Summer Semester 2010/11 Equity Bursary


Closing Date: Tuesday 19 October 2010

The Faculty of Law is committed to increasing the participation and success rates of students from equity groups. To reflect this, the School of Law and the School of Justice Studies have implemented the Law Summer Semester Equity Bursary Scheme. The scheme will fund financially and/or socially disadvantaged students to undertake a summer semester unit offered by the Faculty of Law.

To be eligible you need to be:

  • an undergraduate student studying in the Faculty of Law
  • an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • an enrolled student (full or part time) as at 31 August 2010 in a Faculty of Law undergraduate course or associated double degree
  • a first time tertiary student, or if not a first time tertiary student, able to verify exceptional personal reasons for not completing your previous tertiary study
  • willing to provide supporting documentation to demonstrate you are experiencing financial and/or social hardship

If you answered ‘YES’ to all the above, you may be eligible for this bursary. Please read the following information and complete the application form, including certified copies of all your supporting documents (please do not provide originals as we are unable to return them).

Who do I contact for further information?

Wendy Cusack, Law Equity Officer

Tel: 07 3138 1003

Please mark applications:


Mail or deliver to:
QUTSchool of Law
Student Reception
Level 4, C Block
Gardens Point Campus / Email:
Wendy Cusack
Law Equity Officer

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the aim of the bursary scheme?

The bursary scheme aims to assist students who, due to financial and/or social circumstances,

  • have experienced difficulty undertaking a full semester load; and/or
  • need to accelerate their studies.

The bursary will enable students to undertake a summer semester law or justice studies unit. Students who have already successfully completed more than 192 credit points are particularly encouraged to apply.

How many bursaries are available?

The Faculty of Lawwill award a maximum of 4 bursaries -

  • 2 bursaries for students enrolled in the School of Law who meet the above eligibility requirements;
  • 1 bursary for a student enrolled in the School of Justice Studies who meets the above eligibility requirements; and
  • 1 bursary for an Indigenous student enrolled in the Faculty of Law who meets the above eligibility requirements.

Each School reserves the right not to award a bursary if there are no eligible applicants.

What is the value of a bursary?

A bursary is the equivalent value of the full-fee cost of a law or justice studies summer semester unit.

How is the bursary paid?

The Faculty will arrange for the tuition fees to be paid directly to the university after the Summer Semester Census date, once enrolment in the summer semester unit has been confirmed.

What summer semester units can the bursary be used for?

The bursary can be used for any of the 2010/11 summer semester units being offered by the Faculty of Law.

What grade must be achieved in the summer semester unit?

Students are expected to complete the unit with a grade of 4 or above. If a student withdraws, cancels or fails the summer semester unit without reasonable cause, the student may be asked to repay the bursary amount.

Where can I obtain a copy of the bursary application form?

Applications are available from the Law School Student Reception (Level 4, C Block, GP) or http://www.law.qut.edu.au/study/forms.jsp

When do applications close?

Applications close on Tuesday 19 October 2010. Successful applicants will be notified by Thursday 28 October 2010.

Who makes the decision on awarding the bursaries?

A selection panel comprising the Law Equity Chair (or nominee) and representatives from the School of Law or the School of Justice Studies and the QUT Equity Section or Oodgeroo Unit will rank the applications having regard to the information supplied in the application forms. The Selection Panel make a recommendation to the appropriate Heads of School, who will make a final decision on the bursary recipient.

all information will be treated confidentially

Faculty of Law Equity Bursaries

Summer Semester 2010/11

Section 1: Personal Details

QUT Student ID Number:......

Family Name:......

Given Name: ......

Postal Address:......


Suburb/Town/City:...... Postcode: ......

Contact telephone/mobile no:......

Email address:......

Course Name:......

Course Code: ...... Please tick ()  Male  Female

Proposed Summer Semester Unit/s (unit code and name): ......


Are you an Australian citizen or permanent resident? /  Yes  No
Did you enter QUT through the Q-Step Program? /  Yes  No
Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person? /  Yes  No
Have you received a Commonwealth Scholarship? /  Yes  No
Have you received any other scholarship, bursary or financial assistance from QUT, the Faculty of Law or any other QUT faculty? (e.g. QUT Equity Scholarship)
If YES, please provide details:
………………………..:……………………………………… .……………………………………………………………….. /  Yes  No
Is this the first time you have enrolled at any university? If you have studies at university before, please provide course details and the reason for not completing your previous attempt at tertiary study: …………………………
………………………………………………………………… /  Yes  No

Section 2: Financial Details – ALL applicants must complete

Please answer the following questions and provide documentary evidence which supports and substantiates your claim of financial disadvantage. If you are unsure of your income or expenses, please provide your best estimate.

1. Do you personally receive any of the following? Please tick all that apply. Where applicable, provide a copy of a recent Annual Income Statement from Centrelink and/or a copy of your Health Care Card)

Youth Allowance
Health Care Card
Aged Pension
Parenting Payment
Newstart / Disability Support Pension
Financial support from family
Wage (paid full-time employment)*
Wage (paid part-time employment)*
* If working, what is your usual occupation?
* How many hours do you work per week? ______

2. What is your annual gross (i.e. before tax) income? $______

3. What of the following best describes your current family/individual situation?

Single - living at home and supported financially by family*

Single - living at home but financially independent

Single - living away from home and supported financially by family

Single - living away from home and financially independent

Sole parent/carer**
Partnered, no dependants
Other (please specify) ______/ Partnered, with dependants*
Carer (Please specify) ______

* If supported by parent/partners, how many dependents (under 18) do they support: ___

** Number of dependents (under 18) you support: ______

4. Please show the breakdown of your average FORTNIGHTLY income during semester. If partnered, please provide combined income. (Estimations are acceptable however you must provideevidence for your calculations)

Individual Income OR Combined Income with partner

Centrelink (e.g.Youth Allowance/Pension): $______/fortnight

Paid Employment: $______/fortnight

Assistance from family (e.g. allowance, board): $______/fortnight

Child Support: $______/fortnight

Scholarship/ Grant (Please circle): $______/fortnight

Other (Please specify): $______/fortnight

Total $ /fortnight

5. What are your average FORTNIGHTLY expenses during semester? If partnered, please provide combined expenses.

Individual expenses OR Combined expenses with partner

Rent/ board/ mortgage: (circle one) $______/fortnight

Food/ groceries: $______/fortnight

Transport: $______/fortnight

Car (Ins/rego): $______/fortnight

Utilities (gas/electricity/phone/internet): $______/fortnight

Childcare/child expenses: $______/fortnight

Loan repayments: $______/fortnight

Medical expenses: $______/fortnight

School fees: $______/fortnight

Incidentals/other: $______/fortnight

Course-related expenses: (based on course$______/fortnight
requirements such as texts, materials,

equipment, etc)

Total $ /fortnight

Section 3: Responsibility for others

If you do NOT have responsibility for others go to Section 4.

  1. How many children under 18 years old do you support/care for? ______
  2. What are their ages? ______
  3. Please tick the box which best describes your situation most of the time:

I am a Sole Parent/Carer, caring for my children about 100% of the time

I am in a shared care situation, estimated percentage of the time spent caring for my children ______%

Other dependants: (Please provide brief details and documentary evidence)

  1. Do you have dependants other than children and what level of care do they require? (e.g. an elderly parent or sibling who lives-in or requires part-time care)

Special needs

  1. Please comment if any of your dependants have special needs and their impact on your capacity to give time and attention to your studies.


1. Please indicate if any of the following circumstances, either past or present, have had had a negative impact on your life and capacity to give time and attention to your studies.

Personal medical condition or disability
From a rural or isolated area
Difficult or disrupted family circumstances
Language background other than English
Refugee. Year of arrival in Australia: ____
Other: ______

Please advise about the impact of the above circumstances on your life and studies (e.g. if they lasted a long time or are particularly severe).


  1. Please provide a brief statement (250 words or less) outlining how the summer semester bursary will benefit you, especially in terms of the aims of the bursary scheme.


I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information I have provided is complete and correct. I am aware of the conditions of the bursary and I understand that decision of the Head of School is final.

Signature: ...... Date: ......

Closing Date: Tuesday 19 October 2010


Mail or deliver to:
QUTSchool of Law
Student Reception
Level 4, C Block
Gardens Point Campus / Email:
Wendy Cusack
Law Equity Officer

For Further information contact

Wendy Cusack, Law Equity Officer

tel: 07 3138 1003 Email: