Statement of business ethics


The Statement of business ethics outlines the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources ethical standards that we will apply and clients, stakeholders, contractors and service providers must comply with when dealing with us.

Our values and the Code of Conduct

The department is committed to operating with professionalism and integrity at all times in accordance with the APS Values and Code of Conduct and the Employment Principles set out in the Public Service Act 1999. We are committed to:

  • performing our functions in an impartial and professional manner
  • having the highest ethical standards
  • behaving honestly and with integrity
  • delivering services fairly, effectively, impartially and courteously
  • upholding the APS Values and the integrity and good reputation of the APS
  • maintaining public trust in the APS.

Our key business principles

The principles of transparency, honesty and value for money underpin the department’s relationships with clients, stakeholders, contractors and service providers. Value for money does not mean the lowest price, but considers all relevant factors including initial cost, whole-of-life costs, quality, reliability and associated risks including business relationships.

The department enhances value for money by:

  • encouraging competition and using competitive procurement processes
  • ensuring non-discrimination
  • promoting the use of resources in an efficient, effective and ethical manner
  • making decisions in an accountable and transparent way.

The department has established strong financial and procurement policies that require departmental expenditure to be efficient, effective and ethical. We apply government policies relevant to procurement in making decisions to purchase goods and services.

What you can expect from the department and our employees

In our dealings we will:

  • operate within the law
  • manage activities with integrity, professionalism, honesty and fairness
  • disclose and take reasonable steps to avoid any conflict of interest (real or perceived)
  • not use our duties, status, power and authority to seek or gain a benefit or advantage for ourselves and any other person (corrupt behaviour)
  • ensure that any outside employment our staff are permitted to undertake, will not compromise their official duties and responsibilities
  • treat all stakeholder interactions (commercial or personal) with integrity and professionalism
  • have open and accountable procurement processes that are transparent
  • ensure there are no unreasonable delays in negotiating or executing contracts
  • treat all stakeholders and potential suppliers and contractors equitably
  • manage all personal and commercial information in accordance with the law and best practice
  • resolve disputes through timely, effective and equitable mechanisms and processes
  • apply probity and conflict of interest requirements proportionate to the risks
  • not seek to benefit from supplier practices that may be dishonest, unethical or unsafe
  • use approved panel arrangements wherever possible and comply with the mandatory provisions in Whole-of-Government and Coordinated Procurement Contracting
  • report unethical practices in our business relationships and for those reports to be assessed and investigated where appropriate
  • base our administration and management of contracts on the contract terms and conditions.

What the department expects from you

The department expects that you:

  • operate within the law
  • act ethically, fairly and honestly in all dealings with the department
  • report unethical practices in our business relationships to the department
  • comply with your obligations under departmental related legislation, policies, contract and deed arrangements
  • provide accurate, reliable and timely information and advice
  • advise of actual and apparent conflicts of interest as soon as you become aware of them
  • work with the department according to Commonwealth procurement policies
  • comply with the department’s security and privacy requirements when dealing with sensitive information and material to protect its confidentiality and security
  • refrain from discussing confidential departmental business or information with other private entities or the media
  • do not offer gifts or inducements to departmental employees
  • do not exert pressure on departmental staff to act contrary to the values communicated in thisstatement or the APS Code of Conduct
  • ensure there are no unreasonable delays in negotiating or executing contracts
  • be responsible for your personnel and sub-contractors and ensure they are aware of this statement
  • act in an ethical manner to achieve the standards and behaviour we expect of businesses we deal with.

Why is compliance with the Statement of Business Ethics important?

Compliance with this statement is fundamental to maintaining a transparent, fair and honest business relationship. All departmental staff, clients, stakeholders, contractors and service providers are expected to comply with this statement while providing services for or interacting and undertaking business with the department.

Unethical, fraudulent or corrupt behaviour by departmental staff may result in:

  • loss of employment with the department
  • demotion of job classification
  • redeployment to a different work area
  • loss of reputation
  • investigation for fraud or corruption
  • matters being referred for criminal investigation.

Unethical, fraudulent or corrupt behaviour by clients, stakeholders, contractors and service providers may result in:

  • termination of contracts
  • loss of future work
  • loss of reputation
  • investigation for fraud or corruption
  • matters being referred for criminal investigation.


Legislative and policy framework

As anAustralian Government agency, departmental procurement and business activities are guided by a framework of Commonwealth legislation, policies and associated documents. Those of most relevance to this statement are outlined below:

  • Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act)
  • Criminal Code Act 1995
  • Public Service Act 1999
  • Public Service Regulation (1999)
  • Commonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines
  • The Department of Finance client and supplier code of conduct, government and industry principles of engagement on ICT
  • Australian Government Protective Security Policy Framework and Information Security Manual.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality

Departmental employees should discourage offers of gifts, hospitality or other benefits. Departmental employees must not accept gifts, hospitality or other benefits that are intended to influence, or could be perceived to influence, decisions or actions in any matter or regarding a specific provider of goods and services. Departmental employees must not use their position to obtain a benefit.

Conflicts of interest

Departmental employees are required to report, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflict of interest (real or perceived) in connection with APS employment.


Bribing or attempting to bribe a Commonwealth public official, or accepting or offering a bribe as a Commonwealth public official, are offences under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth). These offences are punishable on conviction by a substantial fine or up to 10 years imprisonment.


Departmental employees, clients, stakeholders, contractors and service providers are to maintain the confidentiality of each other’s commercially sensitive and proprietary information.

Communication between parties

All communication should be clear, direct, accurate and timely.

Use of departmental equipment, resources and information

All departmental equipment, resources and information should only be used for its proper official purpose.

Intellectual property rights

All parties are to respect the intellectual property rights of others.

Reporting concerns

If you have any questions about this statement or Fraud, Corruption or the Public Interest Disclosure Scheme, please contact the department’s Fraud and Security Team:


For fraud matters

For corruption matters

Public Interest Disclosure Scheme

Telephone:02 6272 4477

Facsimile:02 6272 5583


Fraud and Security
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2600

All allegations of fraud and corruption will be treated confidentially, as far as the law allows.

Complaints relating to breaches of the APS Code of Conduct (for example, disrespectful behaviour) should be referred to the department’s integrity unit.

Complaints about general departmental performance should be referred to the department’s Service Delivery Division on 1800 900 090 or

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