the account will be sent to a collection agency. These deadlines may be extended under extenuating circumstances by contacting the Society’s Executive Director.


We require a minimum of two weeks notice of your child’s withdrawal from the program. You will be required to complete and sign a “Withdrawal Notification” form. Refunds will be provided for fees, paid in advance, beyond the specified date of withdrawal. Fees outstanding will be required up to and including the child’s last day at the Centre.

Incompatibility or inability of the child or parent to adjust to the Centre’s program may result in the termination of care. Parents will be notified of any problems and after a reasonable amount of time, established with the Staff and Executive Director, will be notified in writing if withdrawal from the program is deemed necessary.

Delinquency in the payment of fees may also result in termination from the Daycare program. The Executive Director will notify you, in writing, if termination were to occur.


The building will be accessible 5 minutes prior to program start time.

When your child arrives at the Centre please ensure that the time of arrival is indicated on the register. This is imperative; this list is a reference for Staff Members to maintain an exact count of children at the Centre during the day. This list will also be used during Emergency Procedures.

It is extremely important to inform Staff of changes in regular routine such as the pickup person or time for pick up. Please allow yourself enough time at the beginning of the day to ensure your child is settled and comfortable at the Daycare before you leave to begin your day.

Under NO circumstances will a child be released to a person not authorized to do so by the parent/guardian as indicated in the appropriate space on the registration forms. Please do not be offended or surprised if Staff Members ask for identification until we familiarize ourselves with those individuals who may pick up your child.

Under NO circumstances will a child be released to any individual the Staff Member believes may be unable to adequately care for the child. If the Staff person believes the child will be at risk, she/he will assist in arranging alternate transportation or care, or contact the RCMP, if necessary.

If you are aware of a potential problem with a person who is not authorized to pick up your child, but may attempt to do so, (as in a custody dispute) please pass on this pertinent information to the Staff or Executive Director. Families are responsible for informing the Society of all custody and court order changes. Employees cannot deny access to a child’s parent unless a copy of the legal custody document is included in the child’s file. If a non-enrolling parent comes to pick up a child, the policy on unauthorized persons will apply. If assistance is required to enforce a custody or court order, the employee will call the police. The parent/guardian, who is authorized to pick up the child, must sign them out on the daily register.


Little People’s Centre Staff recognize that children are unique individuals, and that their behaviour reflects their level of development and is influenced by their experiences at home with their families and within their own cultures.

As stipulated by the Community Care and Assisted Living Act, Child Care Licensing Regulation, the Daycare will maintain a ratio of one educator for every group of eight or fewer children at all times.

The guidance of the children at Little People’s Centre will be based on the tenets of preventing misbehaviour and appropriate intervention in the event that misbehaviour does occur.

Limits will be clear and consistent and expressed in a positive way focussing on what to do rather than what not to do (i.e. “we walk inside, please”, over “don’t run!”). Close supervision of the children will allow educators to anticipate potential problems. Appropriate behaviour will be positively reinforced and children will be encouraged to use educators as a guide and model to help when problems may arise.

Intervention strategies ensure that guidance is supportive rather than punitive when inappropriate behaviour does occur. Focus will be on the behaviour and not the child. The use of natural consequences will help reinforce limits. For instance, blocks are for building with, not throwing. If a child insists on throwing them, he/she will be asked to find somewhere else to play until he/she is ready to play with the blocks in a safe manner. If this child will not comply, he/she will be redirected to a teacher chosen activity that may give him/her a chance to calm down in order to consider and discuss safe behaviour in our room. Time in may be incorporated only when a child persistently refuses to abide by the rules of safety for self, others, and the environment. This time (no more than one minute for each year of the child’s age, to a maximum of 5 minutes) provides the child with the opportunity to calm down in order to consider and discuss alternative approaches of behaviour.

In the exceptional situation where a child is unable to control him/herself and places themselves or other children or Staff at risk, it may be necessary for caregivers to gently hold the child until he/she is able to calm down and ensure the safety of the child and those around him/her.


Personal information regarding your child or family, verbal or written, will be protected and remain confidential, except in the following exceptional instances:

  • In the case of emergency or injury to your child, information may be released to the police authorities or medical staff attending the child
  • To the Staff Members at Little People’s Centre in order to provide the best possible care for your child and family with greater understanding

The Staff will not provide letters of reference in custody disputes. The Board of Directors will decide on release of information requested through any court proceedings.


All SUNSHINE VALLEY CHILD CARE SOCIETY employees are required to report child abuse and neglect in accordance with the Child Care Licensing Regulation and Child, Family and Community Service Act.

If a Staff member has reasonable grounds to believe that a child is being abused or neglected she/he has a legal obligation to report to the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Consultation and reporting will be through a child protection social worker.


The Staff at Little People’s Centre are available to serve your needs as parents and we welcome feedback on any aspect of our program. You have an open invitation to observe or participate in activities throughout the day. As well, thoughts and ideas may be contributed at the meetings of the SUNSHINE VALLEY CHILD CARE SOCIETY.