Miss. Connor

Summit Academy: English Language Arts

2015/16 Academic Year




Welcome to the English Language Arts portion of the Summit Academy! I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and is geared up and ready for an exhilarating school year! As you already know, name is Ms. Connor.


English Language Arts is designed to advance your proficiency in analytical reading of texts, development of critical thinking, writing, and communication skillsunder the Common Core learning standards. The literature component of the course offers an introduction to several genres, including novels, short stories, drama, non-fiction and primary sources, and poetry.

This course is designed to give you ample preparation for the New York State ELA Common Core Regents in June 2016.

Required Literature

There are three to four core texts that we will be studying this year. Each text will be thoroughly taught over a sufficient period of time and all major concepts and themes will be discussed at length in class. Although the reading is challenging, please fight the urge to cut corners by relying reading guides such as Sparknotes. What these guides lack is detail—exactly what you will need for analysis. Everyone is expected to read thoroughly in order to analyze the text.

The works of literature we will read this year include:

Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck

Othello, by William Shakespeare

To Kill a Mockingbird, by, Harper Lee

A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry

Throughout the participation of each required novel, we will gain an understanding of a number of literary elements; explore the various ways in which language is applied in the text; develop an awareness of characters, themes, and motifs; and most importantly, learn to become active, analytical, proficient readers.

Independent Reading & Current Events

In addition to the core literature in the classroom, everyone is expected to read on your own. The majority of work will be completed in the classroom which will minimize homework assignments. However, every week you will be responsible for reading ONE current events article and completing an article summary packet. This will allow you to stay engaged with global and national news while strengthening your reading, writing and summarizing skills. Article summaries may be completed at any point duringthe week, but the deadline will always be on Fridays. Failure to complete these will have grave consequences on your quarterly grades.

(Celebrity gossip does not count as legitimate news.)


Vocabulary units will be completed weekly. Units will be taken from grade appropriate workbooks as well as extracted from the texts of our core literature. Vocabulary skills are a very crucial component to a language arts course and must be taken seriously.

Writing Assignments and Portfolio Pieces

  • Classroom writing assignments will combine traditional, structured outlines with creative strategies to promote effective writing skills. Major writing assignments are completed over an extended period of time. These assignments require that you follow the writing process (prewriting, revising, feedback, editing and reflecting). The whole process from beginning to end will be a part of your final grade for the assignment. All assignments should be typed and follow the proper format.
  • Major written pieces will be kept in your portfolio throughout the course of the year. We will review it once in January as part of your mid-term assessment. We will have a final review of your portfolio in June as part of your final exam grade.

Writing items will include but are not limited to:

●Compare and Contrast Essay

●Narrative Essay

●Argumentative Essay

●Expository Essay

●Text Analysis & Thematic Interpretation Essay

●Current Event Summaries

●Journal Prompts

*Rubrics will illustrate specific requirements.

Grading Policy: The Grading Format below states the percentage that each area is worth when calculating your quarterly grade:

●Quizzes ……………………………………………… 15% of quarterly grade

●Class-work/Homework ……………………………. 20% of quarterly grade

●Tests/Projects/Writing Pieces……………………… 30% of quarterly grade

●Class Participation………………………………….. 35% of quarterly grade

The average of these scores will determine the outcome for each quarter.

Some points may be added or deducted for class participation, homework, and extra credit, but the majority of the grade will be based on the scores above.

YOU ARE EXPECTED TO COMPLETE ALL ASSIGNMENTS ON TIME!! In the event that you are absent or something personal arises that may cause you to turn in something late, it is your responsibility to see me about making up work.

Class Participation

Your class participation grade is based on your behavior and the level of effort you put into the class. This means coming to class on time, prepared, paying thoughtful attention throughout class, contributing during discussions and activities, and treating others in a respectful manner. THIS IS THE LARGEST PORTION OF YOUR QUARTERLY GRADE DISTRIBUTION. If you do not come to school or use class time wisely, your grade will suffer.

Required Supplies

One notebook and two folders have been provided they shall remain in the classroom everyday and will be used for ENGLISH ONLY!

Always come to class with pens and/or pencils

Fundamental Class Rules

These three rules are very important as they are the foundation for a considerate, cohesive, and interconnected classroom environment. I am very confident that we will all learn a great deal from one another and I look forward to a wonderful year together!

Contact Information

To reach me, please leave a message at Summit Academy Office

(914) 739-0682 x249 or email me at OR for Gmail,

Classroom Contract

This course description is to be thoroughly read and signed by the student and their permanent guardian. This document must remainwith the student for the duration of this 2015 / 2016 Academic school year.

I have read and fully understand the guidelines and expectations outlined above and in the previous pages.


Student Signature Parent / Guardian Signature
