Sumner School District First Grade Math Pacing Calendar

1st Trimester
Unit 1
How Many Each? / Unit 2
Making Shapes and Designing Quilts / Unit 3
Solving Story Problems
This unit will be started in 1st trimester, but may be completed during 2nd trimester
Addition, Subtraction, and the Number System 1 / 2- Geometry / Addition, Subtraction, and the Number System 2
25 days / 8 days / 25 days
Investigations and Sessions
Investigation 1 – Eliminate the introduction of “Classroom Routines” and replace with Calendar Math.
Investigation 4 – Can skip or cover quickly because it is covered again in Unit 3. / Only cover Investigation 1 – Just lessons 1.1, 1.2 (Fill the Hexagon only), and 1.4
*These performance expectations will be covered with Calendar Math in April and May.
Calendar Math
Calendar, number builder, counting tape and ten grids, clock
birthday graph is optional / Calendar Math
Calendar, number builder, counting tape and ten grids, clock / Calendar Math
Calendar, number builder, counting tape and ten grids, clock
Supplemental Resources
Numbers Club – for counting and writing numbers, daily independent work / Supplemental Resources
*YMW Contexts for Learning: Double Decker Bus
Performance Expectations
1.1.E: Write, compare, and order numbers to 120
1.6.D: Choose from many problem-solving strategies and use one or more to solve a problem
1.2.A: Match pictures and objects to show addition and subtraction equations
1.2.D: Show how addition and subtraction are alike
1.6.A: Find the question(s) asked in a problem
1.6.B: Find the important information needed to solve a problem
1.6.E: Answer the question(s) asked in a problem
1.6.F: Find the answer(s) to the question(s) in a problem
1.6.G: Describe how a problem was solved
1.6.H: Determine whether a solution to a problem is reasonable / Performance Expectations
*1.3.B: Identify and name 2D shapes
1.3.C: Combine shapes to create new shapes and divide shapes into other shapes
*1.3.A: Compare and sort 2D and 3D shapes / Performance Expectations
1.2.F: Apply and explain strategies for addition facts and related subtraction facts for sums to 18
1.2.H: Solve and create word problems that match addition or subtraction equation
1.2.B: Use the (=) and the word equals
1.2.E: Add three or more one-digit numbers
Basic Skills/Computation to Mastery
For this trimester: Origo Count on 0, 1, 2 / Basic Skills/Computation to Mastery
*YMW Contexts for Learning: Minilessons for Early Addition and Subtraction – Quick Images Billboards / Basic Skills/Computation to Mastery
*YMW Contexts for Learning: Minilessons for Early Addition and Subtraction – Quick Images the Arithmetic Rack
Introduced: equation, greatest, least, most, ones, solve, tens / Vocabulary
Figure, hexagon, rhombus/rhombi, trapezoid, side / Vocabulary
Not taught in Investigations, but need to be introduced: equivalent, expression, relation
Assessment Plans
Timed tests for count on 0, 1, 2 (not timed in 1st grade)
Common Assessment:
Resource Master 39 How Many Cookies (Unit 1 - part of end of unit assessment)
Resource Master 26 (Unit 2) – Only hexagons

Sumner School District Fall 2010

Sumner School District First Grade Math Pacing Calendar

2nd Trimester
Unit 4
What Would You Rather Be? / Unit 5
Fish Lengths and Animal Jumps / Unit 6
Number Games and Crayon Puzzles
Data Analysis / Measurement / Addition, Subtraction, and the Number System 3
8 days / 11 days / 20 days
Investigations 1 & 2
Investigation 3 Quick Surveys, other components optional
Can do surveys as entry activity or at calendar math / Lesson 2.4, Measuring Jumps optional / Lesson 1.2 Three Towers optional
Skip “Crayon Puzzles About More” (part of 2.2, 2.4)
Calendar Math
Calendar, number builder, counting tape and ten grids, clock / Calendar Math
Calendar, number builder, counting tape and ten grids, clock
Could also reinforce measurement at Calendar throughout the year. / Calendar Math
Calendar, number builder, counting tape and ten grids, clock
Graph - Even/Odd
Supplemental Resources
Performance Expectations
1.5.B: Ask and answer comparison questions about data
1.5.A: Represent data using tallies, tables, picture graphs, and bar-type graphs / Performance Expectations
1.4.A: Recognize that objects used to measure an attribute (length, weight, capacity) must be consistent in size
1.4.B: Use a variety of non-standard units to measure length
1.4.C: Compare lengths using the transitive property
1.4.E: Describe the connection between the size of the measurement unit and the number of units needed to measure something
1.1.D: Order objects or events using ordinal numbers
1.4.D: Use nonstandard units to compare objects according to their capacities or weights / Performance Expectations
1F: Fluently compose and decomposer numbers to 10
1.2.G: Quickly recall addition facts and related subtraction facts for sums equal to 10
1.6.C: Recognize when additional information is needed to solve a problem
Basic Skills/Computation to Mastery
For this trimester: Doubles, # combos to 10 (Unit 6)
chart, graph, information, represent, survey, table, tally, title / Vocabulary / Vocabulary
even number, odd number, tens
Assessment Plans
Timed test for doubles, number combos to 10 ( not timed in 1st grade, assessment to be developed)
3rd Trimester
Unit 7
Color, Shape, and Number Patterns / Unit 8
Twos, Fives and Tens / Unit 9
3-D Geometry
Patterns and Functions / Addition, Subtraction, and the Number System 4 / 3-D Geometry
10 / 18
Skip Investigation 1 – Teach only if needed (covered by Kindergarten P.E.)
Investigation 2 / Skip unit because P.E. is covered in calendar.
Calendar Math
Calendar, number builder, counting tape and ten grids, clock
Continue counting by even and odd, and skip counting / Calendar Math
Calendar (explore geometric shapes), number builder, counting tape and ten grids, clock
Practice reading 3 digit numbers up to 1,000. / Calendar Math
Calendar, number builder, counting tape and ten grids, clock, graph (3D shapes)
Supplemental Resources
*YMW Contexts for Learning: Beads and Shoes, Making Twos – This unit is designed for Kindergarten or beginning of 1st grade. It would be a good supplement for students that are struggling with this content. / Supplemental Resources
PE 1.1.A requires reading aloud numbers from 0 to 1,000 so additional resources and teaching will be required.
Add grouping and counting objects by 10.
*YMW Contexts for Learning: Organizing and Collecting / Supplemental Resources
Work on place value
Use problem solving student activity pages.
Performance Expectations
1.1.H: Group and count objects by tens, fives, and twos
1.2.I: Recognize, extend, and create number patterns
1.1.I: Classify numbers as odd or even and demonstrate why it is odd or even / Performance Expectations
1.1.A: Read, write, and order numbers forward and backward starting at any number from 1 to 120
1.1.C: Read aloud numbers from 0 to 1,000
1.1.G: Group numbers into tens and ones in more than one way
1.1.H: Group and count objects by tens, fives, and twos / Performance Expectations
1.3.A: Compare and sort 2D and 3D shapes
Basic Skills/Computation to Mastery
For this trimester: Origo Counting back 0, 1, and 2 / Basic Skills/Computation to Mastery
*YMW Contexts for Learning: Minilessons for Early Addition and Subtraction – Quick Images Ten-Frames / Basic Skills/Computation to Mastery
Continue practicing addition and subtraction facts. Can use YMW Contexts for Learning: Minilessons for Early Addition and Subtraction – From the Arithmetic Rack to Automatizing the Facts
Vocabulary / Vocabulary / Vocabulary
Assessment Plans
Timed test for counting back 0, 1, and 2 (not timed in 1st grade)
Notes and Missing Items
*YMW Contexts for Learning is also referred to as Young Mathematicians at Work. Contact your building Math Committee representative to help locate these materials in your building.
Replace “Classroom Routines” with Calendar Math.
Start Investigations within the first week of school.
Unit 1 – Many important concepts are introduced, but they will be revisited again in later units. Most of the games in Investigation 4 are covered again in Unit 3 - May want to skip or go through quickly.
P.E. 1.1.C Read aloud number 0 to 1,000 isn’t covered by Investigations. PE added to Unit 8 Investigations which covers numbers 1 to 120.

Sumner School District Fall 2010