•  see appendix for game ideas


•  Ephesians 2:8 - “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”

•  OBJECT LESSON “The Human Chair”

•  Have your students stand in a tight circle, shoulder to shoulder.

•  In unison, have them turn to the right so they are facing the back of the person directly in front of them.*
*If necessary, have everyone scoot in slightly so you’re all standing pretty close.

•  Have everyone hold the shoulders of the person in front of them.

•  On the count of three, have everyone sit (on the lap of the person standing behind them).**
**This needs to be done in unison or part of your circle will fall on the ground.

•  Practice until you’ve successfully completed the human chair and everyone is sitting and stable on someone else’s lap.


•  Ephesians 2:8 - “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”

•  By Grace

•  In the “Human Chair” game, the person behind you showed you GRACE by letting you sit on their lap and supporting you.

•  Jesus shows us even more grace.

•  He lived a perfect life

•  He died a sacrificial death, to pay for our sins

•  He rose from the dead to give us life

•  Through Faith

•  In the “Human Chair” game, the only way you experienced the “grace” that the person behind you was offering, was by having the FAITH to sit down.

•  Jesus offers us forgiveness and GRACE for our sins, now it is up to us to DECIDE if we want to have FAITH in Him and RECEIVE his forgiveness and GRACE.

•  Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

•  We are saved through FAITH in JESUS ONLY

•  We are NOT saved by:

•  Our parents being Christians

•  Church membership or attendance

•  Being a good person

•  Doing all the “right” things

•  Doing more good than bad

•  DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (can be done in Large Group or Small Groups)

•  Why do we need to be saved?

•  What are some things that the world says can save someone?

•  What does the bible say is the only way someone can be saved?

•  Once we are saved, should we keep the GOOD NEWS to ourselves?

•  What are some ways that we can share our FAITH with non-Christians?

•  How can we pray for our COUNTRY OF THE WEEK based on what we have talked about?