SunnyBrowNursery School is a healthy early years setting and as such
- Uses the EYFS ( Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum) to deliver a planned programme to support the health and well being of children.
- Monitors and evaluates provision to ensure the quality of teaching and learning is effective in developing the health and well being of children.
- Observes and assesses children’s progress in line with national frameworks.
- Has teaching staff who are responsible for ensuring that the curriculum provides for health and well being of children with appropriate training and support available.
- Has up to date policies in places – developed through consultation, implemented and monitored for impact, including child protection and confidentiality.
- Has an implemented non-smoking policy
- Involves professionals from appropriate external agencies to enrich the curriculum.
- Is able to signpost specialist services who can give professional advice and support relating to children’s and families’ health and well being.
- Uses local data and information to inform activities and support important national and local priorities
- Ensures provision of appropriate professional development opportunities for staff that underpins the health and well being of children.
- Has mechanisms in place to ensure children’s interests and view are reflected in curriculum planning, teaching and learning and within the setting, including those with special educational needs and specific health conditions.
Healthy and nutritious food and drink is available throughout the day. SunnyBrowNursery School promotes healthy eating and as such:
- Has identified a member of staff to purchase and provide healthy food in the setting.
- Ensures provision of training in practical food education for staff, including diet, nutrition, food safety and hygiene.
- Involves children and parents/carers in guiding policy and practice within the setting, enables them to contribute to healthy eating (including dental health) and acts on their feedback
- Ensures that the eating environment is comfortable and relaxed to encourage positive social interaction between children and adults.
- Has meals and all other food and drink provision that are nutritious and healthy and meet or exceed national standards.
- Ensures that children have opportunities to learn about different types of food in the context of a balanced diet and are given opportunities for healthy food preparation and cooking.
- Has easy access to free, clean and palatable drinking water.
8.Has Healthy Eating Policy in place which is distributed to all parents.
Children are provided with a range of opportunities to be physically active. They understand how physical activity ca help them to be more healthy and how physical activity can be a part of their everyday life, in conjunction with the setting’s approach to healthy eating.
SunnyBrowNursery School promotes physical activity and as such
- Provides clear leadership and management to develop and monitor its physical activity provision and policy and links to the physical development area of learning in the foundation stage.
- Will give priority to children’s physical development, as an integral part of the curriculum – developed through consultation, implemented, monitored and evaluated for impact.
- Ensures daily opportunity for a minimum of one hour of physical activity – per session including both inside and outside play.
- Listens, negotiates and records children’s views about the physical activity opportunities offered by the setting, identifies barriers to participation and to remove them.
- Ensures that there is appropriate training provided for those involved in providing physical activities.
- Creates an environment in which children feel supported and enabled to take risks, and are encouraged to improve.
Promoting positive emotional health and well being to help children understand and express their feelings, and build their confidence and emotional literacy and therefore their capacity to learn.
SunnyBrowNursery School promotes emotional health and well being as and such
- Identified vulnerable children and groups and establishes appropriate strategies to support them and their families.
- Provides clear leadership to create and manage a positive environment which enhances emotional health and well being in settings – including the management of the behaviour and rewards policies.
- Give priority to children’s emotional health and well being throughout the six areas of learning and development and provides clearly planned curriculum opportunities.
- Understands the emotional needs of all its children and staff and provides appropriate support.
- Has explicit values it promotes, including underpinning positive emotional health, which are reflected in practice and work to combat stigma and discrimination.
- Has a clear policy on promoting positive behaviour, which is owned, understood and implemented by the whole setting community.
- Provides appropriate professional training for all staff
- Provides opportunities for children to participate in a range of activities and to take responsibility in order to build the confidence and self esteem.
- Has a clear confidentiality policy in which all decisions are taken professionally and with respect.
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