Summit View Middle School

SBDM Council Meeting

October 22, 2013

In attendance: Katelyn Teke, Lori Young, Brian Murray, Heather Hollingsworth, Carole Benjamin, KC Ratliff, Beverly Flaherty. There was a quorum present.

Motion to Start:

Lori Young made a motion to call the meeting to order. Motion was seconded by Katelyn Teke and approved. Mrs. Ratliff called the meeting to order at 4:07PM.

Approval of Agenda:

Carole Benjamin made a motion to approve the agenda with additions (4a Minority Teacher member update; 7 Athletic Fundraiser; 9 CSIP School Safety Diagnostic). Motion was seconded by Beverly Flaherty and approved.

Approval of Minutes from last two meetings: 9/24/2013 and 9/27/2013

Katelyn Teke made a motion to approve the minutes from the 9/24/2013 Meeting as written. Motion was seconded by Lori Young and approved. Katelyn Teke made a motion to approve the minutes from the 9/27/2013 Special Called Meeting as written. Motion was seconded by Heather Hollingsworth and approved.

New Business:

a. Introductions of new 13-14 member: Beverly Flaherty. All members introduced themselves and welcomed the new member to SBDM Council.

b. Email Notification, Certificate of Distribution, and Proof of Receipt (Signature). Mrs. Ratliff obtained e-mail addresses from all members. The new council member will sign the Certificate of Distribution and Proof of Receipt form.

Old Business

a. Survey Monkey Results (Brian Murray)

Mr. Murray presented the results of the survey monkey that he sent out to staff. He had 33 responses to the survey. After much discussion, it was decided that 6th grade students still need agendas and 7th and 8th can purchase them or buy their own elsewhere. Carole Benjamin made a recommendation that Summit View Middle School purchase agendas for all 6th grade students and 7th and 8th grade will put on supply list, if needed, for student purchase.

Committee Minutes

Culture and Safety (meeting date October 8, 2013)

Curriculum and Instruction (meeting date 9/16/2013)

Planning (meeting date 9/16/2013)

Minutes from these committees were given to SBDM council for informational purposes.

PTSA News:

Katelyn Teke made a motion to approve PTSA Fundraisers for Red Ribbon Week (10/24/13 through October 30, 2013), Halloween Bash (10/25/13), Chick-Fil-A Calendar Sale (October 26, 2013), Quarter Auction (November 14, 2013), LaRosa’s Buddy Card Sale (November 8, 2013 through December 3, 2013). Motion was seconded by Beverly Flaherty and approved.

Athletic Fundraiser:

Brian Murray made a motion to approve the Athletic Fundraiser, Fundraising Express (November 9, 2013 through November 15, 2013). Motion was seconded by Katelyn Teke and approved.

Data of the month:

Mrs. Ratliff presented information on KPrep testing results. Information only.

Mrs. Ratliff presented CSIP with Gap goal update for 10/1/13. Information only.

Policy Information:

Mrs. Ratliff gave each member a signed copy of the Emergency Management Plan Policy which was approved (second reading) and signed September 27, 2013.

Mrs. Ratliff gave each member a copy of the School Safety Diagnostic.

Brian Murray made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the Summit View Middle School SBDM Council to go into closed session per KR561.810 (1) (c) for the purpose of hiring. Motion was seconded by Katelyn Teke and approved. The regular meeting was adjourned at 5:55PM.

Heather Hollingsworth made a motion to call the closed session to order at 5:56PM. Motion was seconded by Carole Benjamin and approved.

Katelyn Teke made a motion to come out of closed session. Motion was seconded by Brian Murray and approved. Council came out of closed session at 6:00.

Brian Murray made a motion to call the regular meeting of the Summit View SBDM Council to order. Motion was seconded by Beverly Flaherty and approved. The regular meeting was called to order at 6:01.

Next Meeting Items:

New By-law template

Bus Notes

Pass Program

Brian Murray made a motion to adjourn the regular meeting of the Summit View Middle School SBDM Council. Motion was seconded by Katelyn Teke and approved. Meeting was adjourned at 6:10PM.

Minutes recorded by:

Charleen SteinbornRead and Approved: ______
