Code:PHAM 1034School: Medway School of Pharmacy

Course Title: Putting Prescribing into Practice

Course Coordinator: Trudy Thomas

Level: MCredit: 15ECTS Points: 7.5

Department: N/APre-requisites: None


This final course considers monitoring of patients against targets set within the clinical management plan and what to do if changes to the management plan are indicated. It also considers compliance and concordance issues in relation to non-medical prescribing. It also looks at the potential influences on prescribing and how these can be addressed.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this course the student will have demonstrated:

  1. A conceptual understanding of the principles and methods of monitoring patient response to prescribed treatment and managing change within the clinical management plan including communication and negotiation with others involved in the patient’s care
  2. Critical insight into the influences on patient compliance and how principles of concordance can be embedded into patient consultations
  3. A comprehensive understanding of how to recognise, evaluate and respond to influences on prescribing practice at individual, local and national levels.


Monitoring and assessment

  • Principles and methods of patient monitoring
  • Chemical and biochemical methods for monitoring the treatment of the conditions for which the health care professional may prescribe
  • Working knowledge of any monitoring equipment used within the context of patient care
  • Assessing responses to treatment against the objectives of the clinical management plan

Patient compliance and concordance

Influences on prescribing

  • Colleagues
  • The Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Patients
  • Interface between multiple prescribers and the management of potential conflict

Includes 12 days practice supervised by designated medical practitioner

Learning and Teaching Activities:

The course will be delivered primarily by distance learning which will include critical reading of key papers, analysis of case studies, reflective learning and critical evaluation. In addition contact time will include peer discussions, workshop activities and role play.

Assessment Details:

Methods of Assessment / LOs Assessed / Weighting % / MinimumPass Mark / Words Length / Outline Details
Portfolio narrative with Reflective Portfolio Entries / 1,2,3 / 100% / Pass / 2,000 max narrative supported by a number of portfolio entries- no limit on word count on the latter / Students will be asked to write a
narrative demonstrating that all
three learning outcomes
have been achieved. The narrative
will map the 9 over-
arching competencies against
the selected portfolio entries (one
entry can map against several
competencies). The
portfolio entries will be signed by
the designated medical
practitioner within the 12 days
of supervised practice.
Pass/Fail based on demonstration
of competency- not graded

Indicative Texts:

All background reading will be provided to the student within the course materials. In addition on line texts will also be available though the issue of individual student passwords. The latest edition of the British National Formulary or Nurse Prescribing Formulary published by the RPSGB& the BMA (two editions annually March and September) is an essential reference source for this course.

Oct 2007