Sunshine Region HB Box Day 2/21/2015
Bunny Hendricks, RIC
The Sunshine Region “HB Box Day” will be held on Feb. 21 at the Brown Family’s Claddagh Farm in Clermont, FL from 8:30 am until 3:00 pm. We will be going over the items in each Kit in the HB Box-Farrier tools, bits, shoes, nutrition samples, toxic plant photos, TPR Kit, etc.
We won't discuss details on each item, but we will go over identifying theitems and the depth of knowledge required in each section and where to find uprest of the needed information.
If you are (in 2015) going to retest HB blocks from a 2014 testing, and any of the areas in which you did notmeet Standards included blocks which used items in the HB Box, it would be a good idea for you to go to this.
We will not be doing any of the other areas (i.e. Teaching, Conditioning,Record Books, Parasite Life Cycles, Standards and HM Expectations, Test schedules and Procedures, etc.). Those might be addressed at separate HB Preps later in the year, if the Region decides to go forward with that plan. TBA
The Upper Level Certifications really are an independent study. WhatPreps do is help you understand how the Standards of Proficiency give youthe syllabus for your study, how to the interpret the depth of knowledgerequired for mastery (which is required to pass) given in the SoPs, help youwith effective study methods, help you find resources, and answer yourquestions.That's pretty much it at all levels and disciplines. The hard work isup to the candidate! And my motto is “Prep Early, Prep Often!” :-)
The new USPC Manual Vol. III (HB-A) is now available through the USPC Bookstore!!! Please order your copy now if you have not already done so. You will need it to Prep for all of the National (Upper) Level Certifications!
Check the USPC web site after January 15 for National Testing dates and locations/regions for all 2015 National Certifications. There you will also find information on how and when to sign up for National Testings.
What to bring on 2/21/15:
NEW 2014 USPC Manual Vol. III
Paper, pens, pencils
Camera/phone to take pictures as you need
Pack of 5”x8” COLORED index cards
Folding chair
$25 for the day (check made payable to Sunshine Region Pony Clubs)
The Region will provide lunch and drinks for the day.
Space will be limited to no more than 8 participants.
Clinic Form and more information will be sent out 4-6 weeks before the Clinic date.