June 2017
Summer term and transition from The Richard Clarke First School
Dear parent/carer,
During next halfterm, there are many special events and activities for Year 4 children to help prepare them for transfer to middle school and to commemorate their time with us. I felt it would be beneficial for you to have these diary dates so you can easily keep track of what is happening - and when!If your child is not going to Oldfields, then please advise me as soon as possible if you have not already done so. I will also need to know if your child has alternative transition dates planned for their new school so I can write these into my diary.
Friday, 8th JuneDeadline for receipt of friendship choices for middle school
Monday, 11th – Wednesday, 13thJuneMaths transfer tests for middle schools
Tuesday, 12thJuneSports Day (weather permitting)
Monday, 18th JuneOldfields Hall Middle School – first visit. During this visit, children will have the opportunity to learn about the history of OHMS and take part in some sample lessons. School lunchesare availableand children are encouraged to try one as the food offer is different to our school. We will send details with regards to payment in due course.
Thursday, 21st JuneSpelling, punctuation and grammar transfer tests for middle schools
Monday, 25th JuneTrip to Goat Lodge
Friday, 29th JuneEnd of year reports out
Monday, 2ndJulyPost-report parent open evening – feel free to drop in on this date to discuss any aspect of your child, including transition
Wednesday, 4th – Thursday, 5th JulyY4 transition days at Oldfields Hall Middle School. Children will need to take their ‘chatterboxes’ with them (further information to follow). In the morning they will meet their new form teacher, classmates and visit the school.Transport is paid for by OHMS but children should arrive at Richard Clarke as usual in the morning.
Friday, 6thJulySummer Fair (3:30pm); Year 4 children are invited to run stalls. Details to follow.
Tuesday, 10th JulySummer Term Design Technology Project day
Wednesday, 18th JulyY4Leavers’ performance Dress Rehearsal for Y3 (2pm)
Thursday, 19th JulyY4 Leavers’ performance for parents/carers/families and the rest of the school (9.30am)
Evening: The Richards.Awards ceremony, entertainment and buffet. Dress to impress; details to follow
Friday, 20thJulyFilm and games day. Children leave The Richard Clarke First School ready for their next adventure!
Moving to a new school can be an anxious time for the children so they need lots of reassurance that everything will be fine. We are here to support this process for you and your children! Please be assured that in addition to events involving the children, I will also be attending multiple meetings at Oldfieldsto discuss transition for individuals. Teachers from Oldfields Hall Middle School will be visiting our class to see learning and talk to me directly.
This is an extremely busy half term for Year 4 so we look forward to your support. Please be aware that there may be additional dates confirmed in due course but these will be communicated to you as required. May I also recommend children have their PE kits in school every day during summer as we are likely to have additional sports day practises and/or outdoor PE and games sessions during fine weather.
Because children will be completing a ‘Chatterbox’ at home (details to follow), preparing summer fair stalls/activities and preparing their act for the leavers performance, written home learning is now finished for this year. However, please continue to read daily (all children continue to have a book from school) and practise times tables through the Times Tables Rock Stars app/website, which we continue to monitor in school.
Please do not hesitate to come in and ask if you need any further information!
Kind regards,
D. Hindhaugh (Mr)
Assistant Headteacher