Woodford Green Primary School

Sunset Avenue, Woodford Green

Essex IG8 0ST

Tel: 02085041629


Website: www.woodfordgreenprimary.co.uk


Headteacher; PJ Prince Work Grow Play Succeed

Deputy Head: Kieran Johnson

Carle Nursery Class News

20th February 2017

We hope you all enjoyed a happy and restful half term break and we look forward to working with you and your children in the second half of the spring term. Please ensure that all items of clothing, including footwear, are named as it is very difficult to distinguish between items most of which are at least similar.

This term our topic will be ‘Animals’ and we will be reading a range of both fiction and non-fiction books to build our knowledge about animals both wild and domestic and how we look after them. If anyone has a pet that they might wish to bring in then please speak to a member of staff and we will arrange a suitable time and date.

Our maths focus will extend to include numbers to 20 and we will be working on number recognition, representing numbers in writing and application of number knowledge. For English, we will be looking at a range of texts relating to our topic and using these as a stimulus for discussion and the extension of related vocabulary. We will be continuing our ‘Sound of the Week’ and our first sound after half term will be ‘f’. Please encourage your child to bring in a named object or thing (of little or no value) that begins with the sound. The objects sent in so far have been really useful for helping the children to think and talk about letters and sounds. Our Power of Reading book for this term will be ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.

Please ensure that your child has a fully named kit, including plimsolls, in school as soon as possible if they attend nursery for the Monday morning session. The kit will be stored in nursery in a named bag and sent home at the end of each half term. Please ensure that all items, including the outside of the bag, are named. The children are becoming increasingly confident with changing for PE so thank you for your help so far and please keep working on independent dressing skills at home.

Library visit will remain on Wednesday morning and children should have their book in their bag on that day so that they can choose a new one to bring home and share. Let us know if your child wishes to keep the same book and we will make sure that it is logged out again. If your child does not attend on a Wednesday morning, they are welcome to visit the library after school and choose a book – this is done by a simple bar code scanning system so there is no card to worry about.

We will continue to send home stars in each child’s book bag. These are collected regularly and the children are encouraged to discuss the things they have done at home. This could be any achievement from a move up in a dance or swim group, helping bake a cake, looking after a pet, to an act of kindness or joining in a family celebration. A new star will be put in all the book bags at the beginning of the new term.

Yours truly

The EYFS team

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