Author: / Pc WhittakerDate: / 10/05/2012
Location: / Network Rail Office, Lime Street Station
Kay Whittaker- Chair BTP – NPT City Team
Mick Connor BTP – NPT City Team
Michael Winkler London Midland
Tony Caslin Virgin Trains
Mark Mcnulty Northern Rail
Rebecca Taylor Halton Council
Simon Ashworth Northern Rail
Russell Ainslie Whitechapel Centre
Billy Kimm Northern Rail
Keith Millard Virgin Trains
Eoin Brunton Virgin Trains
Stella King Merseyrail
Lee Phillips Merseyrail
Dave Stinson Northern Rail
KW - Welcome all attendees and apologies given. Introductions.
Problems that had arisen from last meeting were discussed and previous set actions were discussed.
KW - Discussed the ongoing issues regarding the street drinkers/homeless who aggressively beg in and around Lime Street Station.
RA - Russell expressed concerns regarding the safety of street drinkers, the dangers of drinking on the streets and the associated risk of groups of youths targeting them. Merseyside Police are currently investigating some of these recent incidents/assaults. He has handed out leaflets to groups of street drinkers over the last few weeks warning them of the dangers. Russell advises that these groups are not or, do not need, to be homeless, a lot of effort is being used assist them with finding accommodation. Links with Anne Doyle, Liverpool City Council, Homeless Liaison Officer are constant. The problem seems to be they have nowhere to go or socialise whilst drinking. The concept of ‘wet’ tent was discussed.
KW - Advised Russell that the team regularly attended certain social events and, as a team, we engage with the homeless/street drinkers on various levels. It was suggested that the team could attend the ‘Basement’ and ‘Sisters of Mercy’ projects to attempt to understand the problems of the drinkers/homeless. This in turn may help the team to advise the homeless of available accommodation and assistance with other problems. It was however stated that enforcement action was necessary and the City NPT Team is currently liaising with Merseyside Police to share intelligence with the option of applying for ASBO’s/CRASBO’s.
ACTION - To continue to work towards reducing the number of homeless persons engaged with anti social behaviour at Lime Street and, to work towards CRASBO applications were appropriate. To attend a Multi agency meeting at Millennium House regarding street drinkers and associated issues– Tuesday 15th May 2012
KW - Discussed the previous success of the on board train surgeries designed to both increase community intelligence and engagement with members of the public. It was also stated that a PCSO is now assigned as a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to each of the train operating companies; this in turn will help to facilitate communication between multiple agencies. MW – stated that he was very pleased with this arrangement and the system has already proofed its worth. KM and MMc - Also agreed that this new practice is working well.
KW – Discussed the historical problems regarding anti social behaviour incidents at Runcorn Rail Station. KM and TC - Both state that the problems have quietened down a lot, however, it was agreed that generally large numbers of youths tend to travel from this station on the last day of term and on bank holiday.
ACTION- NPT Team to adopt a patrol strategy incorporating Runcorn Station towards at key times.
RT - Rebecca from Halton Council raised concerns regarding a breach in the railway fence in the Runcorn area. This breach is next to car park separating the railway from a small Children’s park.
ACTION- KM - Made a note to contact Network Rail for repair
RT - Advised she had liaised with PCSO Merrie regarding setting up with CRUCIAL CREW event in Halton.
ACTION - PCSO MERRIE to contact Rebecca Taylor with a view to arranging some local police-school initiatives in the Widnes area.
KW - Discussed several reported problems arising at Widnes, this includes criminal damage, assault, stone-throwing, theft. RT - Advises there is a planned multi agency transport meeting in June which covers the Widnes areas. She is in contact with numerous agencies regarding anti-social behaviour within the borough. This meeting may prove to be a useful forum to discuss the above issues.
ACTION - NPT Team to implement a patrol strategy at Widnes Station and to attend the Transport Meeting in June.
SA - Thanked the team for their assistance with various Northern Rail led planned revenue ticket checks. SA – Also talked about the term time school scholar ticket scheme, which would be starting in September. This initiative is led by Dave Wilkinson.
KW - Discussed the recent increase in bike thefts from stations within the ‘City Sector’. A suspect suspected of theft of pedal cycle has now been arrested. A further 2 suspects have also been identified. KW stated that the team is now looking at implanting a strategy to reduce theft of cycles.
ACTION- To look at crime prevention initiatives and enforcement action designed to counteract the recent spate of theft of pedal cycles from Liverpool South Parkway.
KM – Raised concern regarding the potential of an increase in incidents of Anti Social Behaviour at Lime Street Station due to the station being open 24hrs day (but for one hour for cleaning) throughout the Olympic period. This is due to additional trains running.
KW - Advised Mark that, where ever possible, officers would patrol the station throughout the night to deter offences.
The meeting will be held on the Wednesday 11th July 2012 at 10.00 hours.
The meeting was then concluded.
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