Summer Training – Useful Information

1)The BEST source of information for your cadet is -other cadets! Talk to cadets who attended the same camp last year.

2)Information – when available, will be posted on the website under the SUMMER TRAINING tab.

3)Please read the Joining Instructions for your location carefully. Check the website for any updates during the summer.

4)Contrary to previous years, cadets are required to provide their own shorts for routine physical activities. These are to be mid-thigh in length, and in black, dark blue or grey only. (Inexpensive, appropriate athletic shorts have been found previously at WalMart, in the boys or menssection. These are good for females as well.)

5)Please follow the kit list as closely as possible. (Again – speak to other cadets for advice.)Summer kit is no longer distributed at the squadron. If you received blue t-shirts and a camp hat with your uniform, you may bring those with you.

6)Bring 2 pairs of running shoes – in case 1 pair gets wet.

7)Do not bring Aerosol – type sunscreen, lotion only.

8)Cadets usually depart from ASU Toronto, 1 Yukon Lane (near Dufferin and Sheppard) on Sunday before camp. Exact departure location and times will be provided with your Travel Itinerary – when available. Departure times may be as early as 08:00. Travel itineraries are usually available at least a week prior to departure. Itineraries will be emailed to the address that you provided on your registration formin September. Information will also be posted on the website – once available.

9)Return transportation times are often not provided until after camp has started. Again, information will be posted on the website, when available.

10)Graduation parade times are included in the Joining instructions. Parents may arrange to pick up their cadets after the parade – please indicate on the Cadet Transportation Form. Otherwise, cadets will be transported back to ASU Toronto either later that day, or the next day, depending on the location of the CSTC.

11)All CSTCs have a Facebook page and a Twitter feed. Parents may enjoy following the camp activities. Any changes to the graduation parade times would be posted there as well. Some sites are already posting info about the 2017 CTC.

12)On departure day:

  1. Cadets must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to departure time.
  2. Cadet will wear C2B – Summer uniform to travel to camp. If travelling by air – full uniform is required (see Joining Instructions for specifics).
  3. Bring the Signed Offer of Participation, Health Card, Cadet Transportation Form, and all other forms as indicated in the Joining Instructions.
  4. Bring a water bottle and eat a healthy meal before leaving home.