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2018 Price list for wooden ware for bee hives
(All prices include 6% Idaho state sales tax)
Michael B. Morrison 208-863-6983 (until about 10pm is ok)
Deep 9” /Medium 6”complete box(box, frames,black beeswax foundation) 39.00 / 33.50
Deep / Med Brood complete box (box, frames, feeder, drone frames)46.00/38.50
Deep 9”/Medium 6”box15.00 / 11.50
NUC box with top, bottom and feet27.00
NUC box complete (3 frames, 1 NUC drone frame, 1 gal feeder, top, bottom)44.00
Deep/Mediumframes (wood frameblackbeeswax foundation)2.50 / 2.25
Drone frames (assembled) Deep/Medium4.25/4.00
Tele top & inner cover (finger & dado joints not butt or rabbit joints)34.00
Cedar bottom11.00
Cedar migratory top12.50
Pine migratory top10.00
In hive feeder deep or medium (1gal)7.00
Deep 2 gal feeder with new cap and ladder 9.00
Front feeder (no jar)5.25
Queen excluders
Plastic 4.75
Metal 7.75
Wood bound metal18.50
MATED QUEENSI will be doing a pre-paid order this year. They will be here by April 15th.Their ESTAMITED price is $28 but depends on how many are ordered. Shipping plays a big part of the price. If we get a lot ordered, price will go down, less shipping per queen. If we can order over 100, price goes down some. Shipping cost is the same if 5 or 100 are ordered!
PACKAGE BEES $100.00 NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT! Estimated price 127.00
(estimated arrival end of March first of April weather dependent)
Honey Bee Healthy (1-2 T per gal. of sugar water) 9.00/18.00
Pollen patties SPRING/FALL NO SOY OR EGG FILLERS app.2LB 5oz 5.00 per bag
(It’s a different mixture for spring and fall)
Mite Management (What is your mite load?)
Screened shaker for alcohol wash 4.00
Complete Hive, My Way (SCREWS INCLUDED)$164.00
1-tele top & inner cover
1-cedar bottom
1-deep box
2-drone frames, assembled
6-deep frames with black beeswaxfoundation
1-deep feeder with cap & ladder (2 gal)
2-medium boxes
1-medium feeder with cap & ladder
2-medium drone frames, assembled
16-medium frames with black waxed foundation
Starter Hive(SCREWS INCLUDED)$93.00
1-tele top & inner cover
1-cedar bottom
1-deep box
2-drone frames, assembled
6-deep frames with black beeswaxfoundation
1-deep feeder with cap & ladder (2 gal)
Expansion Box For Starter Hive(SCREWS INCLUDED)$73.00
2-medium boxes
1-medium feeder with cap & ladder
2-medium drone frames, assembled
16-medium frames with black beeswaxfoundation
Honey Production Box (medium boxes with YELLOW foundation)64.00 / 95.00
2 or 3-medium boxes with framesyellow foundation (SCREWS INCLUDED)
Shallow Honey Production Box (Shallow boxes with WHITE foundation)58.00 / 87.00
2 or 3 Shallow boxes & frames (18% lighter than med box)(SCREWS INCLUDED)
Assembly of wooden ware is available, time permitting.
$15 per complete box (box and frames)
$15 per set of top, inner cover and bottom (all 3 together)
Each item is glued, screwed, stapled and when dry, belt sanded where needed.
WAX DIPPING on scheduled days. Trying for different days prior to bee pick up.Weather is the issue!
$6.00 per box
$6.00 per set of top and bottom.
*prices are subject to change, all wooden ware is UNASSEMBLED except Drone frames.
** I do have some 8 frame material, boxes, tops and bottoms but quantities are more limited