A taste of Africa
Sunday 31st January in the Parish Hall from noon.
Suggested donation as a minimum of £7 per person.
A variety of stews and sides:
Fish stew, Sweet potato and red bean stew, Ground nut stew, Chicken stew, Spinach and tomato ‘mchicha’, Rice,Yams,Sweet potatoes, Plantain/ Matoke and Ugali
Followed by:Polenta and orange cake with a side of exotic fruit
Chai (African sweet tea)
Please bookyour meal by signing at the back of church by 24th January.
If you have a spare slow cooker please can you let Revd.Becky know as she would like them to cook the stews in!
Silent Voices 6th – 31st January, 10.00am- 12.00noon.
A thought-provoking photography exhibition, showing everyday life in the village of Bil’in in the Occupied West Bank of Palestine, as seen through the eyes of the children who live there.
Salisbury Methodist Church, St.Edmund’s Church Street.
NEXT SUNDAY - 24th January.
This yearChurches Together Salisburyhave organised a congregation swap!
If you attend St George's we are being asked to swap with St Andrew's Laverstock.
If you attend All Saintswe are being asked to swap with St Pauls Church.
Please can you let Becky know if you are swapping and other members of the congregation so that you can offer lifts.
The Vicar: Revd. Becky Roberts
Tel: 01722
The Curate:Revd. Heather Leppard
Tel: 07745
Parish Administrator: Mrs. Linda Baker
Tel: 07925 108856
Parish Website:
Homelessness Sunday
We welcome everyone to our church this morning. If you are visiting, or a newcomer to the parish, please make yourself known to a sides-person or one of the clergy after the service as we would like to welcome you personally.
You are invited to receive communion with us. If you would prefer a prayer or blessing, please bring a book with you to the altar so that we shall know. If you would like to receive communion in your pew please let a churchwarden know before the service begins.
We keep quiet in preparation for the service once the organ stops playing.
Today we welcome Gordon Pardy chair of The SalisburyTrust for the Homeless. Our cash collection todaywill go to the Trust.
Loving God, in your house there is room for everyone.
Help us as we strive for a world where everyone has a home that truly meets their needs.
Give us the grace to welcome strangers and refugees.
Give us the insight to see where inequality hurts.
Fill us with courage to do our part.
Save us from being overwhelmed by the housing crisis,
and show us, O Lord, where to begin. Amen.
READINGS:Isaiah 58 v 6-12(P699)
Matthew 25 v 31-46(P27)
Would you please PRAY for:
Bishop Gabriel Thuch Agoth, Diocese of Kongor in South Sudan.
the week of Prayer for Christian Unity starting on Monday.
Harnham Neighbourhood Council.
those who live inChiselbury Grove and Grasmere Close.
those who are sick, and all who care for them, especially Beryl Rumens, Sarah,Brian Duke, Bishop John Wraw, Brother Damian,Keith Parker, Andrew Senior, Christine and Sue Barnes (Arundale).
those who have died especially Sylvia Gault,
Celia Mercer, Diana Smith and Gordon Jones.
Celia Mercer RIP
Celia was a member of the MU, prayer group and church in Harnham. Her funeral will be held in All Saints church, at 11am on Monday 25th January followed by a full burial. Revd Becky
Students Exploring Marriage
This is a British educational charity with a Christian ethos, taking married couples into secondary schools, mainly Year 10, for pupils to quiz them on their relationship - to explore what it is like to be married.
They are seeking married couples who would be happy to come into school several times a year. They are also seeking people who could act as 'facilitators', introducing the topic to the pupils and helping to make it a 'safe place' in which to explore such personal issues.They are also looking for people tosupport us by praying for the work they do.If you would be interested in finding out more, please would you contact the local coordinator, Mrs Heather Oliver, r07731-506928.
Thank you
The Women's Refuge in Salisbury have sent us a card to say thank you for the overwhelming amount of tokens that theyreceived from us, some of which were used as Christmaspresents and others that will be used for birthdays etc throughout the year.
TODAY – 17th January 2016
6.30pmEvening Worship at St.George’s.
MONDAY –18th January 2016
1.30pm3B’s in the Church Hall.
2.30pmGordon Jones funeral at All Saints.
TUESDAY –19th January2016
8.00amMorning Prayer at All Saints.
1.00pmBible Studyin the Meeting Room. All Welcome.
5.00pmContemplative Evening Prayer at 17 Halfpenny Rd.
WEDNESDAY –20th January 2016
9.00amMorning Prayer at St.George’s.
9.30amSt.George’s Toddler Group in the Church Hall.
5.00pmCeltic Evening Prayer at 102 Coombe Road.
(Reflective said service with liturgy from Iona).
THURSDAY –21st January2016
10.00amHoly Communionat St.George’s.
4.30pmMission and Vision meeting at the Vicarage.
7.30pmBible Study at Brympton.
SATURDAY –23rd January 2016
10-12noonCoffee Morning at All Saints.
SUNDAY –24th January 2016
8.00amHoly Communion at All Saints.
9.30amHoly Communion at St.George’s.
11.00amHoly Communion at All Saints.
Pictures and Pancakes
Tuesday 9th February, 7pm in the Church Hall.
An evening of fun to include: displays of photograph competition entries, slide show of the 2015 events, picture quiz of Harnham and Salisbury for all ages and some delicious pancakes.
Please sign up on the lists in church.
Changes to All Saints
After reflecting together on ‘welcome’ at the mission and vision committee and as sides-persons here in All Saints, we have decided to trial having books on pews and moving the welcome table. This will mean that the sides-persons have a chance to chat to people by giving out the notice sheet but not the books. Hopefully the door area will be less congested and sides-persons will get a chance to say hello more fully without having the demand to give out too many items.
The book library is being frequently used and will be moved onto some of the back pews to create more space in the children’s area and for welcome for coffee.
Several of the back pews will be cordoned off to create more of a worshipping space in the middle of the church.
Serving and Chalice
We are trying to be efficient with the amount of people available to serve and offer the chalice. So you may see new people serving and giving you the chalice.
We welcome your feedback.