Sun Valley High School Student-Guest Permission Form

(JUNIOR PROM) on (APRIL 21st, 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM)

The Waterfall, 3416 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont, DE

This form must be completed and submitted along with a photocopy of a picture ID of your guest (school ID or Driver’s License) to your class advisor at the time of ticket purchase. Forms and copies of IDs will not be accepted after ticket sales have ended. Guests will not be permitted entrance if this form and a picture ID are not submitted in the prescribed time frame.

Expectations for School-sponsored Dances/Proms:

·  Students must arrive to the dance by 7:00 PM.

·  All students may have to pass a breathalyzer upon entering the dance. Students found under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be subject to the disciplinary consequences.

·  All bags may be searched upon entrance.

·  Sun Valley is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Personal items of significant value should not be brought to the dance.

·  Students may not leave before 10:00 PM. Students who choose to leave the dance before its conclusion will not be permitted re-entrance. Refunds will not be given to students who do not show up or who leave early.

·  Sun Valley students may bring only one guest. Guests will not be permitted entrance if the form is not submitted in the prescribed time-frame.

·  All school rules apply during the dance.

Sun Valley High School Student

Your signature below indicates that you agree that you are responsible for your guest and that he/she will follow all dance rules and guidelines noted above and follow the direction of all chaperones.

Printed Name: ______Grade: 11

Signature: ______Date: ______

Guest High School Student

By signing, you agree to follow all of the contract stated rules at the dance and at the direction of all chaperones.

Printed Name: ______School: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian: ______Phone: ______

School Administrator of Guest

My signature verifies that this student has not been suspended/expelled for any act involving weapons, violence, and/or substance abuse. Furthermore, the student has a discipline record that is consistent with being granted the privilege of attending the above event.

Administrator Signature: ______Title: ______

Phone: ______

Sun Valley Main Office Fax#

(484) 490-1280

Email to:

SV USE ONLY (Do not write in this box):

Approved _____ Denied _____ Initial _____